Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1596: Fengluo Lenggong

Ah Zhu only hates that there is no regret about taking medicine in this world, otherwise he knows that there is no good thing in her mouth, why would he still ask and listen?

When Song Qingshu saw A Ziyue saying that she had crossed the fire, she sealed her dumb acupoint: "This way you will stop."

A Zi's eyes kept blinking, as if talking, full of pleading, but Song Qingshu didn't move at all and turned directly to A Zhu: "Sister-in-law, don't take her nonsense to heart."

Ah Zhu's face flushed, thinking about what else I could do, so he gave a vague "um".

After this episode, Song Qingshu has already brought the sisters to the destination. This time he did not choose the place where A Zhu was before. After all, he was not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, lest Xiao Yuanshan came to the door again.

"You two sisters will live in this palace, and tomorrow I will transfer the maids and eunuchs to you." Song Qingshu let go of the two girls and at the same time unlocked Ah Zi's dumb acupoints, "You will stay with your sister during this time. By my side, I am inseparable from her, so I can imitate any details clearly."

Azi pouted: "Inseparable? Then what should I do if I want to make friends with my master?"

Song Qingshu wiped his cold sweat secretly, and seeing A Zhu's eyes abducting a minor-adult, he really felt like he couldn't cleanse after jumping into the Yellow River.

Before he could answer, Azi said first: "Ah, I think about it. I will just let my sister look at me by the time. I don't mind anyway."

Azhu: "???"

Song Qingshu: "???"

Ah Zhu finally couldn't stand her anymore: "Does this have anything to do with you? If you are a girl, why are you so shameless?"

"What's so bad about this? Girls with us will take the initiative to express love to the guy they like." A Zi took it for granted.

Ah Zhu then remembered that she grew up in the remote sea of ​​stars, where it can be said that it is already a nomadic area. Naturally, it will be contaminated with the habits of some grassland peoples, and for a while, she can't help but feel softened.

"Uh, let's get acquainted here first, I have to leave beforehand, and I will see you tomorrow." Looking at the pair of sisters with different personalities-Hua, Song Qingshu wisely decided to get out.

"Then you have to come early tomorrow~" Azi knew that he couldn't keep him tonight, so she could only blink her eyes and looked at him aggrievedly.

Contrary to her expectations, Ah Zhu, who was on the side, prayed in his heart that he would never come again.

"I will try my best~" Song Qingshu pulled Azi aside and secretly warned, "You have to be smart and don't be held back by your sister like you did before. You two look like this, in case she pretends to be you again. , I may not be as lucky as today to be able to tell the difference."

"I know, I know, today is just an accident!" Azi was obviously very upset that the boat was capsized in the gutter today, but she recalled what the other party said, and suddenly her eyes rolled, "The master knew from the beginning that it was my sister who was pretending to be me. Did you take the opportunity to be fair and take a lot of advantage on her?"

Song Qingshu had a black line: "What nonsense, I only found out later... If it's OK, don't talk about it. The main reason is that I have to agree on some secret codes with you in private, so that I can't tell if you are pretended to be by her. "

Azi smiled and said, "What is a good agreement? You can make a difference on your body. I will not resist any violations by the master. My sister is obviously different."

Song Qingshu was taken aback. It was indeed the best way to distinguish. He noticed A Zi's quizzical look. It was because he was thick-skinned and could not hold it back: "Anyway, you are a little clever." After speaking, he hurriedly left.

After going far away, Song Qingshu quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "This little Nizi is really a demon."

Thinking of her deliberately mentioning the picture of the two sisters together every time, he felt his nose hot, and hurriedly reduced his mind: "Amitabha, sins and sins!"

Knowing that if you think about it, you might be tempted to go back. That would really make a big mistake. Song Qingshu chanted the Pure Heart Charity Mantra several times silently, feeling the turbulent mood calmed down, and then walked to the concubine Hui's bedroom.

Originally, he was planning to ask Shen Bijun to explain some things, but was interrupted by Xiao Yuanshan, so he could only deal with them first. Now that he is free, he can't forget the agreement with Shen Bijun.

Moreover, since Song Qingshu left, Shen Bijun sat in the palace in a daze. The whole incident made her dream. She never thought that Zhao Weiyi, whom she relied on, was the same person as Song Qingshu, who was well-known in the world. She was surprised and a little frightened. I don't know what fate I will face next.

It was late at night. After all, Shen Bijun was still a little unbearable, so she returned to the bed and quilt, because thinking about meeting someone later, she would not take off her clothes carelessly, just lying on the bed with her clothes.

"If he is Song Qingshu, then who is it that the Wei Palace saw before?"

"It's no wonder that Song Qingshu asked me to rely on Zhao Weiyi. I think they are in the same group. It's really annoying. I was kept in the dark. They should be watching my jokes at that time."

"I don't know if he said that he was entrusted by my father on his deathbed before, is it true? Will he take revenge for me?"

"My dad entrusted me to him... I don't know if there is any other meaning..."

Shen Bijun was lying on the bed with various thoughts, but after all he couldn't hold back his deep sleepiness, and gradually fell asleep.

When Song Qingshu came over, he naturally wouldn't disturb the maids outside, and quietly touched her bedroom, just to see Haitang spring sleeping.

Long hair is like a waterfall, snowy skin is like fat, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, naturally forming a sweet smile, but the slightly frowned moonbrows in her sleep reveal her sadness.

The pink jade lips should emit a moist glow under the candle light, just as the most tender petals are stained with dew in the morning, people can't help but want to kiss them just by looking at them.

Worthy of being the No. 1 beauty in martial arts in the world of "Cutting the Deer Knife"! Song Qingshu was accustomed to seeing her beauty, and still had to be amazed by her perfect face. No wonder she became famous at a young age in this world and was appointed as the prince princess. If that prince had met her with his own eyes, he would never have been so easily. Abandoning her, can only say that he does not have the blessing to have such a beauty of disaster level.

"Yeah~" Shen Bijun didn't know what he was dreaming, and he let out an unusually sweet and greasy dream. Song Qingshu was originally made hot and dry by Sister Azi. Hearing this whisper, he almost made his mind fall.

Knowing that he might not be able to turn into a werewolf if he continued like this, Song Qingshu hurriedly coughed and made a deliberate noise.

"Who?" Shen Bijun had a string in his mind during this period of time. He woke up instantly when he heard the movement. When he saw a man standing next to the bed, he hurriedly shrank back to the corner of the wall with horror on his face.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hands helplessly: "Am I so scary?"

Only then did Shen Bijun see his appearance clearly, and he was relieved instantly, showing an embarrassed expression: "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you just now."

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