Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1597: Fengluo Lenggong

"It's okay..." Song Qingshu comforted her a few words. After all, anyone who wakes up in the middle of the night and finds someone on the side of the bed, not being scared and screaming is considered to be of good psychological quality.

"Have you done your business?" Shen Bijun remembered, but felt that it was indecent to uncover the quilt. Although she was still wearing clothes underneath, it seemed too rude if she stayed in the quilt for many years. Education has never taught how to face this kind of situation, and I can't help but get entangled for a while.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and then realized that she was referring to dealing with Xiao Yuanshan Azhu's affairs, and couldn't help but smile: "It's done."

Noting her awkward and hesitant expression, Song Qingshu said thoughtfully: "You don't need to get up, let's just say that."

"Yeah~" Shen Bijun nodded gratefully, thinking that he was really attentive, and at the same time secretly looked at the golden snake king who has long heard of the famous name.

"Is there a flower on my face?" Song Qingshu laughed blankly when she saw her tentatively looking at herself.

"Huh?" Shen Bijun was instantly ashamed, "I...I'm just a little curious."

"Actually, you don't need to be so restrained. We've been together for so long before anyhow." Song Qingshu sat down on the bedside, in a posture that he didn't regard himself as an outsider.

Shen Bijun quietly glanced at the bedside, but did not stop speaking, savoring the meaning of the other party's words, she couldn't help but open her eyes wide: "Are you really Zhao Weiyi?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and began to imitate Zhao Weiyi's voice again: "Before I had something to do, I couldn't identify myself. I hope Miss Shen forgive me."

"It's really you," Shen Bijun had no doubts after hearing the familiar voice, "the one I saw at the Wei Palace that day..."

Song Qingshu instantly understood what she was asking, and explained with a smile: "That's a joke made by one of my companions. I hope Miss will not mind."

"Why would I mind?" Shen Bijun pursed his lips. "You don't have to say something like a young lady, just call me Bijun."

Song Qingshu was taken aback. To know that in this world, especially for women from the Song Dynasty, the names of their boudoirs are generally known only by those closest to them. If they agree to directly address their boudoirs, it is obviously related to a certain degree. White brush: "Well, Bijun doesn't need to have a son, you can call me Brother Song in the future."

"Well, Brother Song~" Shen Bijun's voice was like a mosquito, and a blush appeared on her face. She was also surprised that when she was with Zhao Weiyi, she obviously wouldn't be like this. Why is this person still this person? Give me a different identity. Feel different?

"This period of time has made you scared and scared, because I can't make my birth, so I have never come to you." Song Qingshu is a little apologetic. A little girl of hers has experienced the great change of falling dust from the clouds, the family is destroyed, and a weak woman is here. The palace is unaccompanied, and I don't know how much panic and fear he has experienced during this period.

"I am very happy to be able to see you at the end." As the two of them talked, Shen Bijun has slowly calmed down, especially since the tone of the other person's voice is no different from that of Zhao Weiyi before, making her more comfortable.

But as soon as she said this sentence, she regretted it, because it sounded like a spoiled lover...

Of course Song Qingshu would not think too much: "I came to you this time because I have something to tell you."

"Explain..." Hearing these two words, Shen Bijun felt a little in his heart. Not only was she unparalleled in beauty, she was also a talented woman well-known far and wide. Naturally, she was Bingxue and smart. From these two words, she could hear the meaning of parting from each other.

(Note: The name of the chapter in the previous chapter is wrong, it should be Begonia Spring Sleep, this chapter is Fengluo Lenggong)

Noting the gloom on her face, Song Qingshu naturally understood what was going on, and then explained: "I'm really sorry, it's not the time to save you right now, I hope Jun Bi will understand."

Shen Bijun smiled reluctantly: "The situation will not get worse anyway, what does it matter if you don't understand it."

Song Qingshu knew that she had misunderstood: "The situation is not as bad as you thought. I just want you to stay in the palace for a while, and I will come back to pick you up in a few months."

"Are you here to pick me up?" Hearing these words, Shen Bijun's face blushed slightly. How did she feel that it was something an expeditionary husband said to his wife, but this feeling did not disgust her, on the contrary, there was an inexplicable warmth. .

Suddenly she thought of something and hurriedly said: "Could you take me out of the palace first? I can find a small house to settle down and wait for you there."

To say such a thing is already extremely bold for her, because to some extent it also represents a promise that it is self-evident that a woman is willing to wait for a man to come back to pick her up.

The experience during this period of time made her understand that a weak woman in troubled times does not have any ability to protect herself. Allure’s appearance will not bring her any happiness, but will only bring her endless disasters-unless she can find one.

A strong enough man to rely on. Originally, she could choose Xiao Shiilang completely, but she didn't know why, she would think of the luthier who shared her troubles from time to time, the man entrusted by her father before his death.

Now that she knows that the man she has never forgotten is Song Qingshu, who is famous in the world, she was shocked and full of surprises. After all, she had never heard of this legend in her deep boudoir, but at that time she just regarded him as a myth. The character did not expect to overlap with the man in reality, so a different kind of sentiment arose.

But to say that there is not much love in it, a more appropriate description should be a kind of worship, a kind of attachment, and gratitude for life-saving grace.

Hearing her request, Song Qingshu frowned and shook his head: "No, it's not safe outside the palace." He didn't say too clearly, worried that she would be embarrassed. After all, she has no self-preservation because of her such an overwhelming appearance. Power, it is easy to attract all kinds of mad bees, butterflies, dudes and the like outside, how can you safely wait until you come to pick her up?

Who knew that Shen Bijun hurriedly said: "It's even more insecure in the palace!"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, looked at her with an unspeakable expression, and suddenly laughed: "Are you worried about Yelu Hongji."

"Well," Shen Bijun said slightly, "I was helped by you last time, but if he comes back after you left, what can I do?" Before, she had no choice but to avenge the Shen family. She could only be wronged. She entered the palace as a concubine, but now she met Song Qingshu, how could she commit herself to Yelu Hongji?

"Don't worry, now Yelu Hongji will not come to you again," Song Qingshu explained with a smile, "Moreover, now that Yelu Yixin rebels, you are recommended by Xiao Xiamo of Yelu Yixin's line again, so naturally If you are implicated, the edict that put you in the cold palace will come down in two days."

"Leng Gong?" Shen Bijun's delicate face showed a hint of panic. Although she is not a real imperial concubine, the place of Leng Gong is an unknown place for any woman.

"Don't worry, it's only temporary, and mainly to protect you." Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted.

Shen Bijun gradually calmed down, because it was better to think of a barren cold palace than to be frightened in the harem: "But... if Yelu Hongji is on a whim and calls me... what should I do if I am a prince?" She almost became a prince. The concubine's people have naturally seen these harem biographies in the past dynasties. Although the number is small, there are also concubines who have come back after being beaten into the cold palace. She is worried that Yelu Hongji will come to her again. After all, she knows how bad her appearance is.


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