Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 158: Two stunts in the world

Chapter 158 Two Great Skills in the World

"Uh~" Song Qingshu realized what he called while lying down and shot, but the scene that Ling Huchong just described appeared in his mind, which seemed not bad...

Invincible in the East didn't sound so good, and his face was swollen red, suddenly the red figure flickered, and the embroidery needle rushed towards Linghu. Linghu Chong said the previous remarks in order to provoke her anger, but when she saw her sleeves were slightly swinging, he immediately swiped her throat with a sharp sword. This sword stabbed extremely fast, and it seemed to outsiders that the East was undefeated as if he had hit the tip of the sword. But at this moment, Ling Huchong only felt a slight pain in his left cheek, and swung away the sword in his hand to the left.

It turned out that Dongfang's unbeaten shot was incredible. In this flash of lightning, Linghu Chong’s face was stabbed with a needle, but because of the old illness, his figure was still a bit slower than usual. When the needle went down, Linghu Chong was dead, but he was seriously injured, so he had to retract his arm and blocked Linghu Chong's sword with a needle.

"Dugu Nine Swords that will be saved by attacking the enemy...What is your relationship with Feng Qingyang?" Dongfang Unbeaten asked while tidying up his clothes.

"Linghu Chong in Xiahua Mountain, today I want to avenge Master Feng Taishi." Linghu Chong was shocked, knowing that he had encountered a powerful enemy he had never seen in his life. As long as he gave the opponent free time to use his hands and feet, his life would not be guaranteed immediately. Brushing the four swords, all pointing to the other side's vitals.

"Feng Qingyang is not our opponent yet, what effect can your half-hearted Dugu Nine Swords do?" Dongfang Invincible sneered, flicking to the left, flicking to the right, flicking up, flicking up, and sprinting Linghu. All of the four swords were pushed aside. Linghu Chong watched her move. The embroidery needle shifted around, and there was no flaw in her whole body. At this time, she would never be allowed to stab her back. He immediately shouted, and the sword slashed straight. Dongfang Undefeated's right thumb and index finger held the embroidery needle, and with a stroke upwards, blocking the incoming sword, the long sword could not be cut down.

Linghu Chong's arm felt a little sore, but when the red shadow flashed, something seemed to poke his left eye. At this moment, it's too late to block or dodge, thinking I'm going to die. Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian saw that the situation was wrong, a long sword, a soft whip, and at the same time they stepped forward and flanked. Dongfang's undefeated brow furrowed, and he had to resort to defense.

The three masters of the world have joined forces to fight, how powerful is the momentum, but the East is invincible with **** holding an embroidery needle, piercing between the three of them, retreating like electricity, and there is no half of the defeat.

The three of them attacked fiercely, stab them all the way to the East Undefeated. But her body is like a ghost, like a charm, coming and going, just like a light smoke. The three swords and whips are always a few inches away from her.

Suddenly, I heard Xiang Wentian's "Ah" cry, followed by Linghu Chong's "Hey", and the two were shot in succession. Although Ren Woxing's "star-absorbing" skill is deep, the Oriental Undefeated Body is extremely fast and difficult to touch. Secondly, the weapon used is an embroidery needle, which cannot absorb internal force from the needle. After fighting for a while, letting me go is also a cry of "Ah", the chest and throat are all acupuncture, but it is a pity that the 158th chapter of the East, the world's two great stunts

Undefeated by Feng Qingyang’s innate sword qi, the injury has been repeated, and his body shape is a little more obscure than usual. After injecting his strength into the opponent’s body, he still has time to block the fierce offensive of the other two masters. Therefore, Although the three of Ren Woxing were repeatedly acupuncture, they were not seriously injured.

Let me go, Xiang Wentian and Linghu yelled again and again, with anger and anxiety in their voices. The three soldiers are all focused on internal strength, and the wind is loud, but the East is unbeaten, but there is no sound. Ren Yingying can see clearly from the side, knowing that if the stalemate persists for a long time, the three spirits will inevitably die under the Eastern Invincible Needle. She is anxious, but she understands that if she removes the hindrances, she can't help at all.

At a glance, I saw Song Qingshu standing not far away, concentrating on the fight, his expression full of concern. With a thought, Yingying moved slowly over.

Song Qingshu saw that the Dongfang Unbeaten was besieged by the three masters, although the situation was a bit critical, but he was able to remain invincible in a short time, and he was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, he carefully observed several martial arts tricks from the side.

Perceiving Ren Yingying sneaking over here, Song Qingshu quickly realized what she was making in shock, he hesitated, and did not move.

Suddenly, Ren Yingying put a short sword with her left hand on Song Qingshu's neck, and scolded, "Quickly tell Dongfang Invincible to stop."

Song Qingshu raised his hands, pretending to be surrendered: "Okay, okay, my name is my name."

Ren Yingying was concerned that the Dongfang Undefeated shot too quickly, and slowly moved to the back of Song Qingshu, holding the tip of the sword against his vest, and let him stand in front of him, lest Dongfang Invincible suddenly rushed over.

"By the way, beauty, what do you plan to make me scream, or yelling?" Song Qingshu suddenly turned around and looked at her with a smile.

"Looking for death!" Ren Yingying's face was cold, and he pierced Song Qingshu's thigh with a sword.

Song Qingshu felt that the acting was almost done. With a flash of figure, he immediately avoided. Ren Yingying's waist was numb in shock. Song Qingshu had already pricked the acupuncture point, and she fell back softly.

"Why is the beauty so careless?" Song Qingshu hugged her delicate body and breathed in her ear.

Ren Yingying's neck suddenly turned red, half ashamed and half angry. Over the years, she has always been a lofty saint. She has a detached status in the Sun Moon God Sect. Naturally, no one dares to disobey her. Usually, she rushes with Linghu together, and she will be ashamed for a long time when the other party says something frivolous Song Qingshu molested like this naked.

Song Qingshu's Wenxiang Nephrite was in her arms, only to feel the smell of a strange fragrance, and felt that the other person's skin was also cold, and for a moment he forgot to speak.

"Shameless! Let go of me." Ren Yingying was worried about being distracted by Linghu Chong, biting her lip and deliberately lowering her voice.

"Let you go? How am I willing~" Song Qingshu smiled, "As the so-called Feng Shui turns, you just forced me to call, now it is my turn to let you call the 158th chapter of the world's two great stunts

Up. "

"What do you want to do?" Ren Yingying suddenly paled.

Song Qing said in the book: "It's nothing, I just want you to cry out and tell me about your father or your brother Chong's heart."

"Don't think about it!" Ren Yingying knew that they were already at a disadvantage. If they were distracted because of themselves, they would immediately be hit by the invincible hand of the East.

"You forced me, do you know what martial arts I am best at?" Song Qingshu asked in her ear, turning his eyes.

"How do I know!" Feeling the breath he exhaled, a layer of small lumps appeared on Ren Yingying's delicate skin.

"I know a lot of martial arts, and the best is the azure blood washing silver spear technique. Of course, this situation is not very convenient to use... But I have another skill, but the milk-grabbing dragon claw hand is fine. Let the girl comment." Song Qingshu's smile was full of evil.

"Could it be that you are from the Shaolin Temple..." Before Ren Yingying finished speaking, she suddenly realized the nasty connotation, and she closed her mouth in shame.

"Don't you really call it? I really touched it if you didn't call it~" Song Qingshu's right hand slowly approached Ren Yingying's chest, only three inches away from the exquisite and beautiful thing.

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