Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 159: Big reversal

Chapter 159 The Great Reversal

Seeing Song Qingshu's hand getting closer, Ren Yingying's breathing became faster and faster, but despite this, she gritted her teeth and refused to make a sound.

"You really would rather be touched than yelled at by me?" Now Song Qingshu's turn is depressed. It's not a matter of pressing with both hands, or not pressing it.

"Just touch it. When my father and brother Chong kill Dongfang Invincible, I will definitely break your body into pieces!" Ren Yingying's pale pretty face was full of hatred.

"A thousand pieces of broken corpses?" Song Qingshu was in a daze. How many women have already said this? Isn't he too casual about women? This is not in the open modernity.

"Forget it, you don't call me." After hesitating for a long time, Song Qingshu couldn't press his hand down after all, and shouted to several people in the court: "I said old man Ren, and that Linghu rushed to Wentian or something, Now Ren Yingying is in my hands. If you don't hold your hands, I will strip off one of her clothes every three times I count, and see how long she can last...Oh, by the way, beauty, how many clothes did you wear today? "Song Qingshu asked while looking down at Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying hadn't answered yet, Ren Woxing and the others were frightened and yelled at him: "How can it be done by a gentleman who kidnapped a female family member?"

"An upright gentleman?" Song Qingshu laughed self-deprecatingly, "As the leader, your dignified leader of the Demon Cult, you are an upright gentleman if you open your mouth and shut your mouth, don't you want to get along with those famous and upright sects?"

"Father, Brother Chong, don't fall into his tricks, he doesn't dare to take off my clothes." Ren Yingying saw that Song Qingshu hadn't really touched her just now, knowing that Song Qingshu's words were mostly intimidating.

"Really? I feel that my professionalism has been insulted." With a sneer, the light gauze skirt that Ren Yingying put on the outside has been torn off by Song Qingshu.

"Tsk tusk, it's very fragrant." Song Qingshu got the tip of his nose and smelled it, "Young Master Linghu, I'm afraid you haven't undressed Miss Ren's clothes yet, but I didn't expect to be taken first by me. I'm really sorry." He put his hands on Ren Yingying's jacket again, eager to pull.

"Ah~" Ren Yingying couldn't help it anymore, a woman's instinct made her scream. Linghu Chong's eyes were distraught, ignoring the invincible attack from the East, and he swung his sword straight over.

For a master like the Eastern Unbeaten, a small flaw is enough to be fatal, not to mention that Linghu Chong opened his door wide at this moment. Invincible in the East, a white jade-like palm lightly pressed on his back. Linghu squirted blood and fell to the ground. He tried to stand up several times, but fell again and again.

Because of the gap in Linghu Chong's side, Xiang Wentian and Ren Woxing were also recruited one after another. Xiang Wentian was pierced into the chest by Dongfang Invincible, only to feel numb all over his body, the soft whip fell to the ground, and all his strength was lost. The power of fighting again. Let me line the injury more severely, Dongfang Undefeated hit Linghu's heart, he finally found a chance, hit her shoulder with a palm, immediately picked up the star, but was shot by Dongfang Undefeated into the right eye with a needle. Xing was shocked, and the 159th chapter of the big reversal was withdrawn

With a slap back, his back hit the wall. With a click, a wall was knocked halfway down by him. If he hadn't retreated in time, the needle would go straight into his brain, and his life would not be guaranteed. Even so, His right eye is blind, his face is full of blood, and he has less than 30% of the ten levels of combat power left.

The Invincible Oriental suffered heavy losses to three great masters in a moment. In addition, when Ren Woxing sucked the stars on his shoulders, the true energy surged out in an instant. At this time, it is inevitable that the breath will be disordered. People’s attention, I am afraid that the price I paid today is far more than that.

Looking at Song Qingshu, Dongfang Unbeaten was about to speak, but the roof suddenly shattered, and a black shadow wearing a ghost mask stood tall and slapped it down.

The invincibility of the East is at this time when the old power is exhausted. When the new power is not born, he hurriedly raised his palm to greet him, and the blood spurted wildly under the touch, and the shadow was like a tarsal maggot, kicking in the east. Defeat the chest.

Song Qingshu was still in the mood to hold Ren Yingying at this time, and quickly transported Tasha Wuhen and rushed over, holding the invincible slender waist of the East with one hand and placing her behind him, while the other hand lifted the "Kang Long Regret" to welcome her. Up.

The Eighteen Palms of Jianglong are known as the most fierce and fierce in the world, and Kang Long's regret is one of the most powerful moves. Under Song Qingshu's self-confidence, he will be seriously injured if he does not retreat.

Unexpectedly, the opponent turned over in a volley, stretched out his palms to greet him without dodge or avoided, and they intersected. Song Qingshu only felt that his palm was pulled down by an unusually thick and soft force, but the other palm was silent. Restlessly pressing on his chest, Song Qingshu's whole body suddenly felt like thunder, and he was seriously injured in the blink of an eye.

The good news is that after Song Qingshu's blockade for a while, the Oriental Unbeaten finally recovered. With a wave of his long sleeves, dozens of embroidered needles shrouded people's cavities.

The Ghost Face Man had to stop, his hands slowly and quickly drew a large circle in front of him, the air seemed to be frozen, a wall of air visible to the naked eye appeared, and the invincible oriental embroidery needle shot into the wall of air. Above, after entering half an inch, he couldn't move forward any more. The ghost face crossed his hands, and dozens of embroidery needles broke and scattered on the ground. Looking up, the two had already fled back to the mountain while the East was invincible.

Guimian had been planning for a long time today, knowing that if it weren't for the cover of Ren Woxing and others, and a successful sneak attack, it would be almost impossible to get rid of the Eastern Unbeaten. He knew the hidden dangers of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and immediately pursued it.

Song Qingshu rushed through the mountains holding Dongfang Undefeated. The injuries suffered by Dongfang Undefeated were much more serious than Song Qingshu. At this moment, he had fallen into a semi-conscious state. After running for a while, he had to stop. It turned out that he was not familiar with Hei. The topography of the wooden cliffs, subconsciously ran to remote places, and as a result, there is a cliff in front of me.

Being blown by the cold wind from the top of the cliff, Dongfang Unbeaten faintly woke up, glanced around, and a wry smile appeared on his lips: "I didn't expect that I am invincible in the East and the world is invincible, but today I am going to die with Xiao Xiao's hand."

"The dignified Mingjiao leader is nothing short of Xiao Xiaozhi Chapter 159 The Great Reversal

"Song Qing," Song Qing turned his head back to look at the path in writing, "I'm right, Zhang Wuji." "

The Ghost Face Man took off the mask, a face with thick eyebrows, handsome eyes, and heroic spirit. It was Zhang Wuji, the love rival of the two souls of Song Qingshu.

"Brother Song really has good eyesight," Zhang Wuji glanced at Song Qingshu in surprise, "Farewell to the Lion Tumen, I didn't expect Senior Brother Song not only to recover the meridians, but also to learn martial arts."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but tickled his teeth with hatred when he thought of lent the name of healing on Shaoshi Mountain, but actually to get close to Zhou Zhiruo: "God has eyes, that gave me a chance."

"Why is Brother Song full of hatred for Wuji?" Zhang Wuji glanced at Song Qingshu suspiciously, and then suddenly said, "No wonder that the last time I saw Zhi Ruo, she thought her expression was strange. It seems that Senior Brother Song already knows me and The matter between her."

"Bah!" Song Qingshu scolded, "Don't say as if you really have something to her. I wonder if she told you something?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Wuji was startled as expected.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to quietly lower his head and asked, "Dongfang girl, do you believe me or not?"

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