Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1599: Some Kungfu can’t teach randomly (third more)

A hint of hesitation flashed across Shen Bijun’s face. Her former close friends had many martial arts people, such as Lu Wushuang and the like. They once heard them mention in chatting that skills such as acupuncture cannot be easily taught, and often only parents can pass it on to their children. The master passed on male disciples, and his wife passed on female disciples, because some physical contact was inevitable during the process.

"Does he have any other... ideas for making such a proposal?" As a young lady, especially so beautiful, she has received all kinds of education in the defense of men and women since she was a child, so as to avoid approaching him with bad intentions. Man, but she looked up at Song Qingshu, did not see any lewdness-evil in his eyes, and finally hesitated for a moment, and nodded in agreement: "Okay! Then trouble Big Brother Song."

Song Qingshu did not expect that she had already engaged in fierce psychological struggles in her mind at this moment. She could only say that he came from later generations, and his understanding of the defense between men and women was completely different from that of people in this world. This was the result of decades of subtle influence until Now he hasn't changed.

"You put the quilt down, otherwise it's really hard to get through the quilt." Song Qingshu hesitated after finishing talking, and said half-jokingly, "Aren't you wearing clothes under the quilt?"

Shen Bijun's face was reddened: "I'm wearing it..." She took off the quilt as she spoke. She just took off the outermost piece of clothing, and how many layers were still worn inside.

If it were in the past, she would never appear in front of a man like this-even if she just took off a coat, but now she doesn't mind at all, and even asks awkwardly: "Would you take it off?"

Hearing his words, Song Qingshu almost didn't have a nosebleed. It was this kind of holy and conservative woman who suddenly seduce-lead you, the most charming and moving.

"I don't mind if you are willing to take it off." Song Qingshu rubbed his nose and smiled weirdly.

"Ah~" Only then did Shen Bijun realize that there was ambiguity in her words. She was only thinking about whether to open the acupoints as less obstruction, the better, but she didn't expect to go up in other ways, knowing that the other party's tone was different at this time, and she woke up." I... I didn't mean that..."

Seeing her crying in a hurry, Song Qingshu found it extremely interesting, and knew that this thin-skinned lady might not be able to bear it anymore. She hurriedly changed the subject and resolved her embarrassment: "Okay, that's it, you Stay calm and carefully remember the route of Zhen Qi."

After speaking, she pointed a finger on the acupuncture points on her shoulders and neck. Shen Bijun only felt a warm current flowing from her shoulders into her body. The warm feeling was so comfortable that she almost couldn't help but wake up, but immediately realized something. He bit his lip hurriedly, afraid of making any embarrassing noise.

Song Qingshu seemed to have guessed the embarrassment in her heart, and said at the right time: "Don't be distracted. Now all your energies must be on memorizing the route of exercise. If you make a mistake, you will be paralyzed and killed on the spot! "

"Got it~" Shen Bijun's heart stunned. Although he does not know martial arts, he also knows that practicing internal strength is not a trifling matter.

Feeling that her body is still a little stiff, Song Qingshu frowned and said, "It's not enough. Let go of your mind and body completely. Don't suppress your feelings. Call out if you want, don't get distracted to control."

"Ah?" Shen Bijun flushed with embarrassment, thinking how could this be possible, but seeing the solemnity in Song Qingshu's eyes, knowing that he had no other meaning, he blushed and nodded slightly.

Seeing that she finally understood what she meant, Song Qingshu continued to tap the acupuncture points all over her body, injecting real qi into her body continuously, first opening her blocked meridians, and then using real temperature to nourish and consolidate them, so as not to recover the meridians again. Undisturbed.

I have to say that such a beautiful and graceful beauty is indeed pityed by the heavens. Not only is she born and has a great abilities to learn martial arts, but also has much better qualifications for martial arts than ordinary people. If you start martial arts since childhood, I am afraid that there will be another prestige in this world. A magnificent chivalrous girl.

The whole process is much more labor-saving and faster than imagined. Song Qingshu retracted his finger: "Have you remembered the route of Zhen Qi?"

"Some of them don't remember everything, can you do it again?" Shen Bijun said embarrassedly in a voice like a mosquito.

"?" Her answer was a bit unexpected by Song Qingshu. After all, in his opinion, it is much easier to memorize the route of Zhen Qi than to memorize the formula of the entire book just now. As a result, she remembered the formula, but did not remember the path of Zhen Qi. live?

At this time, Shen Bijun's heart was also extremely complicated. At the beginning, she was ready to "touch" the other side all over the body. After all, the acupuncture points were all over the body. But to her surprise, when the other side touched some sensitive points, her fingers were not Did not touch her body, but pressed emptily...

This made her more than a surprise, and she was very moved. She had a great affection for Song Qingshu, thinking that the rumors were not enough to believe. Although the legend says that he is a **** who lingers in the flowers, but now it seems that he is even more gentle than the gentleman.

However, she quickly realized that the two did not conflict, and only such a gentleman could let so many excellent women willingly stay by his side...

Song Qingshu didn’t know that his unintentional actions had accidentally filled Shen Bijun’s favorability. He was wondering why he was as clever as Shen Bijun could not remember the route of infuriating energy. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his mind and finally understood, Shen Bijun never Having studied martial arts, she doesn’t know these acupuncture points on her body, so the ordinary martial artist only needs to remember which acupuncture points the zhen qi walks in and can simply write it down, but she has to spend ten times the effort to map the complicated route. Keep it in your mind.

"I was negligent. I will teach you to recognize the acupuncture points on your body this time, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort." Song Qingshu said apologetically.

Shen Bijun said slightly: "Big Brother Song is in trouble."

Song Qingshu nodded and started to explain to her the names of the acupuncture points that Zhenqi passed through while inputting the true energy running through her body.

But soon Song Qingshu was a bit stunned. It was not distracted to concentrate on opening the acupuncture points for her just now. Now when I came again, I suddenly found that Shen Bijun was drained by the meridians all over his body. He was sweating and wet all the clothes on his body. , Now her bra is tightly attached to her chest, two clusters of high mountains like snow are looming, and the scenery on the top of the mountain is faintly visible...Only the purest and innocent girls have such pure colors.

Song Qingshu was completely lost for a few seconds, before looking away with difficulty, screamed ashamed, and hurriedly continued to explain to her with his breath.

All the way down from the waist, the seductive curve is naturally graceful and feminine, especially mixed with the peculiar youthfulness of the girl, enough to make any man fascinated and make them feel excited. At this time, because the sweat wets the clothes, the skin is delicate to the extreme visible to the naked eye.

Because of the need to open the acupoints, Shen Bijun was already standing on the bed at this time, with his legs close together naturally. Song Qingshu felt as if his eyes could penetrate her thin silk skirt. The two round and slender legs were thin and thin. Straight, you can guess that there must be a milky sheen on it without seeing it with your own eyes.

Just at this time, I have already explained the acupuncture points on the legs. Song Qingshu did not break the emptiness this time, and his trembling hands couldn't help but press it up. The girl's body was sensitive, she shuddered, she shrank suddenly, her legs tightened even more. Closed, I can't even insert the root of my hand.

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