Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1600: Little Demon Girl (fourth)

In fact, Song Qingshu is more than a gaffe. Where can Shen Bijun get better at this time?

At first, when the other party opened up the acupuncture points for her for the first time, her breathing became visibly rapid. Later, even the rapid breathing was mixed with faint humming. She also felt ashamed and wished to have it. I slid into the ground, but quietly opened his eyes and found that the other party didn't show anything unusual, only seriousness and concentration were in his eyes.

Her embarrassment barely subsided, and it was because of this feeling that she was distracted, which made her not remember the picture of the flow of true energy. Otherwise, with her cleverness, it would be ten times more difficult to remember even if she did not understand the acupuncture points. Still can't trouble her, a talented woman who is famous far and wide.

So she had to ask Song Qingshu to teach her again. On the one hand, she really didn’t remember it. On the other hand...Although she was ashamed to speak, she had to admit that as the other person’s fingers slid across the innocent energy, her body would There was a slight tremor, and a heart pounded. She felt an unprecedented feeling, the kind of feeling that emerged from the deepest part of the soul, which made her feel flustered, but it made her feel something that she couldn't tell. Pleasure-pleasure and desire can't be stopped...

It is a pity that God is not beautiful, and at this moment the sound of a rooster crowing sounded in the distance. The two of them woke up from that mysterious state in an instant. Song Qingshu hurriedly took off his coat and put it on her body, and said in a hoarse voice : "Did you remember clearly this time?"

Shen Bijun had already knelt down on the bed at this time, lowered his head and gave a mum. He didn't dare to look up at each other at all. Both of them did not mention what had just happened in a tacit understanding.

From Song Qingshu’s current perspective, she just saw her neck, and her snow-white skin had a faint pink color. Knowing that you will inevitably make mistakes if you continue to stay here, she quickly said: "During this period of time, you will practice this inner skill, etc. You're almost done, I should come to pick you up." He left a word in a hurry and fled and left.

Seeing his slightly embarrassed figure, Shen Bijun's lips couldn't help but a faint smile appeared: "It seems that he is not like the rumored one..."

At this moment, a cool breeze blew, and she shuddered subconsciously. When she lowered her head, she realized that her clothes were soaked. At this time, she was not much different from wearing no clothes.

"Ah~" There was a scream in the room, and Shen Bijun finally understood why Song Qingshu had just left with a blushing face, and hurriedly covered his head with the quilt, "It's really shameful, shameful..."

When he was tumbling in the bed, he suddenly touched the other party's clothes. Shen Bijun remembered that the other party had just put it on him. He couldn't help but warm up. After hesitating for a long time, he slowly moved his face into the clothes and smelled the other party. The remaining breath suddenly became a little silly.

Let's say Song Qingshu hurriedly left the Huifei Palace, and suddenly reacted, why did he run? In the situation just now, I actually used a little trick, and I can stay there...

Shook his head, Song Qingshu dispelled this tempting idea. Shen Bijun still has great use. It is not a wise choice to involve emotional entanglement with her now, not to mention that he is not the one who has never seen a woman before. Frozen, there is still some restraint.

After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped, hesitating where to go, thinking for a moment that Zhao Min should be exhausted and still sleeping, and finally decided to go to Azi's.

As for the daybreak, he just left behind things like the Shang Dynasty. Anyway, Yelu Hongji is also a faint king. It is common for him not to go to the Dynasty. He tossed all night and had to take advantage of this time to get a good night’s sleep. .

Although it was getting bright at the moment, Song Qingshu was on display at the end of the day, and the guards patrolling around couldn't find him at all, and it didn't take long for him to come to the palace where Zi was.

Opening the window and entering the room, Song Qingshu couldn't help but laugh, because there were many small traps in the windows and door, which were obviously to prevent the intrusion of uninvited guests.

Suddenly, a trace of pity surged in his heart: Azi grew up in the sea of ​​stars, so these small means to protect himself have probably gone deep into his bones. On weekdays, everyone only sees her viciousness, but they don't want her to survive in that environment. Whatever happens if she is not cruel.

When he came to the window, he was suddenly dumbfounded, because he found that it was not Azi lying on the bed, but Azhu—no, it should be said that there were two Azhus.

"Which one is Ah Zi?" Song Qingshu is a little bit uncertain. He can still judge from his eyes and clothes on weekdays, but now the two sisters have their eyes closed and they have the same sweet sleeping posture. It is really hard to tell who is who. what.

"No matter, try it." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and gently rubbed one of them's cheeks, staring nervously at the other person's reaction after waking up. Once the situation wasn't right, he would immediately click her sleeping point and let him go. She woke up tomorrow thinking it was just a dream.

The girl opened her eyes vaguely. She was startled when she saw that there were more people beside the bed, but when she saw the other person's appearance, she was shocked and turned into surprise: "Master?"

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the wrong person was not found, otherwise it would be really embarrassing: "Why do you sleep on the same bed with A Zhu?" He asked in a low voice. There are many rooms in this palace, so there is no need to squeeze in one. The bed.

A Zi glanced at him suspiciously: "Didn't you keep my sister and me inseparable, imitating her words and deeds, of course including sleeping together."

Song Qingshu patted her forehead, only then did she remember that she had mentioned this, but she did not expect her to execute it so thoroughly.

"Follow me to the next room. I need your service." Song Qingshu hugged Ah Zi, only to feel that the girl's body was as light as a swallow. For ordinary people, it can be regarded as an extraordinary gift to some extent, and the demand in that area is stronger than that of non-human beings.

It was obviously in the afternoon that I had tossed with Zhao Min for a long time, but then I was teased by sisters A Zhu and Shen Bijun one after another, making my body hot and hard now.

It was not easy to find other women, so after thinking about it, I decided to come to the little demon girl Azi.

Hearing his words, Zi's eyes seemed to shine: "Hehe, Zi likes the master bullying me the most."

A word is almost like a sky thunder shook the ground, Song Qingshu can't wait to rectify her on the spot right away.

Seeing that he was going out holding himself, Azi hooked his neck and bit his ears: "Why are you going to the next door, isn't it nice here?"

Song Qingshu glanced at A Zhu who was aside, frowned and said, "Your sister is still nearby."

Azi chuckled, "I don't mind, Master, what do you mind?"

Song Qingshu has a black thread, thinking that it has nothing to do with whether you mind, what I'm talking about is obviously that someone Azhu minds.

"Don't worry, let's keep our voice down, and just don't wake her up." Like a little goblin, Azi kept tempting her master to step into the abyss and sink.

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