Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1601: Women's talent (fifth)

Seeing Song Qingshu's silence, Azi grinned again: "Sisters share a bed. How many men dream of it, how can the master miss it?"

Song Qingshu's nose was hot, she was really a little moved by what she said, but she quickly shook her head and said, "Your sister is my sister-in-law, and I won't move her."

"Cut, she didn't marry Xiao Feng again, so she's a sister-in-law." Azi curled her lips disdainfully. Seeing that he really thought so, her eyes twisted, and she tempted in another way, "Even if she doesn't move her. I can stay, play with my sister next to my sister, how exciting..."

Seeing him speaking more and more disgustingly, Song Qingshu couldn't help but slap her hip-butt: "Well, you are young, what is in this little head, so dirty?"

"This is called dirty?" Azi was a little disapproving, "The bad guys in the Astral Sect have more tricks in this respect."

Song Qingshu has a black thread, thinking that it is not unreasonable for the Astral Sect to be called the evil demon outsider: "Okay, you are not in the Astral Sect now, don't take that set here."

After she was worried that she would say something challenging her reason, she didn't wait for her to refute, and hurriedly hugged her out of the room to the next door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Ah Zhu, who was originally asleep in bed, opened his eyes, and his pretty face was already blushing: "This dead girl is really lawless. I have to find a chance to teach her a lesson."

Although the conversation between Song Qingshu and Song Qingshu was small, Ah Zhu was already worried today. She slept very lightly and soon woke up. However, she was worried that she would not be able to face each other when she woke up. I heard it without missing a word, it can be said to be frightened to hear, for fear that Song Qingshu was really stunned by her and put into action. Fortunately, he was still a gentleman in the end and did not follow Azi's advice.

Song Qingshu's sudden arrival dispelled her sleepiness, and now she can still fall asleep, especially when she thinks of him holding her sister next door...

"This dead girl is really shameless!" The sister's nature made her want to protect her sister, but Azi's master came to spoil me, and she couldn't do anything to protect her.

When I thought that I was still a girl, but my sister had already eaten her own taste and knew how to obsess over men, Ah Zhu felt that her cheeks were burning badly.

When I was tossing and turning in bed, there was a faint cry of crying from the next door. Ah Zhu was startled, wondering if it was Song who was bullying his sister, and hurriedly got up from the bed and put on clothes and rushed to the next door. After a few steps, he stopped.

"Even if the person surnamed Song is really bullying Azi, why can I save her?" Azhu struggled in his heart, "I might not be able to save people in the past and even put myself in..."

But in the end she still looked right, thinking that it was her own sister who was connected by blood. She had been lonely and helpless in a place like the Star Sect since she was a child. Although she was a maid in the Murong family, she was better than many young ladies since childhood. Still have to live well. My sister has suffered so much, and now she is unaccompanied. Who else will save her if she doesn't save herself.

So she mustered up the courage to walk next door, but courage is one thing, instinctive fear is still inevitable, causing her to go slower and slower. At this moment, she suddenly heard what was going on with her sister's crying.

She was crying, but she was not crying in the ordinary sense. The sound made her blush and her legs were weak. Although she was unmanned, she was not a fool. She naturally understood what was going on and couldn't help but scream. With a mouthful, I thought I was really frustrated and thought she would be bullied!

She wanted to leave immediately, but she didn’t move away for the first time, but she blushed and pricked her ears up and listened to it—people’s gossip psychology is engraved in their genes, not to mention it. One is still his own sister.

But it didn't take long for her to take it anymore. The sound from inside made her a big girl wait for a seam on the ground to turn in, and hurriedly returned to the house to close the door, which calmed down the ups and downs a little bit.

"How can this dead girl learn like a woman in a brothel, so shameless..." Azhu sipped, but the voice that I just heard continued to echo in my ears. After all, it is the most instinctive voice of human beings, the great harmony of life. , Which is so easy to forget?

Quickly undressed and returned to the bed, grabbing the quilt and covering her head. Although she could not hear it, she couldn't help but make up some pictures that made her heart beat faster.

Suddenly I felt something strange in my body. I reached out my hand and touched my thigh, and a pretty face blushed with blood dripping, "I'm going to die..."

After three poles of the sun, Song Qingshu left Azi’s room refreshed and returned to his bedroom. Zhao Min had already freshened up and played the piano in the palace. He only pursed his lips when he saw him coming back: "Where did the busy guy go last night? ?" She woke up in the middle of the night and found that Song Qingshu was not by her side. As a result, she didn't come back until now. It is inevitable that she is a little bit angry as a woman.

Seeing her face that was more beautiful than usual, Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "I couldn't sleep yesterday, so I planned to arrange Shen Bijun's affairs, but I ran into Xiao Yuanshan there..."

"Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts is extremely high, it is indeed a trouble," Zhao Min shook his head, "If I were you, yesterday would have caused him to die silently and completely."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "The big man is alive, always doing something and not doing something. After all, he is Big Brother Xiao's father."

"Well, you are a big husband, I am a little woman." Although Zhao Min said so, he actually agrees with his approach. An unscrupulous person may be able to get short-term benefits, but in the long run It is definitely not worth the loss.

"Just listening to your piano sound, it seems that you are in a good mood now." Song Qingshu wisely did not argue with her and changed the subject.

"Of course," Zhao Min smiled. "It seems that the special training given to you before is quite useful. You can actually tell the player's mood from the sound of the piano."

"It's better to be a famous teacher." Song Qingshu offered another small horse, thinking that no matter who is terminally ill, he will be in a good mood to recover overnight.

Zhao Min's face turned red when he heard him, and he muttered in a low voice, "Are there any disciples who put the master in bed..."

Song Qingshu's heart swayed when she heard it, especially when she saw the shyness that she accidentally revealed, and couldn't help but go over and hug her. Who knew that Zhao Min suddenly frowned, "Don't touch me!"

"??" Song Qingshu was confused, wondering where she was offended.

Zhao Min snorted: "You still smell of other women, and there is more than one woman."

Song Qingshu: "..."

It's really too late. Are all women belonging to dogs? Not only can they smell something that doesn't belong to them, but they can even tell how many women the other person has come into contact with?

"I don't know which girl the clothes fell in, tusk tusk~" Zhao Min didn't show an angry expression, but that tone of voice made Song Qingshu very hairy.

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