Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1604: The sky is high and the birds fly

Xiao Feng's first reaction was that the people from Xixia Yipintang came to the prison, wondering whether the other party came to save him or kill him. Before he reached a conclusion, he saw Song Qingshu rushing in.

"Second brother, is it you?" Xiao Feng was pleasantly surprised, because he had also bowed to Duan Yu, so when he bowed to Song Qingshu, Duan Yu was also counted. Duan Yu was the youngest and ranked third, and Song Qingshu happened to be second.

"Big Brother Xiao, I'll save you." Song Qingshu was also a little depressed when he heard the name of the second brother. Firstly, the man was called "Old-Second" strange, and secondly, he didn't look down on Duan Yu's mischief. The dead son is temperamental, but even though Duan Yu is like Jia Baoyu, who is useless to the family, he wins in gentleness and good character, so he also reluctantly accepted this cheap righteous brother.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and shook the chain of the cell. He came to Xiao Feng and noticed that his hands and feet were all shackled. He stretched out his hand and waved his sword. The shackles broke.

"The second brother's sword aura is really invincible, even the fine chain cannot stop his sharp edge." Xiao Feng regained his freedom, while moving his hands and feet while admiring, he was already a top master in the world, how could he not see this sword? How qi has reached its peak.

"Big brother made a joke," Song Qingshu took out the antidote to the sad breeze and let him smell it. "Uncle is guarding outside, let's get out."

Although Xiao Feng was not deeply poisoned, it was impossible for him to hold his breath like this all the time. He immediately lifted his spirits after smelling the antidote of the sad and crisp breeze: "Okay!" He rushed out with the other party without the slightest drag.

This is the biggest difference between him and Guo Jing. Guo Jing is still a bit pedantic in some aspects, but Xiao Feng is much more decisive. He didn't think about whether to betray the Liao State at this juncture, and waited until he went out.

Xiao Yuanshan stood guard at the door, lest the reinforcements that came to hear the news would block them all inside. Seeing Song Qingshu came out with his son, he couldn't help being overjoyed: "I came out so soon? Let's go!"

A few people didn’t even have to say any greetings. While the guards were stunned by the sad breeze, the soldiers on the outer layer had not yet reacted. The three of them quickly performed light work and left. The whole process was like wind, which made people stunned. .

The three of them ran all the way out. At this time, the city gate was already closed after nightfall, but it was not difficult for the three of them. They had no intention of going through the city gate, so they chose a remote city wall, climbed the wall and turned over.

After crossing the city wall, a few people galloped between the mountains and the wild. At this time, it was as if the ocean was wide with fish leaping into the sky and birds flying high. Xiao Feng had no scruples and laughed loudly: "The second brother’s effort is truly unparalleled in the world. To step on the city wall to take advantage, Daddy also uses the long whip, but your second brother can easily jump over it.” After all, Shangjing is the capital of Liao, and the city’s high walls are so thick that even top players like Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan can’t do it. He jumped up and had to use his strength to continue, but Song Qingshu easily climbed onto the city wall, no wonder he was amazed.

Xiao Yuanshan also sighed with emotion on the side: "I have practiced martial arts all my life, and it was not until I met Qing Shu that I felt that I had really lived as a dog all these years."

Song Qingshu smiled and replied, "I'm not as strong as Brother Xiao in terms of palm technique, and I am not as good as Senior Xiao in terms of whip technique. Both of them are really too modest."

"Young people are not arrogant or impatient, and this character is even more rare." The more Xiao Yuanshan looked at him, the more satisfied he became. If there is a daughter, most of them will marry him.

Song Qingshu deliberately slowed down this time and went hand in hand with their father and son. Fortunately, the two were already known masters in the world, and the speed was extremely fast. Soon the three of them rushed to the agreed place to make peace with Azi.

"Azhu!" Seeing the girl in the pink dress in the wooden house, Xiao Feng couldn't help feeling mixed.

"Xiao...Big Brother Xiao!" A Zi was a bit jerky at first, but soon entered the role of A Zhu.

Seeing that Xiao Feng didn't recognize Ah Zi, Song Qingshu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he secretly rejoiced, but also fortunate that Xiao Feng is a real gentleman, and he treats A Zhu with courtesy on weekdays, without the slightest physical intimate contact, otherwise he feels right now. It's really weird.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's hurry!" Xiao Yuanshan brought the prepared horses and walked over.

"Where are we going now?" Xiao Feng was startled.

"Go to the Golden Snake Camp..." Xiao Yuanshan told him about his previous considerations.

Who knows that Xiao Feng hesitated: "I was jealous of the emperor for refusing to lead soldiers to attack the Golden Snake Camp. If I go to the Golden Snake Camp now, wouldn't I be convicted?"

Xiao Yuanshan said dissatisfiedly: "Yelü Hongji treats you like this, what do you care about him?"

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Brother Xiao knows something. You were imprisoned by Yelu Hongji because Yelu Yixin was a stalker..." The conspiracy to cut off Yelu Hongji's wings one by one because of Yelu Yixin's rebellion was roughly explained.

"Humph, Yelv Yixin's conspiracy was clearly exposed, but the emperor didn't let you go, and he sent heavy troops to guard it." Xiao Yuanshan hated him when he mentioned this. You have a rift in your heart, so you don’t dare to use you again. It’s just because your prestige doesn’t dare to attack you for the time being. After a while, he will stabilize the situation, I’m afraid it will be your death date."

Xiao Feng was silent. Obviously, based on his understanding of Yelu Hongji, he also agreed with his father's judgment. However, the two had a relationship of worship in the past, and he was not good to say anything, so he took the initiative to change the subject: "How did the Yelu Yixin rebellion come back? What?" He was in prison, and he had heard the jailer talk about it, but the information he received was intermittent, and he didn't fully understand it.

Only then did Xiao Yuanshan talk about what happened in the capital after he was imprisoned, and he was surprised to hear Xiao Feng: "The emperor is really unpredictable. Under such circumstances, he can actually come back."

"Everyone is guessing what trump card the emperor has. Some people say that the emperor is actually a super master. Some people say that there are old eunuchs hidden in the palace. Others say that it is the old man of Ti Yinsi who shot.... There are different opinions." Xiao Yuanshan The tone is also full of doubts.

"Although the emperor has martial arts, he is not considered a super master," Xiao Feng fought him before he bowed, naturally knowing his details, "Da Ti Yinsi has always been mysterious, and it is mostly their power."

Song Qingshu listened to the two people's discussion, and at the same time was secretly vigilant, he had to remind Zhao Min and Suquan to let them arrange a little bit in this regard, so as not to be suspected by smart people.

After chatting for a while, Azi spoke at the right time: "Brother Xiao, if we want to go to herding horses and sheep outside the Great Wall, we just have nowhere to go, not to mention that Qingshu has saved our lives several times, which is reasonable. We should all go to the Golden Snake Camp to help him and repay him."

Song Qingshu hurriedly waved his hand: "I saved you out of brotherhood and friendship, not for repaying you."

Xiao Feng laughed loudly: "Second brother is too worried, we are here to help you now, also out of brotherhood and friendship, not to mention I just need the Golden Snake Camp to provide asylum."

In fact, if he is alone, he is not afraid of anything, whether he is chasing soldiers or assassins, as long as he wants to go, he is confident that no one can keep him. But now that Azhu is by his side, he is not completely sure, and has to consider a stable environment for her, not wanting her to accompany him on the road and suffer.

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