Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1605: Incompetent husband

It didn't take long for the gate of the upper capital to open wide, and chasing soldiers chased out. The few people who faintly heard the movement finally reached an agreement, and started to ride the horse to the Golden Snake Camp to the east.

Along the way, Song Qingshu's most worried thing was that Azi's identity was discovered, but fortunately, the little demon girl's acting skills were also leveraged. She forced the two old rivers and lakes to go round and round without any suspicion.

Of course, this is also the reason why the father and son did not have any defense at all. Otherwise, if Azi pretends to resemble, there will always be some clues to the flaws.

After rushing east, Xiao Yuanshan left after entering the Golden Snake Camp. After all, he was old and didn’t want to be burdened by the world. He just wanted to study martial arts. Xiao Feng couldn’t stop him. He just heard that he was going back to Shaolin. It was shocked.

"Don't worry, the hidden traces of my martial arts will not be discovered." Xiao Yuanshan said arrogantly.

Xiao Feng frowned: "But the sweeping monk..."

A trace of jealousy flashed in Xiao Yuanshan's eyes: "This time I will stay far away from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. It's a Shaolin, and it's not only the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion that steals lessons."

Xiao Feng understood that his father was wronged by the Central Plains martial arts people and wanted to go to Shaolin to steal martial arts. As a result, he was ambushed by masters of various factions at Yanmen Pass and his mother was killed. In the past few years, my father killed those who participated in the Yanmen Pass battle, and at the same time stolen Shaolin martial arts in order to show revenge. Didn't you wronged me and wanted to steal martial arts, then I would steal it for you!

Because it was related to his mother, Xiao Feng couldn't persuade him, so he could only rely on Xiao Yuanshan.

After bidding farewell to Xiaoyuan Mountain, the group finally returned to Tai'an after another two days. Originally, Jinan, Yangzhou, and even Jining were bigger than Tai'an within the Jinanying’s sphere of influence. However, there is the Yellow River to the north of Jinan, and the Hebei Plain to the north. It can be said that there is no danger in Pingchuan. Shou; Although Yangzhou is prosperous, it is too close to the Southern Song Dynasty. Once the Southern Song Dynasty sends troops, Yangzhou will be the first to bear the brunt; Jining occupies the convenience of Surabaya, which can quickly and easily transport and mobilize resources from all over the Yellow and Huaihe Rivers, but it is the Central Plains to the west. There is no danger to defend. Once Jin Guo advances eastward, Jining will be directly exposed to its soldiers.

Although Jin and Qing are now under the secret control of Song Qingshu, this relationship cannot be disclosed to the public. Therefore, the base camp can only be placed here in Tai'an. There is the Taiyi Mountains to the north of Tai'an. In the spring and autumn of the year, the Lu State relied on this layer of defense. He has carried the powerful Qi country for hundreds of years, so there is no doubt about the safety factor.

In this way, the people inside the Golden Snake Camp were at ease, and at the same time, the idea of ​​some careerists in the Jin and Qing dynasties who raided the Golden Snake Camp was dispelled.

The Golden Snake Camp has long been informed that Ah Jiu led the leaders of the Golden Snake Camp and the new core backbone to greet him. In fact, after the encirclement and suppression of the Qing Dynasty, the leaders of several hills in the Golden Snake Camp betrayed, plus Song Qingshu. , Ah Jiu promoted his cronies, the so-called Golden Snake Camp Zodiac has long existed in name only.

Of course, the status of these mountain leaders is still respected, but apart from the few leaders who are closely related to Song Qingshu Ajiu, such as Shui Jian and Situ Burei, the others have long been nameless, but they have no complaints. Now Song Qingshu is in full swing and leads the name of the Golden Snake Camp. The people of the world have enjoyed far more than they were when they were King of the Mountain. They did not betray Chu Hongliu and others at the beginning, which showed that they did not have much ambition. Song Qingshu did not cross the river to tear down the bridge, but treated them kindly to make them satisfied enough.

"Meet King Qi!" With Ah Jiu taking the lead and kneeling down, the group saluted Song Qingshu. This was also what Ah Jiu deliberately wanted to gradually get rid of the atmosphere of the Golden Snake Camp. After all, King Qi was a member of the Han emperor Zheng'er. The word king is far more appealing in the hearts of the people of the world than the title of the golden snake king.

Some time ago, after Song Qingshu went public to the Southern Song Dynasty, Ah Jiu did not appear as him again. After all, it would be easy to surprise people in the world not to have two Song Qingshus at the same time, but this did not affect Ah Jiu’s daily work, because after these days In the operation, Jin Snake Camp has been completely made up and down, and Song Qingshu's reputation is becoming more and more prosperous, she is already enough to deter the heroes with the identity of the mistress, and there is no need to pretend to be Song Qingshu.

"Brothers, please get up!" Song Qingshu hurriedly greeted him. Now that the great cause has not been achieved, he can't act like the emperor. When he stretched out his hand, those kneeling suddenly felt a soft support coming, and the whole person couldn't help it. Standing up, they couldn't help being shocked, thinking that this skill was really shocking; but after being shocked, they were relieved. After all, the stronger the leader, the better they can follow.

After seeing the people one by one, Song Qingshu pulled Xiao Feng and introduced: "This is my brother Xiao Feng, who is my elder brother Yi Yi. From now on, he will live in Jinshe Camp for a period of time, and everyone will get to know each other..."

"It turned out to be King Xiao of the South Campus!"

"The famous North Qiaofeng!"

"The Joe's leader of the Beggar Gang!"


Many of the people present were from the martial arts. It can be said that they have heard of his name for a long time and came forward to greet him. Before Song Qingshu was born, the younger generation Xiao Feng should be one of the most famous figures in the world.

At this moment Song Qingshu pulled Ah Jiu aside: "A Jiu, you have been working hard during this time."

Ah Jiu pursed his lips and smiled: "I work hard every day in the mansion, but you are running around the world and wandering among the various forces. It is not only hard work but also dangerous."

Hearing her empathetic words like this, Song Qingshu couldn't help being touched, if it weren't for the eyes of everyone now, he would probably be tempted to hold her in his arms and feel pity.

After some chatting, Song Qingshu learned that Xia Qingqing and Zeng Ruanjiao Wan'er had gone on business in other places. Now the sphere of influence is getting bigger and bigger, and in many places, the most central people must guard one side.

"If Sister Zeng Rou knows that you are coming back, I am afraid that she will not leave Tai'an if she says anything." Ah Jiu suddenly sighed.

"I'm sorry for her." Song Qingshu was silent. The main reason for marrying Zeng Rou was to get the support of Stubbery's faction. After getting married, the two of them got together and separated much, and they didn't see each other a few times throughout the year. It was not a competent person husband. In the original work, her sense of existence is very low, and she did not expect that in her own world, she would still be like this...

"But she never regrets it," said A Jiu Youyou, "she once mentioned to me that when she saw you by the window that night, she knew that you were the man she was destined for... Now she just needs to hear from you. The news can be happy for a long time, so you don’t have to blame yourself too much."

"The more she asked me nothing, the more I blamed myself." Song Qingshu was filled with emotion.

"Can you blame yourself?" Ah Jiu showed a faint smile, pointing to a tall girl not far away, "I am afraid you will be full of self-blame towards her in the future."


Many people responded to the monk and asked to accept A Zhu, because he felt that A Zhu had been touched by the protagonist, so she was the protagonist’s woman, and then gave it to Xiao Feng, who felt that there was something like a green hat...

I am also more depressed. Song Qingshu has never liked A Zhu, and A Zhu also doesn't like Song Qingshu. Just because Song saw her body (no substantial relationship happened), she became Song's woman?

I can understand the plot of some readers who are fully collected, but the role of Ah Zhu is not even the heroine in the original book, and there is no such thing as an overwhelming appearance, and her identity in this book is not worth playing (no Her maiden power, there is no such thing as a teacher, it is worth playing), it is easy to take her, but what about after it is taken in? Just like Zeng Rou and other women, being shelved in a pavilion, what is the difference between being in the cold palace?

In this case, it is better to complete the sad couple of her and Xiao Feng in the original book.

Many people complained about Huang Rong's example, but Ah Zhu couldn't do anything about it here. Let me explain by the way that Huang Rong is significantly different from A Zhu. She is more prettier than A Zhu. She is the famous heroine of the original book. Most importantly, most readers now have Huang Rong plots... so their The plot is completely different.

In fact, Huang Rong’s plot and the monk regretted a little afterwards. It’s better to write about the ambiguity between the two people. It’s perfect when you click on it, just like the feeling of the male protagonist and Mrs. Xiao in "The Best Family", but it’s a pity that the monk didn’t control it when writing Live, after all, the monk was also a reader, and he also has a strong Huang Rong plot...

In addition, the monk said before that he did not plan to accept A Zhu, but it is not ruled out that there is a very small probability that the plot surpasses my control and develops on its own. For example, when he writes that A Zhu pretends to be A Zi to deceive Song Qingshu. This plot was suddenly thought of when I wrote it. , Because in the original work, A Zhu loved to change into Xiao Feng, Doctor Xue, Bai Shijing, and Duan Zhengchun to deceive others, and finally turned himself in...

At the time, I wrote that she pretended to be Azi to set the protagonist. I think this fits her personality very well, and it is also something she is very likely to do. But in this way, the protagonist once again took advantage of it, which was beyond what I expected at the beginning.

Actually, I should not arrange the plot of Azhu being watched by Song Qingshu. At the time, I thought that Song Qingshu wanted to ensure that she did not betray. This was the last insurance against her and Xiao Feng’s happiness as a threat to the readers. In other words, those who support not to accept will think that Xiao Feng is green, which is not appropriate; those who support to accept will think that she has something to do with the protagonist and should not be let to Xiao Feng, as that will make the protagonist a little green...

It's really unflattering, hey, regret, by the way, I apologize to everyone for this plot.

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