Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1606: Mrs. Liancheng

Song Qingshu followed the prestige, and saw a tall girl not far away looking at herself with a blushing face. It was Yeluqi's younger sister, Yeluyan.

Among the girls he knows, Ye Luyan should be the tallest. In addition, she is extremely slender. She is the embryo of a world famous model in her previous life. Although she is tall, she may have a trace on her face because of her age. Childishness, two completely different combinations made Song Qingshu a little bit distressed: People can describe it as a childlike giant-breast, what is Ye Luyan called, and her childlike beauty?

After thinking about it for half a day, I didn't think of a suitable adjective. At this time, Ah Jiu was pulling him and walking towards the other party: "I heard you are coming back, and Miss Yelu is also entangled to follow."

"Sister Ajiu~" Yeluyan was ashamed to hide behind her brother when she heard her joking, but she still quietly took a look at Song Qingshu from time to time. She already knew about the marriage and knew that this person was her husband. Are you curious?

"Uncle, Brother Yelu." Song Qingshu smiled at Yeluyan, and then greeted Yeluchucai and Yelvqi with his hands.

Yelv Chucai and Yelvqi quickly bowed their hands in return: "I have seen the lord."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It's all from my own family, so you don't need to see it like this."

Yelu Chucai also smiled and said: "The etiquette can't be neglected. We will not be polite to you now, Yan'er, come and see you Brother Song."

Yeluyan coyly stepped out from behind her elder brother. Although she was shy because of her young age, growing up on the grassland allowed her to muster the courage to look at her lover.

Song Qingshu smiled at her: "Sister Yan is good."

Ye Luyan whispered back: "Hello, Brother Song."

The little girl’s shy and affectionate gaze makes men very useful, but Song Qingshu secretly sighs that he does not reject marriage like the protagonist in some novels read in his previous life. As long as he is good for the great cause and does not hate him, he can completely Accepting a new marriage is actually the mainstream view of the world. For example, Ah Jiu and Zhao Min, who were born in the royal family, are quite supportive of this. Zhou Zhiruo and Dongfang Muxue, who are born in the rivers and lakes but have great ambitions, are also open to it. With one eye closed, even if other people are unwilling in their hearts, it is not easy to express their opposition to the situation.

In fact, marriage does not mean that it must be a pure exchange of interests. For example, Ajiu and Ren Yingying can be called mutual affection, and marriage is the icing on the cake, but it must be said that this probability is too small and big. In most cases, it is married to someone who has no feelings. Whether it is Zeng Rou or Ye Luyan, although they are not beautiful, they are also beautiful women with better looks. From a man's point of view, they are still very attractive, but Song Qingshu has to admit that he does not treat them. Love, this is destined to be hard for them to be happy in the future.

But marrying them is inevitable. Previously, Stuart’s strong support was needed, and now the Yelv family’s heartfelt support is needed. Since Yelv Chucai and his son came, the former Golden Snake Camp, which was full of rivers and lakes, has been renewed up and down, becoming more and more like an organization. A sophisticated country, not a reckless organization.

Such a Wang Zuozhicai, who is similar to Zhuge Liang and Xun Yu, don't say that her daughter is still a beauty of top-notch figure. Even if his daughter is an unsalted woman, she can still marry him.

Although I am a little sorry to Zeng Rou and Ye Luyan, I can only wrong them, and all I can do is take the responsibility of her husband, but afterwards he can only demolish the bridge and give their family the corresponding glory...

At this moment, Xiao Feng had also finished his greetings with others, and walked over here. Both of them were from the Liao country. Now that they meet, they are even more embarrassed, and they almost hold their hands and look at the eyes of tears.

When the group of people returned to the city, Ah Jiu had already arranged a grand banquet. On the one hand, he would give Song Qingshu the dust, and on the other hand, he would welcome Xiao Feng's arrival. During the banquet, there was a staggering ambition, and officials from above and below toasted Song Qingshu and Xiao Feng one after another.

Xiao Feng had been in jail some time ago, and what happened in the Liao Kingdom made him feel depressed, so he simply borrowed wine to dispel his sorrows; Song Qingshu is because he has been traveling all the year round, and he also needs to get close to the confidants of the base camp. Because of the relationship, the two of them were considered to be the ones who refused, and they drank dozens of altars without knowing it.

Xiao Feng was originally a huge amount. After Song Qingshu's later generations of high-concentration spirits, and now with strong internal strength, a little drunkenness would be dissipated by his internal strength, so the two men drank more and more excited.

Later, when Xiao Feng took Yelvqi to talk to each other about various matters concerning the Liao Kingdom, Yelv Chucai came to Song Qingshu's side, and after chatting for a while, he intentionally or unintentionally mentioned his daughter’s marriage: "How long does Qingshu plan to stay here this time? Don't do the marriage with Yan'er in advance."

After their family moved to Golden Snake Camp, their identity was a bit embarrassing. Although the Han people and the Khitan people are not as friendly as the Jurchens, they are not so friendly. There is always a feeling of guest. Only this marriage is completely settled. They can just fit into the whole collective.

Song Qingshu will not stay long when he comes back this time. Next, he will have to go to the Kingdom of Jin to deal with the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions. It is a lot of headaches. Of course, if these words are honest, maybe Yelu Chucai thought it was shirking. Time chilled their hearts.

"I came back this time to marry Ling Qianjin," Song Qingshu said half-truth, and at the same time took out a huge night pearl. "My son-in-law will use this pearl as a betrothal gift, and I hope my uncle will marry the pearl of his hand to me. "

The people around him took a deep breath, and a night pearl with a big fist was really worthless. If it fell in the rivers and lakes, I don't know how many schools will be destroyed and how many people will be ruined.

And to be honest, I don't know how many immature girls can be exchanged for this Ye Mingzhu alone. Now he is only asking to marry a girl, his sincerity has almost overflowed.

Song Qingshu himself didn't take it seriously. This Ye Mingzhu was the largest one found in the inner library of the Liao Kingdom's imperial palace. Anyway, he didn't feel distressed if he borrowed flowers to present the Buddha. What's more? In a sense, his night pearl was not for Yeluyan, or even for Yelvqi. It was mainly for Yelvchucai, the talent of Wang Zuo. In his heart, a Yelvchucai is worth a thousand and 10,000. All the pearls are precious.

Seeing that he took out such a precious betrothal gift, the key is to announce it in public, Yelv Chucai couldn't help but be surprised and delighted: "Daily son-in-law is like this, so what can I do for my husband!"

If the previous marriage contract was only their private agreement, it is now completely settled, and a certain meaning is declared to the world. There is no possibility of repentance. How can Yelu Chucai, who has been worried about his family, feel unhappy and overwhelmed. ?

"It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, or how about getting married today?" Ah Jiu on the side suddenly said with a smile.

"Will it be too rushed? Nothing is ready yet..." Yelv Chucai showed a hint of hesitation on her face.

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