Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1607: Bridal anthurium

Although Yelu Chucai wanted to settle her daughter's marriage as soon as possible, but after the decision was made, she didn't want to get married in a hurry. After all, if the wedding was too simple and hurried, her daughter would be taken lightly.

Ah Jiu seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, I have already prepared these in advance. I have just sent someone to groom Sister Yan to dress up and put on her wedding gown." After speaking, he clapped his hands. The maid came in with red lanterns, red silk, etc., and the whole process was in order, apparently she had practiced many times.

She had no choice but to manage this in such a rush. Although the Southern Song Dynasty had not formally made the Northern Expedition, the small-scale troop dispatch had already begun. The Jin Kingdom still needed Song Qingshu to go back and organize the overall situation. There would be one more risk in a day, so she had to Knowing the day Song Qingshu came back, I prepared everything in advance, otherwise, waiting for the normal marriage process, and choosing the lucky day, and a lot of tedious pre-operations, by then the day lily will be cold.

Hearing that her daughter had actually ran to put on her wedding gown, Yelu Chucai suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "This girl..." At this time, everyone in the hall also made a lot of noise, all urging them to have a wedding and enter the bridal chamber tonight.

Yeluchu also drank a lot of wine. At this time, the spirit of the wine surged. Coupled with the sincerity shown by Song Qingshu just now and the warm atmosphere around him, he waved his hand: "Then go to court and get married today!"

Xiao Feng couldn't help laughing: "Second brother, eldest brother is going to congratulate you!" Although he did not agree with the other side's merciful behavior, he also understood that the other side's identity was different and could not be judged by ordinary people's love concept.

Song Qingshu replied with a glass: "I don't know when I can drink the wedding wine of Big Brother?"

Xiao Feng glanced at Azi next to him, and said with a smile: "After two years, we will be herding horses and sheep outside the Great Wall. We must invite your second brother to come and have a wedding drink."

"Okay!" Song Qingshu touched him a cup, and thought secretly in his heart: After the incident, he must follow the promise and let Azhu go, so that the pair of fateful mandarin ducks will be fulfilled.


Soon Ah Jiu’s men set up Xitang, and a group of people began to watch Song Qingshu and Yeluyan worship the world in a lively manner. Yelv Chucai, who was invited to the first place, smiled and stroked his beard, although the wedding was a bit hasty and sudden. , But it can be seen that the nine princesses were carefully prepared, not simple and sloppy at all. They did not let his daughter be wronged. What made him even more happy was the attitude of the nine princesses. It must be very harmonious.

He had long heard that Song Qingshu had many beauties around him, but he didn't mind that from the royal family, his main concern was how his daughter got along with those women. The nine princesses as an eldest woman... Although there seems to be a genuine lady in Yangzhou, the nine princesses will surely occupy the position of queen in the future in terms of identity theory and power theory. In the customs of the prairie people, the emperor can generally have both Several queens, this is the biggest difference from the Han dynasty.

With the nine princesses taking care of her, Yan'er will definitely not be bullied in the future.

The only thing that made Yelv Chucai a little regretful was that Song Qingshu's parents were not present, but he heard rumors that Song Qingshu had a festival with the Wudang School in the past, so guessed that Song Yuanqiao was inconvenient to play, so he expressed his understanding after a little regret.

After the ceremony of worshipping heaven and earth, the bride was supported by the maid back to the bridal chamber, and Song Qingshu was pulled back to the banquet. After the wedding episode, the atmosphere once again set off a new round of climax.

Before, everyone took turns to toast to him and Xiao Feng. This time no one respected Xiao Feng. They came to respect him. Song Qingshu also relied on his strong internal strength. It can be said that he did not refuse, and everyone was applauded. Sometimes people are so strange. There are also some unfamiliar relationships. After drinking once, the relationship naturally becomes harmonious.

I don't know how long it has passed, but after all, Ah Jiu felt sorry for him, and stood up to stop him from drinking and said, "Don't persuade him anymore, he has drunk enough today, and he won't be able to enter the bridal chamber after drinking."

Her remarks caused everyone to laugh, but no one came to persuade them uninterestingly. First, she did see that Song Qingshu drank a lot, and she was afraid that drinking would cause problems; second, Ajiu's prestige is here on weekdays, and she has spoken. These people don't want to touch the mold.

"Help King Qi to enter the bridal chamber, and the rest of the people continue to drink." Ah Jiu called a few maids, and together they helped Song Qingshu to walk to the inner house. As soon as the two big-boss left, the atmosphere in the court relaxed. He continued to scramble and drink.

After leaving the hall, Ah Jiu personally went over to help Song Qingshu, smelling his drunkenness, couldn't help but give him a vain look: "You are so true. Everyone who comes to respect you drink it, and is not afraid of hurting your body."

Song Qingshu's face was a little red, he hehe smiled and said, "You are happy today. If you drink some people's wine and refuse some people's wine, wouldn't it chill the hearts of a group of people?"

Ah Jiu said angrily: "It's obviously that you don't want to be drunk by a thousand cups. You look at the other leaders. It's enough to just try it out every time."

"Don't worry, these wines can't get me drunk with my cultivation." Song Qingshu felt warm when he heard her complaint, and suddenly felt cared for by his wife. It was the warmth of home that other women couldn't give.

"Know that you are good enough, don't let me go with you if you are so good." Ah Jiu pinched him, but he was reluctant to use force, "Hey, the bridal chamber is here, you can go in by yourself."

Who knows that Song Qingshu salivated her face and grabbed her: "Why don't we go in together."

Ah Jiu's face turned red in an instant, and he glanced at the maid beside him with a guilty conscience: "What nonsense are you talking about, this is your bridal chamber with sister Yan'er."

"You know what I'm talking about, we can be together..." Song Qingshu said with a smile through Jiu Jin.

Ah Jiu finally couldn't stand him anymore, and pushed him to the maid aside: "King Qi is drunk, help him in to rest."

"Yes~" The maids were also blushing, with an expression that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and helped Song Qingshu to walk into the bridal chamber.

Ah Jiu stayed outside, stroking his hot cheek and sipped inwardly: "Tomorrow I will settle the account when you wake up from alcohol."

After the maids sent Song Qingshu into the bridal chamber, they left happily and closed the door thoughtfully when they went out. Looking at the bride sitting on the bed with the red hijab on her head, Song Qingshu staggered over, unbuttoned her red hijab tremblingly, and looked at the dizzy girl with peach cheeks, and said with a smile: "Sister Yan'er, we are Isn't it time to drink a cup of wine?"

Ye Luyan looked up at him timidly, saw him staggering, and hurriedly got up to support him: "Brother Song, why are you drinking like this? Sit down."

"Drink is not intoxicating and everyone is drunk." Song Qingshu pulled her into his arms, feeling the girl's tall and slender figure, "Today is our great day, happy."

"I'm going to pour you some water." Ye Luyan hasn't been hugged by a man like this in the past ten years, and she couldn't help but trembled when she smelled the man's breath of alcohol on his body.

"What kind of water to drink at this time? It's right to drink a cup of wine directly." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand, and the flask and glass on the table seemed to be drawn by an invisible hand.

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