Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1608: Awkward brother

Seeing the hip flask flying over, Ye Luyan's eyes were wide open. Where did she see such an exquisite and magical martial arts before, wondering why she quietly inquired about her fiance during this time, except for the golden snake king and the king of Qi. , Everyone also calls it in private-banxian.

Thinking of him being able to call for thunder and electricity, and beg for rain, the girl’s adoration for him has reached its peak. Now seeing this scene, she is shocked and proud, thinking that her husband is really the most powerful man in the world. Women on the grassland admire the strong most, and Yeluyan is no exception.

At this time Song Qingshu had already poured the wine, and handed her one of them: "Come on, let's have a drink at the bar."

Ye Luyan showed hesitation on her face: "Big Brother Song, you have already drunk so much, if you drink again..."

"Sister Yan'er knows how to care for people," Song Qingshu said jokingly, "Don't worry, this bit of wine is okay, even if you are really drunk, you can't save a cup of wine."

"Yeah~" Ye Luyan's face flushed. Before today, the two could still be said to be strangers, and they had not spoken more than ten things to each other. I did not expect that this man has become her husband now.

After this episode, the two have gotten closer to each other than before. In fact, this is what Song Qingshu deliberately did. As a man, he naturally doesn't mind having something to do with a strange beautiful girl, but the other is a woman, and she is still young. , I am afraid that my heart is still full of fear and fear for the future.

The two crossed their hands and leaned closer than ever before. After drinking a cup of wine, Song Qingshu sniffed and said with a smile: "Sister Yan'er is really fragrant, not like my wine."

"This is the powder that Sister Ajiu chose for me," Yeluyan said with a blushing face, "Big Brother Song, you don't smell bad."

Seeing her timid appearance, Song Qingshu laughed loudly: "You don't have to worry about anything. I can't stand the scent of alcohol anymore, so I'll take a shower and clean it before I come to you."

"Don't~" Ye Luyan grabbed his shirt, and her face looked very charming under the phoenix crown and the halo. "Don't go..." hesitated for a moment and then added, "People on the grassland love to drink, for us Not only is the smell of wine not unpleasant, but it also represents manhood. I...I like the smell of Brother Song now."

Although Song Qingshu relieved a lot of alcohol energy through his true energy, he drank too much tonight, and now he has a three-point drunkness. The girl's soft and soft words are more violent than the most powerful love-medicine in the world, and it hooks him. The body became hot instantly.

"Since this is the case, then I won't leave." Song Qingshu sat by the bed and looked at her new young wife. In terms of appearance, she is not considered the top among the women she knows, but her greatest advantage lies in her. Slender and tall figure, and the heroic spirit mixed with immature feeling between the eyebrows.

He suddenly thought of something and couldn't help asking: "Sister Yan'er, how old are you this year?"

Ye Luyan's face was reddened, as if embarrassed to say it, she hesitated and leaned in his ear to whisper a number.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped when she heard it: "So small? You can't tell at all."

"It's not young anymore. Many sisters in our tribe who have grown up with me have been married a long time ago, and many children have been born," Ye Luyan explained in a panic, "I was only born a little higher than them since I was a child. , Brother Song, don't you dislike me, I heard that you Han people like petite and exquisite..."

"I’m too happy to be too late, so why would I dislike you?" Song Qingshu laughed dumbly, and said drunkly, "In the past life, Zhang Zilin didn’t know how many men were the target of YY. I didn’t expect that I had such good luck. Can get a pure girl version of Zhang Zilin."

Ye Luyan was confused when she heard: "Big Brother Song, who is Zhang Zilin?"

"Miss World from my hometown, a woman who is as tall as you and has great long legs," Song Qingshu laughed, took her into her arms, and kissed her in her ear. "Don't want to tonight. Mention other people..."

Ye Luyan was originally curious about what Miss World is, but she was embraced by him and shrouded in the man's masculine aura, her body was already soft, there was no other thing in her mind.

Although she grew up in the grassland, she was not too courageous on weekdays, but in the arms of this famous man, her courage disappeared without a trace, and she became even more ladylike than a lady, especially when the other person started. When **** her dress, her heart trembled fiercely, much more shy than those ladies.

The red wedding gown slipped slowly to bring out the fairness and tenderness of the skin. Song Qingshu swallowed, looking at the slender, well-proportioned and somewhat immature carcass in front of him, he couldn't look away at all.

Whether it is for Zeng Rou or Yeluyan, Song Qingshu is very clear that there is no unforgettable love with them, especially Yeluyan, who has only met a few times before and after, and is not even as familiar with Zeng Rou, but this is not Does not prevent him from appreciating the beauty of each other.

He is a man. Although love is limited, his possessiveness is limitless by his nature. Seeing the tall, slender, long legs in front of him, Song Qingshu has no heart to think about other things. He just wants to enjoy the newly-acquired love and love. Wife, slowly spend this night in the bridal chamber.

The bright wedding gown was thrown on the ground indiscriminately, and the tent on the bed was slowly lowered. Only the wooden bed was trembling, and the bride’s tender humming sounded from inside from time to time. Yan and charming are not enough for outsiders, only the burning red candle silently witnessed all this...

On the second day, Song Qingshu left the bridal chamber in a refreshing manner. Before leaving, he specially ordered the maids not to disturb Yeluyan and let her take a good rest.

Then he came directly to the residence of Yelv Chucai and Yelvqi. Yelv Chucai drank a lot of wine yesterday because of his old age, and got up a little late, so Yelvqi received him first.

"Qingshu got up so early? Did you sleep well last night?" Yelvqi couldn't wait to give himself a mouth when he finished asking. It would be okay to greet him like this on weekdays, but last night it was the other party and his sister. In the bridal night, is there any brother who asks this?

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "I slept well, the sister is very good, and very good at serving people." Not only is it good, it should be said that he is quite satisfied, that tall and slender figure is really a good thing on a man's bed. , It is a perfect interpretation of what is the leg play year. Ye Luyan is a girl after all. Later, her immature body couldn't help it. Song Qingshu was worried about hurting her and did not force her, but the amazing proportions of long legs were enough for him to spend the rest of the night very beautifully—— Of course these words are not discussed with Yelvqi.

Hearing the answer from the other party, Yelvqi became even more depressed, especially when he looked at his expression, as if he was reminiscing about his sister's taste, he couldn't help but become more embarrassed, and hurriedly coughed and asked: "Qingshu came to me so early, isn't it? What's the matter?"

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