Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1612: Mess

After discussing some matters concerning the dispatch of troops, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Brother Lu, it's not easy for you to come here. I will pick you up later and have a good drink."

Lu Guanying hurriedly stood up and waved his hand: "No, no, I am still anxious to go back to report to Han Xiang. He is eager to see the news here. I really don't want to delay, but I hope King Qi will forgive me."

Worried about refusing to offend the other party in this way, he hurriedly added: "In the future, when King Qi comes to Jiangnan, I will definitely bring my son to apologize, entertain King Qi well, and take care of King Qi." He was worried that he was not enough, so he deliberately sent his wife Cheng Yao. Jia's name was also taken out.

Song Qingshu couldn't hear what he meant. He wanted to treat him well, what kind of treat... Thinking of Cheng Yaojia's shy light-puffs, he couldn't help but feel hot.

"Crimes and sins..." Song Qingshu hurriedly converged, "Since Brother Lu is on official business, I can't force it to stay. Come here, go and choose a few good horses, and then prepare for entanglement and northern specialties..."

Lu Guanying declined a few times, but after all he was not so kind, so she had to accept the gift, and then left.

As a sign of closeness, Song Qingshu sent him out, saying, "Brother Lu, remember to say hello to Han Xiang."

"Definitely," Lu Guanying nodded hurriedly, "In fact, King Qi agreed to send troops, which is the biggest greeting to Han Xiang."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, but it was inconvenient to explain that his so-called dispatch of troops was nothing more than a gesture. Jin Guo is now his own property, so how could he beat his own people.

After sending off Lu Guanying, Song Qingshu said to Ah Jiu, "Is the situation on Wulian Mountain serious?"

Ah Jiu replied: "It doesn't seem to be too serious at the moment, but Wulian Mountain controls the north-south strategic points. Once they are full of wings, whether they go north or south, they will easily shake our confidant place. ."

This area of ​​Shandong is roughly divided into two parts by the Taiyi Mountains in the northwest-southeast direction. The north is the hometown of Qi and the south is the hometown of Lu. In the spring and autumn, the two countries have surrounded the Taiyi Mountains for hundreds of years. Outside of Qilu and Shandong that everyone is familiar with, there was another country in Shandong at that time, and that was Ju country.

The Taiyi Mountains did not extend all the way to the sea. There was still a distance from the sea and turned to the southwest to form the Yimeng Mountain. Therefore, a valley was formed between the Wulian Mountain on the coast and the Yimeng Mountain and the foot of the Wulian Mountain. There are two rivers, Yihe and Muhe, so this valley is also called Yimuhe Valley.

This valley is not narrow, and there is enough land in the middle to feed the population, so this place used to be the territory of the country of Ju. Because this valley connects the northern Lubei Plain and the Donglai hills to the north, it can be said to be a battleground for military strategists. After Ju was destroyed, Qi and Chu two countries saw the valley around this river valley, and the eastern section of the Qi Great Wall was built at the northern exit of this valley.

So Ah Jiu worried that once the separatist forces took advantage of the emptiness of the Golden Snake Camp, whether they went north to the Lubei Plain along the Yimu River Valley or south to the Jianghuai area, they would shake the foundation of the Golden Snake Camp.

It's not that I haven't had the idea of ​​encirclement and suppression, but once the army goes, those separatist forces will be broken into pieces and hide in Wulian Mountain and Yimeng Mountain, and they are simply unable to proceed.

After listening to Ah Jiu’s report, Song Qingshu nodded: “As the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire. You must not let them grow bigger. They must be killed in the bud. This time I brought Xiao Feng back and let him lead the army. Going to deal with those separatist forces, with his prestige, he must be able to maximize the disintegration of the enemy's fighting spirit, but pay attention to the main task of petting and encirclement and suppression."

Ah Jiu hesitated: "Let Brother Xiao lead the troops alone?" Because of Ye Luyan's presence, she can't say directly, if Xiao Feng directly leads the troops, it will be easy for him to sit up. Now the relationship between the two parties is not obvious. , This arrangement is not appropriate.

"Big Brother Xiao just came, if he rashly let him lead the army, it might make some old Jin snake camp dissatisfied, so at that time, another general will be sent with him." Song Qingshu had already thought about proper arrangements.

Ajiu nodded: "Are you leaving again next?" After speaking, he glanced at Ye Luyan intentionally or unintentionally, and deliberately raised it in front of her just to tell her.

Sure enough, when Song Qingshu was about to leave, Ye Luyan couldn't help but change slightly: "Where are you going, Brother Song?"

Song Qingshu explained: "The Southern Song Dynasty is about to expedition to the North. We have reached an agreement with their court before, and we have to send troops to cooperate. However, the soldiers also have weapons and have to act cautiously, so I need to go to the front line in advance to investigate."

The reason for the posture of sending troops was because of the previous exchange of interests with the Southern Song Dynasty, and secondly, in order not to lose the heart of the Han people in the world. After all, the foreign race was strong in these years, and the Han people are looking forward to the re-emergence of the Han dynasty, and the Ming dynasty has disappeared. Not to mention, there is only one Southern Song Dynasty left, so the Han people all over the world have high hopes for this Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty. If Song Qingshu's rebellion at this time affects the plan of the Northern Expedition, it would really be a big disaster.

"Big Brother Song, I'll go with you!" Ye Luyan blurted out. She was just married to Yan'er, how could she be willing to part with it so quickly.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "This trip is going to be everywhere, and it's full of dangers. It is too inconvenient for you to go, and I can come and go freely. If you go, I will be distracted and take care of you. The efficiency will be greatly reduced... …"

Ah Jiu also comforted him: "Sister Yan'er, there are many ways to help Brother Song. Didn't I tell you before? Our sisters usually help him with a lot of government affairs. I am short of manpower. So you need to stay at the Golden Snake Camp and help me."

Ye Luyan knew that she would be a drag on her husband in the past, so she nodded, "Well then..." The grievance in her tone was clear.

Song Qingshu smiled and held her hand: "I am not leaving immediately today, no matter how much I have to stay here for a few days, I can accompany you well."

Ye Luyan's face turned red in an instant, and she hurriedly said: "It's still important, Brother Song, you don't have to worry about me like this, I'm fine..."

Ah Jiu couldn't help but laughed, "Sister Yan'er is really empathetic."


In the next period of time, Song Qingshu met with Jinsheying’s mid-level and high-level confidants in turn during the day. He was away all year round and needed to get close to these people from time to time. At night, he would accompany his newlyweds, Ye Luyan, to make up for just getting married. Debt to be separated.

Ye Luyan didn’t know whether it was being directed by her father or what, so a day or two later, she pushed Song Qingshu to Ah Jiu’s place, showing that he had no intention of petting, making Ah Jiu very embarrassed. As a result, the two women gave way to each other and Song Qingshu was dead. The result is obvious...I was rejected mercilessly and criticized by the two women united.

After spending a few days in this way, before leaving, Song Qingshu deliberately asked Ah Zi to ask: "Be careful in everything you say and do, and don’t reveal any flaws; if there is any situation, Fei Ge will communicate with you, and Ah Jiu will arrange it for you. Channel; the last attention...Be careful to protect yourself."

"Master, are you afraid that I will be taken advantage of?" Azi asked with a smile, blinking her eyes.

Song Qingshu said angrily: "Brother Xiao is a gentleman, so he won't take the initiative to do anything to you, just to remind you just in case."

"If I accidentally be taken advantage of, do you not want me, Master?" Azi asked curiously.

Song Qingshu glanced at her faintly: "What do you think?"

A Zi's heart stunned, but she quickly smiled: "If that happens, I will just pretend to go on and pay my sister to the owner. Is this the custom of changing wives among certain ethnic groups on the grassland?"

Song Qingshu heard a black line, and slapped her on the head: "You little head melon seeds are thinking about all the mess all day long."

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