Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1613: Inheritance

Despite some dismay, Song Qingshu still had to leave Jinsheying and rushed to Jinguo Daxing Mansion.

From time to time on this road, I encountered people fleeing northward. Obviously, they had to flee their homes when they heard that there was going to be a war in the south. What's interesting is that most of them are Han people. Song Qingshu was a bit strange at first. It is logically said that it was the Southern Song and Northern Expedition. Shouldn't the Han people be greeted by eating pots of pulp?

However, he quickly realized that he has not been in this world for a short time, and he gradually understood that for the people at the bottom, they have three meals a day, and they struggle with food and clothing. There is really no such thing as worrying about national affairs. Those who have the energy to care about these are often scholars with a wealthy family background and passionate impulse.

For the people at the bottom, the war means life is in danger, it means food is not enough, it means displacement...

"Xing, the people are suffering; death, the people are suffering..." Song Qingshu was never a compassionate saint, but he was deeply touched by witnessing the tragic situation of some refugees, and he became more and more determined to unify the world as soon as possible and keep the soldiers away from the people. .

All the way to Daxing Mansion without stopping, the guards at the gates were twice as many as usual, and there were soldiers patrolling everywhere on the street. It was obvious that the atmosphere in the city was much more solemn and tense than before, obviously because of the imminent war.

Song Qingshu hesitated and decided to go to Tang Kuo's Mansion first. After all, it is not easy to infiltrate the heavily guarded Golden State Palace even with his extraordinary effort.

When he arrived near Tang Kuo's Mansion, Song Qingshu looked at the guard in front of the door for a while with depression: "I didn't expect to go back to my house without going to the front door. It's really heartbreaking to think about it."

In fact, it is easy for him to enter Tang Kuobian, but I don’t know if another "Tang Kuobian" is in the house at this time. If two Tang Kuobian appear at the same time, it will be troublesome; of course, if he You can enter in openly if you give out Song Qingshu's name. After all, he is Tang Kuobian's beloved brother, but now that the Southern Song and Northern Expedition is approaching, the Han people all over the world are paying attention to this side.

I tangled around the doorway, and finally went around to a remote courtyard wall in the backyard, and sneaked in while no one was paying attention.

Now that Tang Kuobian is the head of the 100 officials of the Jin Kingdom, the mansion is naturally tightly guarded. Song Qingshu has found many secret whistles along the way, and thanks to his familiarity with the mansion, he didn't trigger the alarm along the way.

Hearing some people passing by chatting, "Tang Kuobian" is now dealing with government affairs in the study. Song Qingshu thought in his heart: I don't know who is pretending to be Tang Kuobian...

In the case of Jin Guo, in most cases it is the purple shirt dragon king Dai Qisi pretending to be Tang Kuobian, and Gebi pretending to be the emperor Wanyanquan, sitting in the palace with Wanyanping, but sometimes they will switch to each other when something happens. Let's look at the role, so he is not sure who is in the study now.

Thinking of the glamorous and arrogant purple shirt dragon king, the gentle and moving song, and the youthful and lively Wan Yanping, Song Qingshu has a touch of tenderness in his heart. This is also another home for him, especially the song, which can bring him a touch. The warmth of the family, the gentleness of his wife-although she has always asked him to appear in Tang Kuobian's image every time, especially when he is affectionate...

But how can Song Qingshu from later generations account for the gains and losses of this city? What is more important is the actual gains, but I am always playing role-playing games with her, occasionally recovering her original appearance when she is extremely emotional, and the shyness and anger on the other side's face is even more so. It is to give him a strong sense of conquest.

"Who?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but breathe heavily because of the thought of some beautiful pictures. The "Tang Kuobian" in the study raised his head and raised his hand with a hidden weapon.

Feeling the oncoming gust of wind, Song Qingshu screamed ashamed. He hurriedly reached out and grabbed the hidden weapon. He opened the palm of his hand to see that it was a few golden flowers.

"It turned out to be Dai Qisi." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, this is the unique hidden weapon of the Purple Shirt Dragon King.

Let’s say that Daiqisi was dealing with the massive amount of letters reported from various places in the study, when she suddenly heard something outside the door, she shot away the hidden weapon in her sleeve without even thinking about it. After all, she had specially asked the servants in the house before, without her. No one was allowed to get closer to this small courtyard.

Realizing that the opponent had resolved her hidden weapon as soon as she raised her hand, Daiqisi's heart shuddered. She knew that she was a top expert, and she was probably not her opponent. She was about to call the guards to warn her, and she suddenly saw the opponent's appearance, with a small mouth. Halfway open, he swallowed the words that came to his lips abruptly.

"The red lips of the first beauty in the martial arts in the past are so beautiful, but it's a pity that they are covered with beards now." Song Qingshu opened the door and said with a joking expression.

Dai Qisi gave him a white look, and then raised her hand to cover her face. When she put down her sleeves, she had restored her frosty, yet beautiful and beautiful face.

At this time, a guard heard the movement and ran over: "My lord, what happened?"

"It's okay, get back, no one is allowed to come near without my order!" Dai Qisi closed the door with a flick of her sleeve, and said coldly.

"Yes!" The group of guards did not hesitate, and quietly retreated.

Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly: "The technique of the Dragon King's Control is really impressive. It really is a prohibition."

"After all, I was also the saint of Mingjiao, the head of the four masters of Mingjiao in the Central Plains, okay?" Hearing his compliment, Dai Qisi's lips turned up in a beautiful arc.

Song Qingshu walked over and hugged her in his arms, wanting to feel the body that countless men in martial arts dreamed of, and said with a smile: "But the happiest thing about me coming here today is not that you trained your subordinates well, but another one. Something?"

"What's the matter?" A faint blush flashed across Dai Qisi's crystal white cheeks, because her character was not used to being held so favorably by men, and she was still a man younger than her.

Dai Qisi's body is plump and soft, and Song Qingshu seems to be holding a ripe peach: "I am glad that your first reaction after seeing me is to restore your appearance immediately. Obviously you have begun to care about the image in my heart. As the saying goes, a woman is a person who pleases herself, how can I be unhappy?"

Dai Qisi was startled, has she gradually accepted him unknowingly? You must know that at the beginning, he was half-forced to occupy his body...

Even though she was a little flustered, she didn't mean to admit it at all: "Who said that, I was not used to wearing that mask, with a beard on my face, and it's just piercing to death."

Song Qingshu leaned on her cheek and looked at it: "Let me see, if Dragon King's delicate skin is allergic to the beard on the mask, it would be a violent thing."

Being held by him at such a close distance, and even being able to feel the breath of his breath, Dai Qisi couldn't help but shudder on her skin, and she got up from his arms in a panic: "You are older than me. My daughter is not a few years old, don't molest an old woman like me like a little girl."

Song Qingshu laughed: "The dragon king's skin can be broken with a bomb, and his figure is still as graceful as a girl. When we stand together, people who don't know think you will be my sister. Where are you old?"

In this world, Xiao Zhao is fifteen or six years old, and the Purple Shirt Dragon King is only in his early thirties, and Song Qingshu is almost 30 years old. The age gap between him and Xiao Zhao is much larger than that of the Purple Shirt Dragon King.

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu suddenly pondered: "Although my age is just the beginning of a golden bachelor in later generations, the world is obviously already a bit too big, especially now that I have a small foundation, so I have to start thinking about it. There is a problem with the offspring, and it also plays a role in calming people's hearts."

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