Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1614: Hidden Head of the Hundred Officials

"Before I walked the rivers and lakes, when I met you with a glib tongue, I definitely solved one with one hand," Dai Qisi snorted, and said depressedly, "It's a pity that I can't beat you, I can only listen to your nonsense. Gibberish."

Although she said this, it was strange that she didn't feel angry at all, she sighed secretly, and suddenly noticed that Song Qingshu was silent there in a daze, and she couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong with you, it seems a little unhappy?"

"I'm thinking that I'm a few years younger than you, and your children have all become big girls, but my children are nowhere to be seen, so I have to feel a lot of emotion." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"To a certain extent, you are also considered late bloomers, and you are also late to get married. This is normal." Seeing the man's lonely appearance, Dai Qisi felt a little distressed for some reason, and couldn't help but comfort her, "Furthermore, you are so lonely now. What a confidante, are you afraid that no one will give you a son?"

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up: "The Dragon King will surely comfort people, why don't you give birth to a son for me?"

Dai Qisi suffocated her breath, thinking that she was really obsessed, and her heart wanted to comfort him?

"No, give you a son, how can you make me worthy of my dead husband, facing my daughter in the future, no, absolutely not!" Dai Qisi's face changed, and she refused flatly.

Song Qingshu originally wanted to say that Mr. Yin Ye had been dead for so many years, and there was nothing worthy of being sorry, but seeing the fierce resistance of the other party now, he wisely did not continue this topic.

"Okay, okay, I just made a joke with you, I think you are excited." Song Qingshu secretly thought, anyway, whether she can get pregnant is up to her own control, and she can not control it. She didn't want to bear fruit... Of course now he still couldn't bear to let such a bright and incomprehensible stunner-Wu conceive so early.

"Don't make this kind of joke with me in the future." Daiqisi maintains this kind of secret relationship with him now. Although she resisted at first, outsiders don't know it and she can barely accept it. , But suddenly you have a big belly, don't you want to be laughed at by the people of the world? Thinking of that situation, her glamorous face instantly blushed, like a shy girl.

Having hurriedly cleared out the messy pictures in her mind, Dai Qisi hurriedly changed the subject: "You are not here to chat with me this time, right?"

Song Qingshu also looked serious, and began to solemnly: "How is the situation in the south now?" Although he also has his own information, he still has no internal knowledge of Jin Guo. The previous transmissions with Jin Guo are kept secret and quick, and many details are also available. Can't pass.

Dai Qisi unfolded the map on the table, and began to explain: "Han Dongzhe sealed Pingzhang's state affairs, took over the military and political power, ordered the army to make preparations for the march, and went out of the court to seal the Kujinwan two for military supplies..."

"This power of Han Tong can be said to be unprecedented. It seems that he is determined to win this Northern Expedition." Song Qingshu was moved. You know that in general, the Southern Song Dynasty court has the greatest power in Shang Shu Zuo Pu shot and the court servant. Shang Shu You Pu shot and Zhong Shu Shi Lang, also known as the left and right phases, and underneath are several officials who participate in political affairs.

However, there was another hidden official position in the Song Dynasty. It was the top of the 100 officials and ranked above the prime minister. That was the important task of the Pingzhang military state! This official position was specially set up for Gao De's veterans in the Northern Song Dynasty as a show of favor. For five or two days, one dynasty will not go to the political affairs hall if it is not a day. However, in the Northern Song Dynasty, this official position was only a kind of highest honorary position, and basically did not participate in the decision-making of the military affairs of the court.

It was not until the Southern Song Dynasty that great changes took place, because the entire Southern Song Dynasty was accompanied by war from the founding of the country to its demise. In order to avoid power constraints, the military and government departments did not cooperate well. This official position gradually became whether it was the political affairs hall or the privy council, and military and administration were controlled by it. Is a veritable head of a hundred officials.

However, Han Dongzhan’s Pingzhang military state affairs is one less important than the previous Pingzhang military state affairs, and the power is much greater, because the Pingzhang military state can only deal with "important" matters, but what is the Pingzhang military state affairs? Can manage!

"Despite Jia Sidao's secret constraints, in name he is already an extremely human minister." Song Qingshu secretly sighed. At this time, Han Tong should be at the peak of his life, but it is a pity that he is doomed to fail...

Dai Qisi went on to say: "Han Tong ordered Wu Xi to train in Xishu, and Zhao Chun and Huang Fubin were ready to send troops to take Tang and Deng. Wuyi doctor Chen Xiaoqing and Zhenjiang governor Guo Jing trained in Jianghuai, ready to cross the Huaihe River."

Wu Xi is Wu Tiande, that is, Linghu Chong pretending to be. Song Qingshu secretly pondered: I don't know how Linghu Chong has integrated Xishu after taking office. It will be really troublesome to send troops from Sichuan to fight on both sides of the Eastern Front.

Tang and Deng refer to Tangzhou and Dengzhou in the Nanyang Basin. They are located in the north of Xiangyang. They can be said to be the indispensable passage for attacking the Central Plains from Xiangyang. In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the Chu Kingdom first destroyed many small countries in the Nanyang Basin, and then Nanyang The basin serves as a springboard to enter the Central Plains and compete with the heroes. In addition to attacking the Central Plains to the east, the Nanyang Basin can also attack Guanzhong from the west via Wuguan. In the later period of the Warring States period, the Qin and Chu two countries started a see-saw around the Nanyang Basin. In the end, the Chu State lost the Nanyang Basin, so it was completely Lost the capital that threatened the State of Qin. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang also attacked Wuguan from the Nanyang Basin, and then attacked Xianyang like a broken bamboo. This shows how important the Nanyang Basin is, and the two states of Tang and Deng are the gateway to the south of the Nanyang Basin!

As for the two names of Zhao Chun and Huangfubin, I have never heard of them, but being able to serve as the chief general of the Central Route in such an important Northern Expedition must also be a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty. Of course, compared to the Western Shu side, Song Qingshu is right. The two of them didn't take it to heart. After all, even the characters he hadn't heard of, the abilities of famous generals were very limited.

Song Qingshu didn't quite understand that Xiangyang City was Guo Jing's base camp. Why didn't the Southern Song emperor let him return to Xiangyang to lead the attack north, but instead dropped him to the east? Is it to avoid the generals from sitting on the ground? After all, the Lu brothers of Xiangyang city guard are the direct descendants of Jia Sidao. If Guo Jing is allowed to stay there, the whole area of ​​Jingxiang might really be broken into a piece by Jia Sidao.

Song Qingshu knew without guessing that Han Tong's "effort" must be indispensable.

"Now the Southern Song Dynasty is aggressive, and it will be really a troublesome situation when the three roads go together." Song Qingshu had a headache. The previous operation was as fierce as a tiger. The biggest threat to the north, Liao, and even the Golden Snake Camp in the east can be ignored. Knowing that the Southern Song Dynasty can still organize a three-way army to attack the Kingdom of Jin at the same time. Although the Kingdom of Jin has many fighters, it has experienced a great upheaval not long ago. Now it is the weakest time. It is really unknown who will die.

"It's not as bad as you think." Dai Qisi's lips raised, revealing a bright and unparalleled smile.

"Why do you say that?" Song Qingshu said curiously.

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