Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1615: Beautiful girl leader

Daiqisi took a secret report from the Huanyiyuan and handed it to him: "Although Han Dongzuo is the head of a hundred officials in name, but because some of his administration offended Jianshan Academy a few years ago, the officials of this faction did not wait. Seeing him, plus people like Jia Sidao, Shi Miyuan, and Xue Ji are not always with him, so he can't deploy many officials at all."

Song Qingshu took a look at the secret report, and his face suddenly became very exciting, because it recorded the deeds of Han Qi during this period of time: Han Tong planned to use Guangshuai Xueshu to go to the front line to command the Huaixi army, and Xue Shu seemed not to serve; and ordered. Knowing the affairs of the Privy Council, Xu Zhi kept Jinling, and Xu Zhi did not leave the guard; he was transferred to the Jianghuai Xuanfu Envoy, and Qiu Wei died...

Through this piece of paper, Song Qingshu can feel Han Tongzhe's embarrassment and rage, but there is no way, the Southern Song civil officials are good at playing word games, and they can always find some messy reasons to refuse you and also make you unable to deal with him— -And even if it is dismissed and demoted, it is not a big deal. Someone in the DPRK will soon be reactivated, and with previous experience, they can gain great fame, which will greatly help him in his future promotion.

"Qiu Kai, this person seems a little familiar..." Song Qingshu couldn't help muttering to himself, but for a while, he forgot where he had heard his name.

Dai Qisi on the side explained thoughtfully: "Qiu Gu serves in the Privy Council, and the official position is signed with the Privy Council. His son Qiu Tongfu

Married to the second daughter of Lu Wende, the city keeper of Xiangyang, so he should be an official of Jia Sidao faction. "

This did not surprise Song Qingshu. It is not surprising that these officials who were against Han Zhang's antagonism had Jia Sidao behind him. Instead, he was now curious about another thing: "Second son-in-law? Who is the eldest daughter of Lu Wende married to?"

"His eldest daughter is married to Fan Wenhu, just a wine and rice bag." Dai Qisi replied without thinking.

"Fan Wenhu?" Song Qing wrote a different color. He was very impressed with this man. In the Southern Song Dynasty, he led the Southern Song Navy and almost the entire army was defeated to Mongolia. After surrendering to Mongolia, he was selected as the Japanese conqueror. The coach, as a result, caused hundreds of thousands of Mongolian naval forces to be buried in the hurricane. He is really a top talent! What he couldn't figure out the most was why he, such a big pit product with its own aura of annihilation, could be widely used in the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia?

Daiqisi obviously couldn't guess what he was thinking, and continued to explain: "Now the Southern Song Dynasty can be called a general and few people, Zhao Go even issued an order to recommend the generals inside and outside to guard, because Deng Youlong once came here to serve. After returning home, he declared that the Jin Kingdom was weak within the country and advocated the Northern Expedition, and was immediately named the two Huai Xuanfu envoys. This shows the extent of the lack of generals in the Southern Song Dynasty."

Seeing Daiqisi recounting these information as if she had come at her fingertips, Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire: "The Dragon King really made me admire. Even an old political fritters can't be as clear as you about all the information. It seems this For a while, you didn't miss the memorials and reports that flew like snowflakes from all over the world. It's really hard for you."

"This is something that can't be helped. I originally stayed with you because I wanted you to help contain Mongolia and make the pressure on the Persian general altar less pressure. Who knew that you had just taken the position and had not had time to contain Mongolia. Instead, the Southern Song Dynasty began the Northern Expedition. Only by solving internal and external troubles as soon as possible can we help the general altar." Dai Qisi couldn't help thinking of her daughter Xiao Zhao, and she didn't know how she is now.

At this time, among the rugged mountains thousands of miles away, there is a majestic and strong castle on the most dangerous cliff, that is, the main altar of the Persian Ming religion. At this time, in a secret room in the deepest part of the main altar, a group of black The masked man knelt on the ground tremblingly, and in front of them there was a young girl standing with her back facing them. Although there was only one back, she was slim and attractive, and the skin exposed at her neck was crystal clear and soft as jade.

"Failed again?" The girl's voice was soft and clear. Turning around, she saw her eyebrows and nose trimmed, cherry mouths small, and pear vortexes appeared on her cheeks. It was really beautiful and innocent. If Song Qingshu was here, she would have noticed her strange complexion White, with the faint blue meaning of the sea in the eyes, more beautiful than the Zhongyuan woman, another one is more beautiful, can be described as bright eyes and white teeth, Tao Xiao Li Yan, although immature, she came out like Xiaolu Lotus, which is very affectionate.

However, these people in black who are kneeling on the ground are not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of the girl in front of them, and even the faint smile in the pear vortex on her cheek falls in their eyes like a sickle of death.

"Temujin's masters are like clouds, and there are thousands of troops to protect him, especially the emperor Basba is inseparable from him. Basba is a man with great skill and power. Our top killer does not know how much. In his hands." The headed man in black quickly explained.

"But this time the plan is so detailed. The King of the Twelve Treasure Trees dragged down the master masters such as Ba Si Ba, and then the top elites selected by your Assassin faction entered the king's account. Why is Tiemu really the slightest bit? Not hurt? Instead, the whereabouts of all the people you sent are unknown. Could it be that they chose to betray?" The girl's voice was cold and cold. Seeing the group of people below fearing her like a tiger and trembling, she herself was in a trance. Let the young man see himself now, I am afraid I dare not recognize each other.

This girl is naturally Xiao Zhao who was invited back to the Persian altar. Because of the pressure brought by the powerful Mongolia, under the influence of the Persian Ming religion, a girl in her district became the leader of the altar.

Because of his lack of qualifications and his young age, Xiao Zhao could only be regarded as a puppet leader at the beginning. However, as the war with Mongolia became more and more fierce, a large number of high-level Persian Ming churches died in battle, and Xiao Zhao gradually showed extraordinary abilities, so She, the puppet leader, gradually became the true leader.

After the baptism of blood and fire, the soft and cute girl in the past has now become a woman who kills and decides. In order to survive, she can only hide her weakness to the bottom of her heart in order to secure her position as the leader.

"Assassin's assassins will never betray!" The headed man in black hurriedly defended, with an indelible pride in his expression, "There is only Assassin who failed and died, and there is no Assassin who surrendered."

Xiao Zhao frowned. In fact, she didn't believe that Assassin's people would betray, but a team of top killers disappeared without a trace after entering the king's account. It was really weird.

"If what I expected is correct, those people are probably already dead." The black-clothed leader said in a deep voice.

Xiao Zhao snorted: "This seat has reliable information. At that time, all the masters around Temujin were transferred away. At that time, only Temujin was left in the king's account. Don't tell me that a team will assassinate the Western nations. The team of ace assassins with the lord's easy-to-handle ace, all died in the hands of Temujin."

A layer of cold sweat fell on the forehead of the black-clothed leader: "Although it is unbelievable, it is the most likely answer to rule out everything impossible."

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