Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1624: The beacon giant also passed through

Monk Wanyan Chen hesitated, and then he began to say: "Last year, my brother was changed to the commander-in-chief, so I just left Fangcheng with my brother..."

Song Qingshu has been in the Kingdom of Jin for so long, and he has been familiar with the geography of the Kingdom of Jin. He knows that the Fangcheng that the other party said is located in the territory of Henan in later generations. In ancient times, it was a battleground for military strategists.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, the Chu Kingdom of the Jianghan Plain went northward to attack many small countries in the Nanyang Basin one by one. The Nanyang Basin was located in the Funiu Mountains in the north, the Qinling Mountains in the west, and the Tongbai Mountains in the southeast. There are some intermittent hills between Baishan Mountain. In the Xia Dynasty, it was the channel connecting the Central Plains and Nanyang Basin, so it was called Xia Dao; and because later the Chu State often attacked the Central Plains from here, the Central Plains countries would also attack the Chu State from here. The country built the Chu Great Wall on these hills and called it Fangcheng. Therefore, historically, this strategic site was called Fangcheng Xiadao.

Now the Kingdom of Jin occupies the Nanyang Basin and confronts Xiangyang in the Southern Song Dynasty. Deng and Tang are the first line of defense for the Kingdom of Jin. If the Southern Song Dynasty breaks through the first line of defense to occupy the Nanyang Basin, the Fangcheng Xia Road will be the second line of defense. It shows how crucial the place their brothers are.

"Is your elder brother Wan Yan Xianlie?" Song Qingshu was curious. He has been in charge of the Kingdom for so long, how can he not be familiar with this kind of guardian of the key place?

Monk Wanyan Chen looked surprised and nodded, "Yes."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being in a good mood. You must know that although Wanyan Xielie is not as talented as his younger brother, he is also a fierce general in the famous army. It is really good luck today that he actually got this pair of famous brothers.

Then through inquiries, he knew why Monk Wanyan Chen committed the crime. It turned out that Xie Lie was ill some time ago, and his younger brother Chen took care of the affairs of the army. Li Taihe, Lieutenant General Li Taihe and Fang Chengcheng’s defense general Ge Yiweng had a quarrel at the end. It developed into a fight with each other and appealed to Monk Chen.

Monk Chen asked the whole story and found that it was Ge Yiweng Liqu, so he ordered the sergeant to beat him with the rod as appropriate. Unexpectedly, Ge Yiweng had a violent and fierce character. Yili was ashamed by the stick and died in depression. His last words asked his wife to avenge him.

His wife was also a sturdy woman. She immediately filed a lawsuit against Monk Chen, saying that Monk Chen violated the duties of others due to personal grievances and deliberately killed her husband. Jin Qiaonan piled up firewood and claimed that if monk Chen was not cured, he would set himself on fire and apologize to her husband.

The incident was very disturbing and the impact was very bad. In addition, there was a friend of Ge Yiweng among the Taiwan admonishers, so it was determined that Monk Chen possessed military power, arbitrary and arbitrarily violated the national law, and was finally sentenced to death.

After learning the whole story, Song Qingshu secretly sighed that this ancient legal system was a joke. In the final analysis, it is still ruled by man, and it depends on whoever has a strong background and who can win.

Originally, he was worried that Monk Wanyan Chen would be sentenced to death for committing an adulterous crime. Now that the last bit of doubt is gone, he no longer hesitates: "Although I am a court order, I am not good at interfering with judicial justice. But now the court is worried about internal and external troubles, and it is about to fight the Southern Song Dynasty again. It is about the time of employing people, so I will give you a chance to remove your official position in any Fangcheng, and then you will start from the bottom under my account. How about guilt and meritorious service?"

Although Monk Wanyan Chen is on the right side, he is not a fool. The first person to throw an olive branch in the ruling party, how can he miss such a good opportunity? What's more, his ambition also needs a higher platform to realize, so he hurriedly half-kneeled in an army salute: "Monk Chen pays homage to the lord!"

Song Qingshu was very satisfied. You must know that Heshang Chen had never bowed his knees before, but now he is willing to kneel down. Obviously, he is grateful for his life-saving grace. At the same time, he does not call the official position of the court, but is worthy of the Lord, and has expressed his allegiance.

"Hurry up, please!" Song Qingshu personally got up and helped him up. The king treated me with a scholar, and I should repay him with a scholar! You treat me as a passerby, and I repay it as a passerby! If you treat me with carelessness, I shall retaliate with the enemy! Monk Wanyan Chen deserves his treatment like this, "Come here, bring my horse."

A look of surprise flashed by the guards on the side, but still obediently led a horse over, Song Qingshu took the rein and handed it to Monk Wanyan Chen: "This horse travels thousands of miles a day and 800 nights, galloping on the battlefield. It should be its destination. When my mount is really a talented person, as the so-called BMW gift hero, I will give it to you. I hope that in the future you will live up to your trust and contribute to the court."

If Monk Wanyan Chen stayed in the army all year round, how could he not know how good a horse is? This horse is full and graceful, muscular, and has a shiny black luster. It does not look like a horse, but more like a beast. Even a blind man knows that this is an inexhaustible horse. .

"Thank you Lord!" The envy eyes of many guards on the side took the reins. Monk Chen was very determined. At this time, there was a bit of choking in his tone. You must know that he thought he was going to die not long ago. There is nowhere to show it. I didn't expect that not only did he escape from the dead, but he also received so much attention from the first person in the dynasty.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it is not so easy for Song Qingshu to buy Monk Yanchen’s heart. It’s just that today is really special, and in addition, he treated him with the courtesy of a scholar of the country under the circumstances of being poor and white, just like Han Xin’s arrogant people back then. , Even if the world has actually fought against Liu Bang Xiang Yu for three quarters, I still can’t forget the kindness of being Liu Bang on stage to worship the general when I was the most downhearted...

"By the way, I have always had a question for you." Song Qingshu suddenly said.

"It's okay for the lord to ask, and the subordinates know everything." If this is a game, Monk Wanyan Chen's favorability for Song Qingshu may be full at this time.

"Do you know Chen Ergou?" Song Qingshu asked while staring at him.

"Chen Ergou?" Monk Wanyan Chen shook his head, a daze flashed in his eyes.

"Fenghuo Giant?" Song Qingshu asked immediately.

"???" Monk Wanyan Chen looked dazed, and suddenly felt that he, the Lord God, was talking about him, and it seemed a bit unreliable.

"It's okay, just ask casually." Song Qingshu just heard his dying sentence, "How much achievement a man must have before his death will not become unknown after his death", can not help but think of a novel in the previous life, and thought It was the flames that passed through greatly, it turned out to be just a coincidence.

Song Qingshu originally planned to invite Monk Chen to sit in the carriage, but Monk Chen said that he would not do anything, and instead rode a horse and followed him as a guard.

Seeing persuasion, Song Qingshu didn't force it. In the carriage, Wan Yan Zhongjie looked at him with a grin: "Congratulations on conquering a general."

Song Qingshu glanced at her: "I haven't asked you to settle the matter just now."

"Oh, you have accepted such a fierce general, such a thing worthy of joy, how can you be guilty of the same knowledge as a small woman like me." Wan Yan Chongjie began to act coquettishly with her soft and waxy voice.

Song Qingshu was shook her eyebrows wildly, so she waved her hand: "It's all right, it's all about it, don't worry about it."

"I knew you were the best." Wan Yan Zhongjie's smile became brighter.

It didn’t take long before he came to the Taishi’s mansion. When Pucha Alihu married in, the husband had not separated. Later, the husband and father-in-law Wanyan Zongpan were killed because of the failure of the political battle, but the court thought of Wanyan Zongpan’s merits. He still retains the name of his imperial master, so the plaque of the imperial master's mansion is still hung at the gate of the mansion.

Song Qingshu and Wanyan Chongjie got out of the carriage and stopped at the gate of the mansion for a long time. Song Qingshu suddenly laughed: "Although I haven't entered the Taishi Mansion once or twice, it seems that I haven't gotten in through the main gate."

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