Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1625: Orphans and widows in Taishifu

Hearing what he said, the surrounding guards looked weird. They obviously sneaked in if they didn't enter through the main entrance, thinking that the rumor that the mother and daughter were forbidden by the adults during the reunion of the festival in Beijing seemed to be true. The two parties should have hooked up early.

A group of guards were full of envy, thinking that the adults were indeed adults, and he could only enjoy such rare and beautiful blessings in the world.

The monk Wanyan Chen next to him was expressionless from beginning to end. He was only interested in the battlefield matters, not to mention that the lord was in a high position, and it would be abnormal if there were no such things.

"The gate of the Imperial Master's Mansion is open for you at any time. Come in whenever you want." Wanyan Zhongjie's soft words made the surrounding guards more and more envious.

Song Qingshu smiled and didn't say anything about it. Now that he manages everything, I'm afraid he won't have much chance to get in and out of here.

The Supreme Master’s Mansion had long been informed that a group of people stood at the door welcoming him, but Pucha Alihu did not come out. After all, she was a female dependent and a widow, and it would not affect her if she greeted him at the door.

Song Qingshu naturally didn't mind. Under the leadership of Chongjie, a group of people entered the Supreme Master's Mansion in a mighty manner. The guards he was accompanying performed their duties. Some ran around to investigate the danger, and some ran to the main roads to guard the exits. The one below will protect him with them.

Although with his current martial arts cultivation base, he doesn't need protection at all, Song Qingshu didn't refuse, and the feeling of being taken care of everything was quite easy.

After entering the mansion, a woman in palace dress greeted her. The dress was very well-fitted, with a thin waist and a thin chest, with a concave curve, her bright and rosy lips, and a plump breast, exquisite and concave. The hot body makes a man think of the bed when he sees her.

"It really is a stunner." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, as expected to be the first beauty of the Jin Country of the previous generation.

"My concubine has seen Master Du Marshal." Pucha Ali Hu Yingying saluted, and the swollen clothes on his chest felt like he was ready to come out.

"Madam, please get up soon." After all, the other party has been a widow for many years, and there are outsiders nearby. Song Qingshu did not go up to help. Instead, the Wanyan on the side bounced over to help her up, "Mother, daughter. Fortunately, I have not humiliated my life and invited this busy man over. How can I reward me later."

"I'm such a big girl, and I'm not ashamed to be in front of so many people." Puchaali scraped his daughter's nose with a fondness. After Song Qingshu's enlightenment before, the mother and daughter had their minds gone. People depend on each other for fate, and the relationship is not good.

One is gorgeous and charming, and the other is beautiful and beautiful. The mother and daughter stand together to reflect each other, as if the most beautiful scenery in the world, all the men around were short of breath.

Song Qingshu's current concentration will naturally not be fascinated by this, and his expression naturally said: "I don't know why Madam came to me?"

"It's windy outside, let's talk inside the house," Pucha Alihu did not answer, but invited with a smile. "The concubine has already prepared the food and drink, and I hope the adults will appreciate her."

Song Qingshu looked at the sky, and the night was gradually falling, and coupled with the fact that there was no time to eat in the back and forth today, so he did not refuse: "Then bother Madam."

Pucha Ali Tiger smiled charmingly, and led Song Qingshu to the backyard swayingly in front of him, and explained as he walked: "The banquet is specially set up in the backyard, and you can enjoy the scenery in the yard while drinking."

Song Qingshu looked weird, thinking that you are a widow who entertains a man in the backyard. No matter how you look at it, it feels like a ulterior motive. However, he is a man who doesn't care about this. Anyway, there is such a charming and charming big beauty and a stunning and exquisite little beauty to accompany it, and the soldiers will come to cover the water.

Next, Song Qingshu asked the guards to guard the perimeter. After all, the backyards of the female family members in general mansions would not allow strange men to enter or leave.

Of course, he was not so fascinated by beauty that he was obsessed with it. There was another purpose of this move, which was to lure the snake out of the hole. He had always been curious about what the mother and daughter had come to him this time, and guessed that it was not for the antidote of the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, so he set up an ambush here?

The other party deliberately set up the banquet in the backyard to prove his conjecture. After all, this can justifiably stop most of his bodyguards. Song Qingshu simply pushed the boat along the way, anyway, he was bold and daring, and he was not afraid of any ambush inside. It would be troublesome if the other party kept hiding.

Leaving Wanyanchen monk and many guards outside, Song Qingshu readers followed the mother and daughter to the backyard, secretly thinking: "The two of them have seen my martial arts, and since they dare to attack, are they prepared for some strange poison or What kind of master did you find to help you? For example, the mysterious master of Wanyan Chongjie?"

Wanyan Chongjie is an extraordinary martial artist, and it is even more amazing considering that she can achieve this kind of attainment at such a young age. Song Qingshu is very curious about her mysterious master's identity.

However, he hadn't found any ambushes along the way, and there was no master's aura, so he couldn't help but be puzzled.

"Master, please sit down." Pucha Alihu's coquettish voice sounded, and he had already reached his destination. In an extremely elegant room, looking out of the window, he just happened to see the gurgling water and greenery in the garden.

After he was seated, Song Qingshu was about to speak, but Wanyan Zhongjie on the side raised his wine glass as if he didn't know the prophet: "Brother, let me have a glass first."

Hearing her name, Song Qingshu's heart shuddered, only when they were planning to reveal their identity and hurriedly expanded their Qi by a glass, but there was no one else in the radius of tens of meters, and they were not afraid of being heard by others. This was relieved. Tone, knowing that they have been worrying too much, they have been poisoned by themselves, and their lives and deaths are between their own thoughts, unless they are forced to the last step, it will not be good for them to reveal their identities.

"The name is wrong, a glass of wine should be fined during the heavy festival." Despite this, Song Qingshu did not raise the glass, but said lightly. This time the other party's intention is unclear, so he is still careful not to make a big mistake.

Wan Yan Zhongjie's small mouth pouted: "There are no outsiders here, why bother..."

Pucha Alihu on the side interrupted: "He's not big or small, he's your uncle, did you shout like that?" After glaring at her daughter, she turned her head and said softly to Song Qingshu: I’m not sensible, your lord has a lot of knowledge. Don’t be familiar with her. I drank this glass for her." She is older and can protect her orphans and widows in the center of the whirlpool of power over the years. Naturally, she is more careful than ordinary people The other party's tone was keenly aware that he was unwilling to remove the disguise, which was obviously on guard.

But at this time, she was inconvenient to explain the reason, so she could only follow his mind, so as not to wait for something to happen and it would be impossible to stop.

After speaking, she took up the wine glass and drank it, then turned the glass toward Song Qingshu, and gestured with a slight smile.

Seeing that her fingers were as white as the porcelain cup, Song Qingshu had to sigh for her natural beauty, and her expression naturally eased three points.

Since the other party's attitude is so low, Song Qingshu no longer makes things difficult for them. After all, the mother and daughter are his allies to some extent, and it is no good to oppress them too quickly.

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