Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1626: Alcohol is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk

Then they didn't mention their intentions, Song Qingshu didn't ask, and they looked at each other. They only talked about wind and snow, not about business affairs, and the atmosphere gradually became enthusiastic during the dinner.

Because of drinking, Pucha Alihu and Wanyan Chongjie's originally white jade-like cheeks showed a rouge-like blush, which became more and more charming and charming, and the whole room seemed to be bright under the light of their faces. It's a bit.

Song Qingshu looked at his mother and then at his daughter. He had to admire that Mei Lan Zhuju was really good at winning the field, one mature and beautiful, the other pure and charming, and he really didn't know who to put his eyes on better.

But when the beautiful scenery was over, Song Qingshu put down his glass and said, "It's getting late, I should go. Thank you for your hospitality, Madam and Miss."

"Are you leaving so soon?" A pitiful grievance flashed in Pucha Alihu's eyes. If Song Qingshu hadn't known her past, she might have been deceived by her.

"There is always a banquet in the world, not to mention that I have been running back and forth today. I am already a little tired and want to go home to rest." Song Qingshu was not moved at all.

"The adults want to rest, so why bother to stay close and be far away, just rest in the humble house." Puchaali's tiger eyes were like autumn water, and he was a little bit shy after speaking.

"Sleep here with Madam?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a faint smile, "I'm afraid it's not very convenient." In the past, although all kinds of rumors in the capital were only a few rumors, he came here with great fanfare, if he stayed here. Last night, I am afraid that everyone in the capital will know what happened the next day. At that time, their mother and daughter will be regarded as Tang Kuobian's prohibition in everyone's hearts. I am afraid that it will be difficult to marry out after Wanyan Zhongjie.

"The concubine and daughter don't mind, why should adults be afraid?" Pucha Alihu said with a blushing face, and Wanyan Zhongjie on the side also lowered his head shyly.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but his heart jumped: "What's the situation? Did they really make that idea?" He knew that the mother and daughter had died because of their husband and father-in-law. It has been very difficult for them to survive these years, especially as they grew up with the heavy season. The beautiful face did not bring them happiness, but brought them endless disasters. Coupled with the control of life and death now in his hands, is it possible that he intends to completely take refuge in him, so as not to avoid the blinding mad bee and butterfly from making their minds, but also to relieve the strange poison on his body?

"But I'm not a person who can fall asleep everywhere. I'm not used to staying alone in an empty bed. I can sleep soundly only when I cross my neck." Song Qingshu put away his thoughts and planned to test them first.

"My lord, don't worry." Pucha Alihu smiled charmingly and said to the daughter on the side, "Go and prepare for the heavy festival."

"Yes, my mother." Wanyan Zhongjie blushed with a pretty face, as if he was about to bleed. When he left, he didn't even dare to look at Song Qingshu.

Rao is very determined. Song Qingshu couldn't help but jump in his heart. There are two meanings in the other party's words. Maybe it is to let Chongjie prepare the room for him, maybe it is for Chongjie to prepare himself...

Suddenly he thought of something, summoned the guards outside, quietly ordered them to send people back to Tang Kuo Mansion and the palace to guard them, first level alert, and immediately notify him whenever there is any trouble.

It turned out that Song Qingshu suddenly realized that the mother and daughter were trying to keep themselves here, not necessarily planning to do it on themselves, maybe it was a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, and what action would be taken against Tang Kuo's mansion or the palace.

Pucha Alihu on the side looked blankly at this side, wondering what he wanted to do when he called for someone to come in.

After the guards left, Song Qingshu relaxedly said, "Madam, shall we continue to drink at the bar?"

"Okay~" Pucha Alihu took the initiative to come over to add wine to him. His plump and enchanting figure and the rich fragrance on his body are enough to make a man not intoxicating and drunk himself.

Soon Song Qingshu was drunk—of course he was pretending to be drunk. He wanted to see what the other party was making.

"My lord, my lord?" Seeing him lying on the table, Pucha Alihu stretched out his hand and shook his shoulder gently.

But what responded to her was Song Qingshu's vague voice: "Fill me again..."

Seeing that he was really drunk, Pucha Alihu had a triumphant smile on his face: "The adult is too drunk, I will help the adult to go to the room to rest."

"I'm not drunk..." Song Qingshu muttered, but it's a pity that the whole person weighed on Pucha Alihu like a dead pig.

Feeling his weight, Alihu couldn't help but smile, so he gritted his teeth and helped him back. Fortunately, the other party could barely walk by herself, otherwise she really couldn't get him to the destination alone.

"Where is this?" Looking at a quiet room in front of him, Song Qingshu pretended to be confused and asked.

"This is where the adults rest tonight." Alihu explained breathlessly.

"I said I... it's hard to... sleep alone," Song Qingshu said vaguely.

Alihu showed a charming smile: "Don't worry, your lord, everything is ready."

"Could it be that Madam intends to accompany me personally? How embarrassed?" Song Qingshu has only one feeling of being pressed against her on the way, and that is softness. Her body is really soft to the extreme, which makes people involuntarily produce a kind of softness. The urge to ravage her severely.

I stretched out my hand and touched her cheek with drunkenness, still as tight as a girl, I don't know how she maintains it.

Despite this, Song Qingshu's heart was clear. She thought that the other party would be angry at his temptation. How did she chuckle: "My lord, you are really drunk. How can my concubine look like a willow mean to serve my lord? There have long been little girls younger and more beautiful than me waiting to serve adults."

"Really?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped, how could he not notice that with his cultivation level, there was a young girl in the house lying nervously on the bed at this time, listening to what she meant, there was Wanyan Zhongjie...

In fact, after a whole night of probing, he was roughly sure that Pucha Alihu did not deliberately surmise, but just wanted to play a beautifying trick on him. The only thing he was curious about was who the other party would send to do it. Was it the mother in person or let the daughter come? Of course, he also had **** with all men, but he also knew that it was just sex, whether it was in later generations or in this world, that kind of situation is intolerable by the world.

Song Qingshu had to admire the complete beauty of history at this time. It really achieved all men's sexual intercourse. Of course, the price paid was that he was recognized by history as the prince of lust.

While he was wandering around, Pucha Alihu had left an ambiguous smile, closed the door for him thoughtfully, and left.

Song Qingshu didn't have the time to pay attention to her at this time. All the attention was on the **** the bed. Although there was no light in the room, the sudden breathing of the other party still clearly showed her nervousness at the moment.

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