Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 161: Which school is Bernoulli from?

Chapter 161 Which school is Bernoulli from?

Unbeaten in the East was stunned for a while, and the believers talked to her with great sincerity and fear on weekdays. They didn't even dare to lift their heads. Now Song Qingshu was given...

But soon the anger in her heart was diminished by the surprise of the flying sword. The whole body was hung on Song Qingshu, with a pair of pill and phoenix eyes wide open, like a newborn baby looking at the blue sky and white clouds, and the rapidly retreating forest under her feet. Although her light work is unparalleled in the world, she can't fly so freely in the sky.

"If you can take me to touch the cloud, I won't care about what you just...like behavior." Song Qingshu was trying to control the balance between the two, and the undefeated Dongfang voice suddenly came from his ear, and he looked up. She was stretching out her slender white fingers to point to a cloud of white clouds not far away.

"What's so good about a swarm of saturated steam..." Song Qingshu murmured, still manipulating the wooden sword to fly over there.

"I actually touched the cloud?" When Song Qingshu rushed to the cloud group with her, Dongfang Unbeaten seemed a little unbelievable, his eyes were white and he reached out to touch it, but couldn't catch anything substantial. I only feel wet, extraordinarily impermanent. "I always thought the cloud was soft to the touch, like cotton candy..." Thinking of the occasional daydream when looking up at the starry sky before, Dongfang Unbeaten felt that he was so stupid at that time.

Suddenly, I only felt a huge movement in his figure, and Dongfang Unbeaten was so scared that his hands hooked Song Qingshu's neck again: "What happened?"

Song Qingshu was sweating coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "We are probably going to... crash."

As soon as the voice fell, the two of them fell straight down. Song Qingshu only felt that the true qi in his body was intermittent, and his body was also hot and cold. He was frightened: Could it be a madness?

Trying to control the speed of the descent, trying to glide, shaking and descending hundreds of meters, Song Qingshu could no longer control it, and the two fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, after this period of time, Dongfang Unbeaten has recovered part of its internal strength. At this time, it is not too high from the ground. She noticed that Song Qingshu's body was disordered, and she quickly released the hands that hooked his neck, and hugged him with her backhand. In his arms, he noticed that there was a pool of water below, and he lifted his internal force to hit the surface with his palms, using the counter-shock force to counteract the tendency of the two to fall.

However, the force of the two people's falling is more than a thousand catties. Feeling the shock force coming from the water, Dongfang Invincible vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and banged. The two fainted as soon as they were submerged in the pool.

Song Qingshu woke up from a coma and found himself lying on a gravel stand. He heard the sound of water nearby. He followed the sound and saw Dongfang Unbeaten sitting on a rock by the bank, lifting the hem of his dress. , A pair of crystal clear white calves were soaked in the water, with a long and narrow opening on which blood was constantly leaking. Dongfang Invincible was holding a handkerchief and gently wiping around the wound.

The surface of the water was sparkling, and Song Qingshu couldn’t really see it for a while, but felt that the skin on the unbeaten calf of the East was more dazzling than the surface of the lake. It’s rare to see the sect of Bernoulli in Chapter 161

She is now so gentle and quiet, for fear of disturbing her for a while.

Unbeaten Dongfang quickly noticed his arrival, naturally put down the hem of his dress and stood up: "Are you awake?"

"I'm really sorry that you have suffered such a skin trauma." Song Qingshu glanced at her calf and apologized.

"What's this little injury," Dongfang Invincible shook his head indifferently, "Today you have given me enough surprises. You should tell me how to fly with the sword." Thought two The kind of carefree travel in the sky when a person travels in the sky makes the East Unbeaten a little silly for a while.

"It's okay to tell you, but I'm afraid you don't understand." Song Qing wrote hesitatingly.

Unbeaten Dongfang's face was cold when he heard the words: "The world is a scholar of martial arts talent, even if I am not the first, I will still be in the top three, you actually think I will not understand?"

"Well, listen carefully," Song Qingshu said with a playful look, and slowly explained: "When I hold you and fly on top of the wooden sword, the air currents in the air will bypass the lower surface of the wooden sword, and The upper surface is moving. The lower surface of the wooden sword is a flat surface. The upper surface of the wooden sword is me and you. Just now I deliberately controlled our body and the sword to maintain a streamlined angle, so that the airflow passing through us is much faster than passing under the wooden sword. The surface speed, according to aerodynamics and Bernoulli’s theorem, is also the fluid flowing across a certain surface. The higher the speed, the pressure on the surface will be lower. Therefore, when the air flows through the lower surface of the wooden sword, it will An upward supporting force, and this force is greater than the downward pressure on the wooden sword when the air flows through the upper surface of the wooden sword, and it just offsets our own weight, so we can fly with the sword."

It turned out that when Song Qingshu was on Heimuya, when he leaped over the lake, he realized that as long as the speed was enough, the stones could float on the water, and he had been thinking hard about how to use the power of the water to truly cross the river with one reed.

Originally, his thinking stayed in the scope of martial arts, hoping that he could fully understand the power of water. As a result, the more he thought about it, the more headache he got. Until one day, his brain flashed and thought of the principle of airplane flying in the previous life. It happened to him in his previous life. His company had done an aircraft project. When he was researching related materials, he had to dabble in it. Only then did he think of using aerodynamics to solve the problem of flying sword.

"Aerodynamics? Bernoulli's theorem?" Dongfang's undefeated brows frowned, and asked in confusion, "Which school of martial arts secrets is this? How come I have never heard of it?"

"This?" Song Qingshu was also stumped at once, so he had to say, "This is a secret book of the physical school of the Extreme West. Naturally no one in the Central Plains has heard of it."

"Physics?" Dongfang Unbeaten was lost in thought, suddenly raised his head and asked, "According to what you said, is it because of speed that we can fly?"

"It's a pity that you didn't study physics," Song Qingshu gave her a surprised look and nodded. "Yes, you can simply understand it as the sect of the 161st chapter of Bernoulli.

The greater the degree, the greater the lift the air gives you. "

"Oh~" Dongfang Invincible's eyes were full of excitement, and he looked up at the sky, "Isn't that as long as my speed is high enough, the lift given to me by the air will be much greater than my own weight, and I can continue to rise. The legendary emergence and ascend to the immortal?"

"You think too much." As a modern person who knows that there is a lonely universe outside the earth, Song Qingshu doesn't quite understand why the Eastern Invincible is so interested in things like Shengxian. "When the speed of flight exceeds the speed of sound. , The air will become viscous, and the Reynolds number must be considered. It is not as simple as what I just said...Of course, if your speed can reach the first cosmic speed, it is not impossible to evolve and become immortal. During the flight you were burned to ashes by air friction."

Unbeaten in the East heard the clouds and mist, and said angrily: "Then tell me directly, is it impossible to become immortal and become immortal?"

"It's really impossible." Song Qingshu nodded and made a regretful expression, "Uh, I think you might as well care about your soaked clothes instead of caring about this vain thing."

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