Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 162: Samurai sleeping

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two

Looking down at the wet clothes, the East is unbeaten for a while in embarrassment. On weekdays, she has profound skills. There is a body-protecting wall three inches around her body, which can prevent dripping water from touching her body, even if her body is soaked as it is now, and her internal power is running. One week, she would naturally be able to steam very dry and dry, but unfortunately now that her internal strength is exhausted and she is in the wilderness, she doesn't know what to do for a while.

"You'd better take off your clothes and dry them. Now you are seriously injured and you have no internal strength to protect your body. If you catch the wind and cold, you may endanger your life..." Song Qingshu wanted to say more, Dongfang Invincible was already staring at him coldly: "You think Take advantage of me?"

"Uh, even though I am a bit verbose at times, I am still a gentleman in my bones. Although I can't sit around like Liu Xiahui, it's not difficult to send Jingniang away like Zhao Kuangyin. "Song Qingshu said solemnly.

Dongfang Unbeaten kept looking at him, as if distinguishing the truth from what he said. As night fell gradually, a cold wind blew by, and the two could not help but shudder.

"If you don't take it off, I can take it off. I'm too cold." Song Qingshu shivered, and as he said, he approached the fire that had already been built, and took off his clothes soaked in lake water.

The Oriental Undefeated Xiu eyebrow frowned: "You turn around!"

"Well, I'll turn it around!" Song Qingshu hung his jacket on the shelf by the fire, and of course he didn't have such a thick skin and took off his pants.

"If you look back, I will stab you to death with a single needle." A cold voice from Dongfang's invincible came from behind, and Song Qingshu waved his hand to indicate that he knew.

Hearing the sound of **** behind him, Song Qingshu felt a strong impulse. He wanted to desperately want to turn his head and take a look to confirm whether the Oriental Unbeaten was a woman or a ladyboy. To be honest, he has always had a pimple in his mind for so long, and he was worried that he was deceived by a ladyboy. That was really embarrassing.

It's a pity that now he can't lift a trace of true energy in his body, and the badly injured Dongfang Undefeated is only a matter of minutes. Otherwise he would definitely take the risk, anyway, she was also half-dead at this time.

In order to distract, Song Qingshu asked: "Dongfang girl, you wanted to tell me my name in the air before, but unfortunately I didn't have time to hear it at that time. Can you say it again now?"

Behind him immediately fell into silence. Song Qingshu was disappointed that she had changed her mind and was about to find other topics, but she said quietly, "Muxue, Dongfang Muxue."

"Dongfang Muxue?" Song Qingshu's heart moved, "I'm afraid you are not the true Eastern Undefeated."

"Oriental Undefeated is my brother," Dongfang Muxue slowly said a secret of martial arts, "At the beginning, he usurped the position of leader from Ren Wo Xing. He was obsessed with cultivating "Sunflower Treasure" and had no energy to manage the gods. When I returned to my hometown, I took me to Heimuya and asked me to pretend to be him to handle the teaching affairs. Our brothers and sisters are somewhat similar in appearance, and in addition to the people of the religious religion, no one dared to look up and stare at the 162nd. Zhang was forced to sleep

Look, in the past few years, no one has seen the flaws. He could not go out of retreat all day long, and over time, I became the de facto leader of the Sun Moon God Sect. "

"Then where is your elder brother now?" Song Qingshu thought to himself that one Oriental undefeated is already so invincible, and two Orientals undefeated can't go against the sky?

"Dead." Dongfang Muxue said lightly.

"How did you die?" Song Qingshu asked with a suspicion in his heart.

"I killed it." Dongfang Muxue seemed to be telling something that couldn't be more ordinary.

"You have actually taken control of the religion. Naturally, there is no need to leave another person in the world who will one day take everything from you." Song Qingshu didn't care about it. In this world, for power, fathers kill their sons and sons kill their fathers. Still less? If the dignified Eastern Undefeated didn't have this courage, he would be surprised instead.

"I know what you mean," Dongfang Muxue said with a frown, hanging out her clothes on the shelf. "But I am not for the position of the leader. My brother is my most respected and beloved person. As long as he has a word, I will retire. There is naturally no complaint behind the scenes."

"Then why..." Song Qingshu subconsciously prepared to turn back, and quickly woke up, only to make no major mistake.

Dongfang Muxue took a deep look at his back, and slowly hung the clothes that he had just used to block her chest back on the shelf: "If you dare to turn back again, don't blame me for not reading the previous friendship. "

"I was wrong... you go ahead." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

"Originally everything was fine until Yang Lianting's arrival... Before you let me bring up the cultivation secret of the Sunflower Book, the first one is to swing a knife from the palace, my brother... After that, his beard gradually disappeared, and he spoke. Changed, and temperament changed. From then on, I didn’t love the woman, and killed all seven concubines, but... he put all his heart on the stinky man in Yang Lianting." Song Qingshu heard her now mentioning Yang Lianting, her voice was still Filled with resentment, he smacked his tongue secretly, and quickly asked, "What happened later?"

"I never thought that my most beloved brother would one day become like a woman. When I saw him lying in Yang Lianting's arms so coquettishly-yes, I still remember his manner at the time. I can only use it. To describe it as coquettish-I just feel that the sky is falling... But even so, I didn't give up to my brother, and I persuaded him to drive away Yang Lianting whenever I had time... Until something happened later, I was completely disappointed in him. Up."

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu vaguely felt that something should have happened between Yang Lianting and her.

"Later, Yang Lianting actually hit my mind," Dongfang Muxue's voice was full of ice, "I was taught a lesson by the failure. I ran to tell my brother, I thought he would recognize Yang Lianting's true face, but he didn't know his brother. Not only was he not angry, but he gave me a slap in the face."

"The next day, my brother found me again, saying that because of his health, he couldn't satisfy Yang Lianting, and then he was forced to sleep in Chapter 162

Because we look a bit similar, he actually asked me to serve Yang Lianting for him, hehe, Song Qingshu, do you know how cold my heart was at that time? "

"The Eastern Unbeaten is really the best among the scumbags." Song Qingshu really couldn't understand how he actually pushed his sister to his male favorite, what kind of m attribute is this, it is more abnormal than Jianning.

"It's a pity that I couldn't beat him... I know that with his temperament, if I dare to say no, he will definitely subdue me first, and then send me to the Yang Lian Pavilion room. I have to make false claims and agree to come down." Dongfang Muxue said. I still feel terrified about the situation that day.

"What? You..." Song Qingshu felt anxious when she heard her promise to accompany Yang Lianting. He was about to turn his face away. A small stone had already flown over. Song Qingshu hurriedly told Rao, "Mistakes and mistakes, just reflexes, you continue to say ,go on."

Dongfang Muxue was not in a hurry to continue speaking, instead she mentioned another thing: "Do you know why my brother didn't kill me in the first place?"

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