Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1632: Be good sisters

This scene seemed familiar. This time Pu Cha Qiucao was much more natural than before, and he walked slowly and sat next to him. Perhaps it was the events that just happened that made her fully understand her current situation and chose to break the pot, but this time. It doesn't matter anymore.

Song Qingshu reached out and gently wiped the tears on her face. Pu Cha Qiucao trembled, but did not refuse. His hand slid over her collagen-filled youthful face, slid over the slender and tender neck, and then It fell on her skirt.

Now that he gave up the idea of ​​fulfilling her, Song Qingshu naturally no longer struggled. After half a day of tossing today, it is time for a good rest.

When the man’s fingers touched her skin, Pu Cha Qiucao tightened, and a thin layer of lumps formed on the surface of her skin, but she changed her mind, she had just been caught by him... so why bother to insist... Lower your head and acquiesce in what the other party did.

Now that he knows the whole story, Song Qingshu will naturally not be as angry as he was just now, and he will start to use his methods to pick girls. After this battle, Pu Cha Qiucao quickly lost his eyes and let go of his guard. It's getting softer...

The mood of returning to the old place at this moment is completely different from just now. Seeing the girl’s red lips, Song Qingshu suddenly despises herself, because when she thinks of her fiance in her heart, she has to sing softly under her. This feeling...is it cool?

There really is a potential to be a big villain!


Song Qingshu quietly left early the next morning. Although he was a little soft-hearted, he was not an unprincipled bad person. It is impossible for every woman who has a relationship to give them status. With the status of "Tang Kuobian" now, it is true. It is not appropriate to be involved with the Pucha family. This time Fang Pucha and his son have already given enough chips, and the only thing left is to secretly take care of her.

After the man left, Pu Cha Qiucao in the bed slowly opened his eyes. Although he was tired after being tossed all night, how could a girl sleep in this situation? It's just that she didn't know how to face this man before, so she deliberately pretended to be asleep.

"Why does he feel so familiar to me, like the person in the dream?" Pu Cha Qiucao muttered to himself, Song Qingshu's soul-shifting method is not omnipotent. Although it eliminates the memory of Quanzhen Sect that night, she often She still dreams of some of these fragments, and every scene makes her blush and her body is soft.

This has always troubled her. After all, a girl’s dreams from time to time are really shameful. Although she can’t tell others about her distress, she also understands that it’s just illusion, but the feeling last night is the same as before. The feeling in the dream seems exactly the same...

"It doesn't seem to be as...painful..." Recalling all the things last night, the girl hurriedly reached out to touch her face, and found that it was already very hot, and she couldn't help but feel a little silly for a while.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu went out of the gate and was planning to go back to the Marshal’s Mansion. As a result, an **** was waiting outside. Seeing him coming out, he rushed over with a flattering expression: "Marshal, the emperor invites you to see him at the palace immediately."

Song Qingshu’s old face became hot, thinking that Gobi knew about her staying in the Taishi’s residence. I don’t know why. Gobi was obviously not his wife, but she had a taste of home, which made him stealthily. The feeling of being caught by my wife at home.

"How long has the father-in-law been waiting here?" Song Qingshu asked embarrassedly.

"The minion has been waiting here for two hours." The eunuch's face showed an ambiguous expression.

Song Qingshu secretly cursed, thinking that your dead **** has been circumcised and you are still gossiping about male-female affairs. Be careful I send someone to castrate you again: "Why didn't you send someone to notify me?"

The **** arched his hand in the direction of the palace: "The emperor has specifically instructed not to quarrel with the marshal in advance, but to let the marshal rest enough for himself to come out. The slave has been in the palace for so many years, and I have never seen the emperor treat his courtiers so gracefully. , The marshal is the only one..."

Automatically ignore the eunuch's endless flattery, but Song Qingshu's heart is very warm, Gebi is obviously jealous, but he is considerate of his long-distance travel and just arrived in Daxing Mansion, worrying about sending someone to interrupt him to rest, so he deliberately asked his subordinates Don't bother in advance. If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?

This time Song Qingshu didn’t ride the carriage anymore, but to save time on horseback and ran directly to the palace. Jin Guo didn’t hold court meetings every day. He learned that the "emperor" was reviewing the memorials in the imperial study at this time, so he went all the way unimpeded. Hurry over there.

It didn't take long to come to the Imperial Study Room and found that besides Gobi, Wan Yanping and Dai Qisi, the purple shirt dragon king, were all there. He couldn't help but greeted everyone embarrassingly: "Hi, good morning ladies. "

Gebi smiled faintly: "It's almost noon, how about good morning?"

Song Qingshu smiled wryly, and wisely didn't answer the question.

It was Wan Yanping who couldn't help it the most, and she curled her lips and murmured: "My sister waited for you all night yesterday and I don't know what's wrong with that old woman."

The words made Gobi a big red face, and he spit out: "Who has been waiting for him all night, obviously you are asking."

Dai Qisi watched coldly, adding fuel to the fire and said, "Pucha Alihu was the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin back then, of course it's good."

Wan Yanping said indignantly: "It's all in the past, and now the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin is my sister."

Dai Qisi smiled but didn't smile: "House flowers always don't smell like wild flowers."

Song Qingshu glared at her fiercely, and said in secret, "Madam is getting bolder. It seems that I need to find a chance to clean up."

Dai Qisi flushed and turned her head with a guilty conscience.

But just now her fanfare was enough, Wan Yanping glared at Song Qingshu fiercely: "Brother-in-law, you have such bad reviews of Ali Tiger, you don't even think about it..."

"Shut up!" Gebi stopped her drinking at the right time. "She is also your sister-in-law anyway."

Wan Yanping stuck out her tongue. For some reason, she was always a little afraid of her gentle sister. Although she didn't know martial arts, she sometimes had a sense of majesty in her words.

"According to the spy's report, the Supreme Master's Mansion seemed to have troubled the assassin last night, are you okay?" Gobi asked Song Qingshu only then.

Song Qingshu's heart warmed when she heard it. She didn't question yesterday's fishy stealing, and she didn't ask anything else. The first thing she cared about was her own safety. Tang Kuobian really got the smoke from her ancestral grave to marry such a perfect wife.

Dai Qisi on the side was slanderous. This Nizi looks pure and pure like Xiao Baihua, but in fact she is most pleasing to men. With Song Qingshu’s assassin’s assassin’s wounds in this world, she clearly saw that he was still alive and well. Deliberately asking like this...

"I'm fine, the assassin last night was Wang Wanyan Wang's grandson Wanyan Guo..." Song Qingshu roughly recounted what happened last night.

"You put Qiucao to sleep last night?" Wan Yanping exclaimed in surprise. She and Pu Cha Qiucao had a good relationship before. Although there is a difference in seniority, they are of the same age and more like a good pair of sisters.

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