Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1633: Self-reliance ambition

Song Qingshu glared at Dai Qisi who was angrily: "This has to be given by someone."

Dai Qisi cast her gaze out of the window, and she hung up on her own.

"Alihu comes from the Pucha family, and it is understandable that he had just made this indecision to save his natal family. It's just a pity that Qiucao girl." Gebi sighed quietly, seeming to think that in this troubled world, even a wealthy woman is not. You cannot control your own destiny by yourself.

"Do you really want to release Pucha Ahute and the others?" Dai Qisi still couldn't help asking.

Song Qingshu hasn't answered yet, but Gobi replied for her: "The Pucha family is deeply entrenched in the Kingdom of Jin. It is really unsuitable to kill them all. It is good to take this opportunity to let them buy people's hearts, but you can let it go, but you can't let it be completely free. It's best. Let them put them in confinement in a manor and let them out after the dust settles in a few years."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Sure enough, it is a husband and wife. It really coincides with each other."

Hearing him mention the word husband and wife, the room suddenly fell into a strange tranquility, because whether it was the Gobi sisters or Daiqisi, they all knew that they were not real husband and wife.

"Report, emergency military situation!" At this moment, the guards coming from outside broke the silence in the room. Because the women did not dissolve, Song Qingshu went out and picked up the hurried memorial.

"What's the situation?" Seeing him coming in, the women asked curiously. After all, Shiwan Huxian is the highest-priority secret report. If there is no absolutely important matter, using this memorial to punish it is quite severe.

"I don't know, it seems to be a memorial sent from Guanzhong." As soon as Song Qingshu said this, everyone's heart sank. Could it be that Sichuan has already begun the Northern Expedition to attack Guanzhong.

Song Qingshu hurriedly opened the lacquer seal, opened the memorial to take a look, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "How is this possible!"

The women moved their heads curiously one after another, and after seeing the contents of the memorial clearly, their expressions became incomparably wonderful.

It turned out that this memorial came from the guard of Fengxiang Mansion. Fengxiang Mansion was a barrier to the west of the Golden State Pass, and at the same time guarded the main throats after the Southern Song Dynasty left Sichuan.

Several people were so surprised because the memorial to the defender of Fengxiang Mansion mentioned that the deputy envoy of Xuanfu of Sichuan in the Southern Song Dynasty and the secret envoys sent by all armies to the State of Jin requested surrender, requesting that the State of Jin appoint him as the king of Shu and recognize his identity!

"How is this possible!" Song Qingshu sighed again. If others don't know who Wu Xi is, would he still not know? Wu Xi is actually Linghu Chong!

Although Linghu Chong was unruly, he was definitely not the kind of person who treasoned and sought glory.

"Why is it impossible? The land of Bashu is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as it is closed and self-defense, it is difficult for outsiders to enter Sichuan. Therefore, since ancient times, the land of Xishu has been separatist, and it seems like a curse. The generals who put down Sichuan are prone to rebellious ideas. For example, Deng Aizhonghui, every time the Central Plains dynasty attacked the land of Bashu, the emperor was cautious in choosing the generals, because he was afraid that he would separate the regime and defend himself after he succeeded.” Gebi said slowly, “Now Wu Xi Sichuan’s military, political, and financial powers are held together. It’s no surprise to have the heart of being a king of Shu."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Others may be, but Wu Xi is absolutely impossible."

"Why?" The women were curious as to why he was so sure.

Song Qingshu hesitated, but thought that none of the people present were outsiders and there was nothing to hide, so he told them Wu Xi's true identity.

"Wu Xi was pretending to be Linghuchong?" The three women looked at each other, somewhat shocked by the news.

"Yes, Linghu Chong has always been a heroic hero, and he has no ambitions. I believe that he serves the country, but it is impossible to treason and seek glory." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

Daiqisi nodded: "I have heard of Linghu Chong this person, he really can't do such a thing as treason. It seems that this time it is mostly a surrender, and you need to inform the Fengxiang Palace guard to be cautious."

"Not bad!" Song Qingshu came to the table, quickly wrote down a secret edict, stamped with the seal of the jade seal, and then sent out a secret envoy to Fengxiang Mansion.

"Then why not tell the world directly that Wu Xi is pretending to be someone else, then the threat of Sichuan is not self-defeating?" Wan Yanping on the side was puzzled. She is in charge of the Huanyiyuan and has always been good at doing these intelligence spies. In her opinion, this is a perfect opportunity.

Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice: "Actually, I had thought about this before, but after contacting Han Tongzhu, I dispelled this idea. Even if he knows Linghuchong's identity, he will only make mistakes. As for the Wu family, Would they not know that Linghu Chong is not Wu Tiande? But they still didn't say anything, obviously they need to use him to restore the glory of the Wu family. What's more, Linghu Chong is an orphan. , No one else can say anything."

"But Jia Sidao won't let go of such a good opportunity." Gebi was in power during this period, and he was clearly aware of the pattern of the Southern Song Dynasty.

"This is exactly what I find strange," Song Qingshu's face flashed a hint of doubt. "With Jia's caution, it is impossible not to investigate this sudden emergence of Wu Xi, and with his intelligence capabilities, It should have been discovered long ago that Wu Xi was pretending to be Linghu Chong, but why hasn't he taken this into trouble?"

Jia Sidao has an official intelligence network, as well as an intelligence network on Xia Ke Island secretly, especially the forces of Xia Ke Island, which can be said to be pervasive. Even the heads of the little sects can know exactly what they ate yesterday. , How can it be impossible to find out Wu Xi's identity?

"Since he is not in trouble, let's muddy the water." Wan Yanping smiled like a fox.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Well, at least it can make them burn out and procrastinate for a while." Judging from the weird situation now, it probably won't have much effect, but it can be done with a delay.

"Report~" At this moment, another hundred thousand urgent messages came from outside.

Song Qingshu went out and took the secret melodrama in, opened it and said in surprise, "The guard of Fengxiang Mansion played again, saying that Wu Xi had given him all the military plans for Monk Yuan and Dasanguan."

No wonder he would be surprised to know that there are several roads in the pass from the land of Bashu, but the best road condition is Chencang Road. Dasan Pass is defended by danger in the middle of Chencang Road, which can be said to be a battleground for military strategists.

Nowadays Dasanguan is controlled by the Southern Song Dynasty, and the monk was originally a highland in the northeast outside Dasanguan, and Dasanguan is a horn of each other, and jointly controls the main traffic routes of Sichuan and Shaanxi. If you want to break through the Dasanguan, you must first win the monk. Yuan, on the contrary, if the monk Yuan is lost, the Dasanguan is difficult to hold.

Now that Wu Xi has sent the military deployment plans of the two places to the Kingdom of Jin, wouldn't it be the two northern gateways to each other?

"Does Wu Xi really have the heart to be self-reliant?" The women also gathered around to look at the memorial in his hand, and even saw the military deployment plan attached to the memorial, and they couldn't help but change their colors.

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