Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1634: Loyal army

"Independence is impossible, either it was Linghu's trick of surrendering, or..." Song Qingshu was lost in thought, "or something happened in Sichuan."

"Unexpected?" The women looked at each other, not knowing what he meant.

"Now there is too little information to be judged, Ping'er, you arrange for the spy of the Huanyiyuan to investigate what happened recently in Sichuan, especially the difference between Wu Xi and usual days." Song Qingshu said.

"Okay, I'll go now." Wan Yanping nodded, turned and left.

"Hey, wait a minute," Song Qingshu called to her, "There is one more thing. You can arrange a place where Pucha Ahute and his son are under house arrest later, and then go to the Tianlao to release them."

Wan Yanping said with a smile, "I took advantage of Qiucao, do you want to do something to make up for it?"

Song Qingshu has a black line: "People are also your good sisters, don't you want to help?"

"Qiu Cao has indeed come to me several times, but I am worried that your major event has not been relieved," Wan Yanping sighed, "I knew you were going to release them in the end. I might as well release them earlier. Selling autumn grass is a favor."

While talking, he left with a sigh, leaving a few people in the room staring at each other.

Song Qingshu's old face became hot, a little embarrassed in his heart, and hurriedly changed the subject: "We can't passively wait for the coat shop to investigate. We need to do a two-pronged approach and send an army to tentatively attack, and we will know whether he really surrendered or surrendered."

"Who to send? Now Pu San Zhongyi and He Shi Lie Zhi Ning are leading the court to guard against Deng and Tang two states on Huainan West Road, Pu San Anzhen leads an army to confront the Red Coat Army, and the Guanzhong side is still somewhat stuck. Reluctantly, if you take the initiative..." Gebi said with a worried look.

Song Qingshu said confidently: "I already have a suitable candidate, how is the loyalty army formed by Daiqisi?"

Daiqisi naturally knew what he was thinking, and hurriedly replied: "We have selected some brave soldiers in the army, and the middle-level officers have also been promoted a lot, but she has not been able to find a suitable commander, and the whole army has time to train. Not long yet, I'm afraid..."

"I have found the commander. As for the training time, it is not a problem. Since they are all brave men selected in the army, they naturally can't train like ordinary soldiers." Song Qingshu looked to the southwest, "The best training. The field is always a real battlefield, and only through the tempering of blood and fire can a true tiger-wolf teacher be trained."

"Will they lose a lot of money directly on the battlefield?" Gebi said with some worry.

"It is naturally unwise to let them go directly to the battlefield under normal circumstances, but now they are only allowed to tentatively attack. If the surrender is false, they immediately retreat; if the surrender is true, then they should be inside and outside. In either case, they face more danger than Normal wars are much smaller," Song Qingshu paused, and said in a deep voice, "If such difficulties cannot be overcome, their army will no longer need to exist."

The purpose of his establishment of the Loyalty Army was to be an elite loyal to him, and with the leadership of a historical-level general named Wan Yan Chen, he would not be able to do this without believing it.

"Take me to the barracks of the Loyalty Army first." During this time, he has been running around, and he has not had time to see this army who will belong to him in the future.

"Okay, the military camp of the Loyalty Army is ten miles west of the city. Shall we go to see it now?" Dai Qisi also had some excitement in her eyes. After all, she handled this matter alone. If she did it well, she could raise herself in the heart of the other party. Status.

Although she has the stunning beauty that reverses all living beings, she is not accustomed to serving others with Israel. It is really impossible for her to take the initiative to hook up with Song Qingshu, so she can only prove her value from another aspect. The more the other party values ​​her, Will tell him to send troops to help the Persian general arena, the greater the certainty.

"Okay, things shouldn't be too late." Song Qingshu knows that the opportunity is fleeting. If this side cannot grasp the opportunity of "surrendering" by the other side, in case something happens next to him, it will be too late to regret.

Because Gebi had to pretend to be the emperor and sit in the palace, it was naturally inconvenient to travel. After bidding farewell to her, Song Qingshu and Daiqisi rode to the west military camp.

The two raced together. Monk Wanyan Chen and many guards were separated before and after, faintly shielding them in the middle. Dai Qisi took this opportunity to whisper to Song Qingshu: "According to the selection criteria you proposed before, now Zhongxiao Army only chooses It’s three thousand, but after the war in the south is over, there should be more troops to choose from."

"There are not too many soldiers, three thousand is enough." Song Qingshu knew that nowadays the Southern Song and Northern Expedition, many of the main forces of the Jin Dynasty court have been transferred to the south, and it is very rare for her to select three thousand elites.

As for the number of soldiers, as a descendant who crosses the masses, it is naturally clear that in ancient wars, the number of soldiers is not better. The kind of battle that mobilizes hundreds of thousands and millions of troops at every turn often ends in failure.

With the ancient communication conditions, hundreds of thousands of people were unable to command effectively. Often the forward troops were defeated, and the follow-up troops did not have time to reach the battlefield. Then, when they saw the defeated forward soldiers, they would also flee, because fear is contagious. There will be far more deaths from trampling on oneself than in battle.

Another fatal factor is logistics. The most important thing in a battle is logistics. Once there is a problem with logistics, the elite troops will instantly lose their combat effectiveness. With the ancient transportation conditions, the need to supply food for hundreds of thousands of troops is nothing short of a fantasy. Back then, as rich as the Sui Dynasty, millions of troops expedition to Goryeo, because of the long supply lines, the government forced civil rebellion. The empire collapsed.

Therefore, the war intentions of those hundreds of thousands of troops in history were either exaggerated or boasted by one side, or all the logistics and civilian workers were counted in. The true combat troops were only a fraction or even a tenth.

Therefore, in ancient times, an elite force of tens of thousands of people was the best choice, taking into account combat effectiveness, flexibility, and logistical pressure, and it was far more effective than the explosive force of hundreds of thousands at every turn.

Although there are only three thousand members of the Loyalty Army, they can be baptized by blood and fire. These three thousand elites are the seeds of the Loyalty Army and the skeleton of the Loyalty Army. As long as the skeleton is still there, the Loyalty Army can expand to tens of thousands at any time without combat effectiveness. Will fall.

Daiqisi next introduced him to the middle and high-level officers of the Zhongyi Army: "Today, the Zhongxiao Army has a total of six deputy commanders, all of whom are talented and unwilling to choose according to your requirements. The first is Fu San Feihan, he used to be the deputy envoy of the near guard and the deputy chief of the guard. He was accused of privately discussing matters in the imprisonment and was finally dismissed. I have investigated and found that this person has just made a straightforward decision, and he was in his early years. He had a long history of military exploits when he took office at the border, and he is a rare talent."

"A member of the Pusan ​​family..." Song Qingshu frowned, "What is the relationship between him and Pusan ​​Zhongyi?"

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