Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1635: Direct line team

For so many years, the group of famous generals who have been dead for the founding of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Jin has long been dead. The mainstays in the army are Pingzhang's political affairs and right deputy Marshal Pu San Zhongyi, and the deputy envoy and Kaifeng Yin He Shi Lie Zhining, these two people are prestigious in the army. Very high, it can be described as the pillar of the country. Although the two are barely considered Tang Kuobian's line now, it is because Tang Kuobian represents the court. If the two of them knew their true identity, they would definitely turn their faces and deny them.

The purpose of Song Qingshu's establishment of the loyal army is to prepare for the future exposure of his identity, that is, to use the national power of the Kingdom of Jin to support him in Song Qingshu's private army. In this case, he naturally did not want some royalists to join in.

"Don't worry, he has nothing to do with Pusan ​​Zhongyi," Daiqisi explained with a smile, "Although they are the same family, you also know that the so-called families on the grasslands are actually formed by neighboring tribes, for convenience If you go back to seven or eight generations, you might really be a family, but after so many generations, countless children in each generation are separated, and the blood relationship between the two parties is almost irrelevant. Otherwise, there is a Pingzhang political affair, The relatives of the right deputy marshal assisted him, and he would not have not recovered for so long after being dismissed."

"That's fine." Song Qingshu was relieved now.

"The second deputy commander is Heshi Lie Ziren. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Heshi Lie Zhining." Dai Qisi had an expression that he would have known for a long time. "He is just from the Heshilie tribe, he In the past, he was recruited to serve as a general under the command of Fu Sangui on Southwest Road. The soldiers said that he had the best strategy for governing the border, but then the king of Hailing became so powerful that he offended the confidants of the Hailing king’s faction and was framed and dismissed. I just found him back not long ago."

"Take everything possible, the future will definitely be a general star!" Song Qingshu's eyes lit up, and the Pusangui in Daiqisi's mouth was the son of Pusan's loyalty and a famous general in the Kingdom of Jin. His true story was naturally not trivial, and suddenly his brow frowned. , "The relationship between Pu Sangui and him..."

Dai Qisi explained: "They are not a teacher-disciple relationship, but during the military, He Shi Lie Ziren was fascinated by himself and became a self-taught talent. I also made a special investigation. They had almost no contact, even he was offended by King Hailing last time. Dismissal, Fu Sangui also stood by and watched."

Song Qingshu finally let go, but soon he was amazed: "Self-taught, that's even more remarkable."

Seeing that the person she chose satisfied him, Dai Qisi couldn't help but smile a little more, and she looked bright and moving, which caused many men on the street to look straight.

"It really deserves to be the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin, and Master Marshal is really beautiful."

"Are you blind? It's not Princess Gobi, but Mrs. Peach Blossom who was crowned in Beijing in those days!"

"Isn't Mrs. Taohua Princess Changsheng? How can you get mixed up with Marshal Tang Kuo?"

"Who made King Changsheng die so early? Mrs. Taohua has a beauty that is no less than that of Princess Gobi. Hey, if you were the first person in the court, you would want to get involved in her."

"Tang Kuobian is really a winner in life. Such a beautiful woman allowed me to sleep for one night. Oh, no, let me hug me and I will live a short life of three years."

"You don't want to die, you dare to think about the marshal's indifference?"


Although the people on the side of the road deliberately lowered their voices, how could they hide from martial arts masters like Song Qingshu and Dai Qisi, only to see the anger in Dai Qisi's eyebrows flashed, and a few golden flowers went there silently. The two shot them on the body.

But her expression changed soon, and she turned her head back and gave Song Qingshu angrily: "Why are you stopping me?" It turned out that the few golden flowers she shot out were lying in Song Qingshu's palm at this time.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "What do you care about with these low-level people? Although they are a bit cheap, they can't die."

Before crossing, he was just an ordinary citizen, so naturally he couldn't ignore this kind of behavior that treats human life like a weed.

"Huh!" Dai Qisi snorted coldly, knowing that she walked in the rivers and lakes in the early years, and she killed the cheapest like this, but unfortunately she couldn't beat him, or let him also taste the power of Jinhua.

Song Qingshu suddenly curiously said: "It makes sense for you to kill that nasty person, but why don't you let his companions go?"

"Who told him to say that I am yours..." A blush suddenly appeared on Dai Qisi's cold and frosty face, and she ran forward quickly with her horse's belly.

"Is it forbidden?" Song Qingshu laughed extraordinarily happily, and hurried to catch up.

Dai Qisi's tight face improved slightly: "Huh, the third deputy commander, Wan Yan Gang, and the foreigner of the criminal department, has never been praised for injustice in his hands. As a result, Xi Xia was sent out to harm him because someone was stalking him. He lost his country and was demoted, and he has been squandering all these years. He was ecstatic when I found him."

"What's the matter with the loss of the state system?" Song Qingshu was not curious why Daiqisi would find an official of the Criminal Ministry as the deputy commander. After all, for an army, the Military Law Department is very important in order to prohibit orders. This is the end. Yan Gang has never been unjustly imprisoned in the hands of the Criminal Ministry for so many years, and he will be convinced by the military law of the Loyalty Army later.

Dai Qisi explained: "According to the usual practice, the envoys who go to the country of Xia will receive gifts from the people of Xia country. Xixia will decide how many gifts are given by writing a few documents. In the past few years, Wan Yan Gang became the special envoy for the birthday of Lord Xia. The emperor Wanyanquan ordered him to carry three edicts, but Sun Chunnian, the secretary of the left, wrote a letter saying that the edicts were one. Because Wanyangang had always been an official of the Criminal Ministry, he didn't understand these very well, so he brought an edict to congratulate the Emperor Xixia. The Xixia emperor was greatly displeased, and the gift he returned was very negligent. Wanyan Quan was very angry when he learned of the incident, and the relevant personnel involved in the case were all investigated and dealt with. Although Wan Yan Gang was innocent, he, as a magistrate, did not write to correct him in advance. Mistakes, he was also dismissed directly, and no one dared to use him since then, for fear of violating the emperor's taboo."

After listening to her explanation, Song Qingshu couldn't help but look weird: "This Wanyan Gang is really an unfortunate child."

"It's quite unlucky," Dai Qisi couldn't help but smile, because the unhappiness caused by the two just disappeared. "In order to ensure the degree of loyalty, I finally chose three three deputy leaders from the Tang Kuo family, Tang Kuohong. Da, Tang Kuo Shengrong, Tang Kuo Minghui, they are all of the kind who have held military posts in the past but have not been able to do so, but they are all talents. Among them, Tang Kuo Hongda is good at defending, Tang Kuosheng Rong is good at shooting, Tang Kuo Minghui is good at raiding, and also It's not cronyism."

"At this transitional moment, let the children of the Tang Kuo family take power to stabilize the situation," Song Qingshu nodded, "but isn't there a Han Chinese among so many deputy commanders?"

"Han?" Dai Qisi was taken aback, because she was from the Western Regions, and she didn't deliberately promote the Han. "The reason why I can find these talents is that I used the convenience of Tang Kuo's debating orders to read the resumes of various officials in the department. After all, the Jin Kingdom’s court is dominated by Jurchens, and Han officials are few and far between, and it is difficult to find those who meet the requirements."

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