Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1636: Eat dry

"Let's pay more attention to this in the future, and strive for half of the Han military personnel." Although Song Qingshu can train these people through various methods to order and prohibit them, if they are all Jurchens, they will not be able to guarantee that there will be no commotion in the future. ; If Han people account for a large proportion, it will be easier to accept in the future when you know your true identity.

However, he also knows that this matter is not in a hurry. After all, Jin and Song have been fighting for many years. The impression of Jin Guo in the hearts of the Han people is not good. Those who take refuge in Jin Guo to do things for Jin Guo will be criticized as traitors. Under such a situation, truly talented. Naturally, Han people rarely go to official positions.

But it’s not without it. Especially for some people from the bottom, they can only join the Kingdom of Gold in order to survive, and these bottom people often have some inexperienced wizards. After all, the temper of life is no less than that of books. Cultivation of people.

"Okay, I will pay attention to it in the future." Daiqisi is not a stupid person, and she quickly guessed his worries, knowing that the proportion of Han people should indeed be increased.

"By the way, is there no one from the Pucha family selected?" Song Qingshu suddenly asked curiously. As one of the three major families of the Jin Kingdom, the Pucha family has a solid foundation and certainly has no shortage of talents. As for the other Tudan family of the three major families, because of the beauty of the face, the two sides can be said to be in a turbulent situation, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is impossible to reuse the members of the Tudan family.

Thinking of the Tudan family, Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of the gentle and quiet Hailing princess Tu Shanjing. Today, she is in the cold palace, and she is living in a terrible way...

Daiqisi rolled her eyes unhappily: "The Pucha family members were thrown into the jail by you for suspected treason. How dare I use it?"

Song Qingshu retracted his thoughts: "Before it was before, and now is now. After this period of prison, many people in the Pucha family probably know what is the most important thing, and will cherish the hard-won opportunities even more."

Daiqisi glanced at him with a faint smile: "After all, you are not for the little girl from Pu Cha's family."

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "You women subconsciously only think about being jealous. How can you know the mind and ambition of men? The Pucha family is indeed a double-edged sword, but I have enough confidence to control them completely."

"Bah, who would eat your jealousy!" Dai Qisi took a sip, "I hope you won't be bitten by it in the end."

Song Qingshu didn't care at all: "After all that, are there any suitable candidates for you?"

"Yes, Pu Chazhen of the Pu Cha family, because he is not in the line of the patriarch, he was not taken seriously in the family a few years ago, but his humanity, civil and military, he defeated the Song army several times at the border in the past few years, just this year After being transferred back to the capital, she was involved in the Pucha Ahute treason and was implicated in jail." Dai Qisi used Shang Shuling's position and often studied the resumes of some officials during this period, which can be described as precious.

Song Qingshu immediately called a guard and said, "You take my warrant to the prison and bring Pu Chazhen."

"Yes!" After the guard took the order, he turned his horse's head and galloped away.

Then Song Qingshu summoned Monk Wanyan Chen and began to explain to him various matters of the Loyalty Army, and rushed all the way to the outskirts of the city.

Song Qingshu only recognized one monk Wanyan Chen, but he didn't know that the few warriors that Daiqisi found were also famous in history, and they are no less than monk Chen in the world, but the ending is tragic. , It’s not as famous as Monk Chen for future generations...

(The three of Tang Kuo’s family are made up of random names. The prototype of Pu San Feihan is Pu San Kui, but Pu San Kui is the son of Pu San loyalty. This book is not suitable for being added to the loyal army, so another name was chosen. Instead, the others were all famous players of Jin Guo at that time.)

Moreover, at this time in the Taishi's mansion, Wanyan Chongjie was comforting her in Pu Cha Qiu's thatched house. Pu Cha Qiu Cao responded to her one after another, obviously full of thoughts.

Suddenly Pucha Alihu came back happily: "Good news, good news!"

It's a pity that Pu Cha Qiucao's expression has not fluctuated at all. For her now, it is indeed difficult for her to interest her anymore.

Wan Yan Zhongjie on the side sighed secretly, but still asked very cooperatively: "Mother, what is the good news?"

Pucha Alihu said with a smile: "Now Big Brother and Shijie have been released from the prison."

"Huh?" Pu Cha Qiucao finally turned his head and said in disbelief, "Did they really come out, my dad?"

"Yes, Wan Yanping just went to the prison to read the imperial decree," Pucha Alihu pulled a stool and sat down. "Sometimes I have to admire Song...cough cough, Tang Kuo argues that this guy is still It's a kind of credibility, not the kind of person who is irresponsible."

Pu Cha Qiucao's face turned blushing in an instant. In fact, she was in the most embarrassing situation. Now how can a little girl be teased about her like this?

"Mother~" Wanyan Zhongjie obviously couldn't stand it anymore, and cast a blank glance at his mother.

Pucha Alihu smiled slightly: "Who makes your little Nizi stubborn all day, as if you are going to escape into the empty door, you have to find something to stimulate you. But I have something else to explain first. Although your father and brother have now been released from prison, they have not been completely free. Instead, they will be placed in a house and live under house arrest."

Pu Cha Qiucao finally spoke: "As long as they can come out safely, I am satisfied, and I have no extravagant hopes for the others."

She is really a sensible girl, and Pucha Alihu secretly sighed, and then explained: "Qiu Cao, you don't have to worry too much. Brother, after all, took the lead in the rebellion, it is impossible to let him go so soon, but it is absolutely impossible for him to be released for life. Under house arrest, after a few years the dust settles, he should be completely free."

"Moreover, I just got the news that the person who activated Pu Chazhen and joined the Loyalty Army." Although Pucha Alihu knew Song Qingshu's identity, it was inconvenient to disclose it to Qiucao, and at the same time he was not used to calling him Tang Kuo to argue, so he could only say " That person said, "Although Pu Chazhen is not in the line of the patriarch's direct line, he is always in the Pucha family. It can be seen that the family will rejuvenate in the future. Qiucao, speaking of you alone, you have saved the fate of the entire family."

"Auntie is too good," Pu Cha Qiucao lowered his head shyly, "Speaking of which, I really want to thank auntie this time."

Pucha Alihu smiled awkwardly: "Thank me for what I did. After all, this matter is still up to you, plus the one who...likes you."

Listening to her mentioning the man who possessed her body, Pu Cha Qiucao had all kinds of scenes from last night appearing in her mind. He couldn't help but caressing his hot cheek with his hand, and he couldn't help but feel crazy for a while.

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