Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1640: Fox tail

Gebi was thin-skinned, so he couldn't resist such ridicule. He hurriedly pushed the man beside him gently, got out of his arms, and said in a flustered manner: "Why are you here?"

Wan Yanping gave her an angry look: "Sister, you are really out of your mind, you obviously called me to come over for dinner."

Only then did Gebi remembered that it was indeed such a thing. Just now because of the flustered in his heart, he actually forgot about it. He blushed and called a maid: "It's time to pass the food."

These palace ladies are carefully selected by her. Not only does martial arts protect her safety, but more importantly, they are all trustworthy henchmen, so as to prevent her from being in the harem and the palace. Appearance appeared.

Soon a large table of rich and exquisite dishes was put on the table, and Wan Yanping ran over to hold Song Qingshu's arm and pulled him into the seat: "Brother-in-law, I have to eat such good dishes for two days thanks to your blessing. ."

"You girl, don't say a few words, no one treats you as a dumb." Gobi glared at his sister. Although there was an aversion in her tone, she didn't really mean to be angry. She didn't even see her sister holding her husband's arm affectionately. What to say, now that the two sisters are left to depend on each other, how can they compete like ordinary people.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Two consecutive days?"

Wan Yanping snorted: "My sister was very happy to see you back yesterday. She specially prepared a large table of wine and food for you to pick up the dust. Who knows that you were taken away by the little fairy during the festival."

Song Qingshu shook Gobi's hand guiltily: "I really disappointed you yesterday."

Gebiyu blushed and hurriedly withdrew his hands back: "I didn't think about it well myself. I knew that you were invited to the Grand Master's Mansion for the renewal. Most of you won't be back. I have so much to prepare..."

Song Qingshu's heart became warmer and warmer: "Are you making these dishes yourself?" He subconsciously ignored Wan Yanping. That girl is living in a place like Huanyiyuan every day, showing off the image of a little witch. It really doesn't look like she knows how to wash her hands and make soup. The look of the soup.

Gebi replied awkwardly: "I don't have this ability, it's all made by Royal Kitchen."

Wan Yanping on the side was dissatisfied with her presumptuousness, and hurriedly said for her: "My sister is good at her craftsmanship, but now she is going to be the emperor. There is not much time and it is not convenient to cook by herself, but she still makes time to cook herself It’s the soup, here, she made this soup by herself."

"Ping'er~" Gebi's face was tender, and she couldn't stand her sister's flattery.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "It turns out that the wife made it by herself. Then I definitely drank this soup for the first time, so I must taste it."

Hearing the word "madam" in his mouth, Gebi was in a daze. Today's scene seems to go back to a few years ago, when she, her husband and sister, and the family of three enjoyed a family dinner together.

"Brother-in-law, I will serve you." Wan Yanping on the side served him a bowl of soup like Baoer.

"Thank you Ping'er," Song Qingshu didn't use a spoon, took a sip directly, and couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy. "This soup is full of heat, strong but not heavy, crispy and not arrogant. The nine ingredients are all top quality, and there are nine. Ninety-eighty-one kinds of changes, not only the taste is distinct, but also it is integrated, it is really the best in the soup..."

Gebi finally couldn't hold it anymore, and said with a smile: "You are a man, how can you be **** than Ping'er~"

Wan Yanping on the side hurriedly clarified the relationship: "I can't compare to my brother-in-law when it comes to nonsense, tusk tusk, this can be regarded as a classic in flattering."

Song Qingshu smiled. This is the line of the later movie "The God of Cookery". He saw that Gebi seemed to have a deep sadness between his eyebrows just now, so he borrowed flowers to offer Buddha to make her smile. Now it seems that the effect has been achieved at least.

"The ancient Yun is beautiful and can eat. Now that the beautiful is by the side and the delicacy is in front, how can there be no wine? Come here, serve wine." Looking at the beautiful sisters, Song Qingshu's interest gradually rose.

"I'm afraid today..." Wan Yanping was about to say something, but Gobi interrupted him, "It's rare for him to be so interested. Let's accompany him for a drink."

Wan Yanping flashed a weird expression: "Since my sister is not afraid, naturally I am not afraid anymore."

Although Song Qingshu noticed that the sisters looked a little weird, they didn't pay too much attention to it. It's always a little bit private in the room of the sisters and relatives, so it's natural for him to be a big man.

The wine was served quickly, and several people let the palace lady go down by appointment, as if the three of them were in the most perfect state, and one more person would destroy this harmonious atmosphere.

The ambitions were staggered, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. The three people told each other about the various things that they had encountered during this period of separation, and the occasional lovesickness that they showed was even more intoxicating.

Of course, Song Qingshu drank more during the whole process, and the two sisters tacitly tasted it every time they clinked glasses with him.

Although Song Qingshu saw it and didn't care, he still drank all the wine in his glass every time. It's not easy for him to be a big man to bully two girls over drinking, not to mention that he was already good at drinking.

But this is the case. The sisters had a few glasses of water and wine, and there were still two blushes on their faces, which was three points more beautiful than usual.

Song Qingshu read eagerly, and patted the chairs beside him: "It's all a family, why are you sitting so far? Sit next to me." The three of them were originally sitting on a small round table. The position just formed an equilateral triangle, Song Qingshu always felt that the distance was a bit distant.

Hearing his words, the sisters' faces became more and more red, and they subconsciously looked at each other, and then hurriedly looked away with some guilty conscience.

"I'm so familiar, are you still shy?" Song Qingshu smiled, and did not see how he moved, already pulling the sisters to the left and right of him and sitting down with one hand.

The two women were really shy at first, but they had been pulled over, and they had to acquiesce in this state.

Seeing the shyness of the sisters bowing their heads, Song Qingshu's heart became hot. Will there be a chance to complete the scene where men are yelling today?

However, it was obviously not the time yet, so he decided to drink more wine with the sisters. After drinking, his emotions came up. Maybe there is a chance...

In this way, the three of them continued for nearly an hour. Of course, the two women couldn't eat anymore, but they drank with them from time to time, and occasionally got together to whisper.

Because Song Qingshu was separated between the two women, they had to pass in front of him every time they had a conversation, smelling the unique fragrance of the two women. Song Qingshu only felt that there was a trance coming from him. It was really not drunk and drunk. .

Seeing that the time was about to come, Song Qingshu tentatively asked, "Where shall I sleep tonight?"

Gebi chuckled, Wan Yanping also stared at him strangely, causing Song Qingshu to go unconscious: "Why are you looking so strange?"

Wan Yanping snorted: "Brother-in-law, your fox tail is finally exposed."

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