Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1641: Cunning sister

"What fox tail?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped, still struggling to maintain his upright image on the surface.

"You just tried your best to persuade my sister to drink with me, do you really think we don't know what you think?" Wan Yanping said jokingly.

Cautious thinking was broken, Song Qingshu couldn't help becoming a little embarrassed: "Since I know, I deliberately pretend not to understand my jokes, and see how I teach you."

Song Qingshu simply squatted, holding the waists of the two women one by one, and walked to the dragon bed in the back room without saying anything.

The sisters were already a bit drunk, but now all of them are blushing with their heads down, and even Wan Yanping, who has always been lively and active, doesn't speak anymore.

Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "There is a door!"

He hugged the two girls and came to the dragon bed, pretending to be drunk and a little unsteady, he directly hugged them and fell on the bed together, worried that they were shy, he did not forget to stretch out his hand and wave, the burning candles in the back room went out one after another. The room was plunged into darkness in an instant.

"Oh, brother-in-law, you made a mistake, sister is over there."


"Ping'er, he is also bullying me~"

"Just played me like a monkey, now I want you to pay the price!"




There was a sound in the room that made the hearts of all men rippling and blood spurting.

"Huh?" But soon Song Qingshu exclaimed, hurriedly stretched out his hand, and ignited the candle in the room with the hot force of a Yang finger. At this time, the two sisters scattered and covered their chaotic clothes. On the chest, they looked at him jokingly.

"You are here?" Song Qingshu almost didn't vomit blood because of depression, and finally thought that he could get what he wanted, but he didn't know that he actually encountered the aunt who all the men had headaches.

Wan Yanping said with a smile: "Otherwise, my sister and I would allow you to be so foolish and put us in bed together?"

Gebi also looked at him bitterly: "You are really a bit nasty, and you have such a ridiculous idea..."

The head of Song Qing's book became big all of a sudden, and she really didn't catch the fox but became a hot show: "Why did you two come together so coincidentally? I remember that you two didn't live together before." No wonder the two women just drank and showed embarrassment before drinking. This is the reason for doing it for half a day.

His words immediately aroused the anger of the sisters, and they picked up pillows and started smashing him. It turned out that Song Qingshu had forgotten that this is ancient. It is common for later generations to discuss aunts with girlfriends, but in this era, this is the most female. Privacy is the most shy thing to say.

However, the two women were overwhelmed by Song Qingshu's dragon claw hand stunts, and they were soon overwhelmed by their hands, leaving only Jiao Hu again and again, and kept telling forgiveness.

Finally, under Song Qingshu’s “forced questioning”, Wan Yanping replied in embarrassed low voice: “It’s different at first, but sometimes things like women will be a few days earlier, sometimes a few days later. My sister got together. She came a few days ago, and I just came yesterday..." This kind of most intimate thing is shared with men. The iron-blooded queen in the dressing yard is as shy as a quail now.

"You hurt me." Song Qingshu was so angry that he hit both of them on the ass.

The two women didn't get angry. Seeing his swelling body, Gobi couldn't help but laughed madly: "Should I call a concubine over to attend the bed?"

Song Qingshu looked at her in surprise: "These concubines in the harem are all your sister-in-laws. You let them serve me?"

"Oh," Gobi exclaimed, "I forgot this."

"What does it have to do?" Wan Yanping on the side curled her lips. As soon as she opened her mouth, she really deserved to be nurtured from the dark place like the clothing courtyard. "The rules on our grassland have always been brothers and brothers. Ziji, even if the father Khan passes away, after the son succeeds, unless he gives birth to his own mother, he can enjoy any of the concubines his father had before his death. No one will feel that there is anything wrong with him."

Gebi and Song Qingshu looked at each other, apparently thinking of going together. What the last brother just said made them think that Tang Kuobian and him are married brothers, and now they are lying on the same bed with him. What is the so-called brother-in-law?

Wan Yanping on the side didn't notice that her unintentional words shook her sister's mind, and continued: "Brother-in-law, you can use it. I have so many cheap sisters-in-laws, and I won't mind if I want to come."

Gobi finally couldn't listen anymore, and reached out and knocked on her head: "What nonsense is said, there is no reason for my sister-in-law to tie a thread to her sister-in-law."

Wan Yanping couldn't help pouting and murmured: "Obviously you brought it up yourself."

Gebi's face reddened, "I didn't realize it just now, I didn't realize it."


Hearing the sisters quarreling, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile, and stretched out his hands to hold them in his arms: "Don't fight, I'm not the kind of brainless beast, so I can just take a rest tonight. Sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy."

"Sleeping?" Although the two women had never heard this word before, they could guess the meaning of these words seven or eight points, and they took a sip. In fact, if it is normal, the sisters might not be able to look down. Lying on the same bed with him like this, but today because of physical reasons, nothing will happen to the two of them thinking about it, so it's up to him.

"Are you really okay?" Wan Yanping stretched out her finger and poked him playfully, "Will you be suffocated if it's all like this?"

Song Qingshu glanced down, with a black line on his face, and said dejectedly: "What can I do." Since practicing Tantric Joy-Zen, his needs in this area can be said to be more and more exuberant, and his physical desires are completely unaffected by him. The supervisor's consciousness is controlled. Fortunately, there are enough confidantes around him, so that he won't be like those seniors who practice the joy-Zhan method, ruining women everywhere and becoming public enemies of martial arts, and his own character is also easily affected and twisted step by step.

Wan Yanping smiled idiotically, leaned to his ear and bit his ear and said, "Do you want me to help you with my hand?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't!" Whether it's Gobi or Wanyanping, it can be described as jerky in this respect, and with his current physical strength, the other party can't vent his desires at all, halfway through. Not going up or down is adding fuel to the fire.

"What? Be kind to be a donkey liver and lungs." When he refused directly, Wan Yanping couldn't hold her face anymore, and she turned her back and turned away without paying attention to him.

Song Qingshu could only explain the whole story to him, and at the same time he was secretly worried that if he develops like this, one day he will not develop into a humanoid planter. What do you want every day?

After his explanation, Wan Yanping gradually calmed down and snorted: "Then you can solve it by yourself, anyway, I don't care."

"Solve it by yourself?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh, what a distant memory, he has been proud of the spring breeze in the past few years since he traveled, and he has been surrounded by beautiful women. There has never been a lack of women, let alone the memory of the last time. I'm afraid it's still in the previous life...

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