Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1642: Heart is ashamed

The Gebi on the side only when he fell into depression, he couldn't help but chuckle: "Deserve it~"

Then the three people talked to each other for a while, and the two women fell into dreams one after another. After all, they are now in their menstrual period, their backs are sore and weak, and they drank some alcohol, naturally they are more sleepy than usual.

But this is a bitter Song Qingshu. Originally, he planned to read Bing Xin Jue several times to calm his restless body, but on the left and right lay a pair of beautiful sisters, and the air was filled with the unique fragrance of the two women. His mind was restless.

After working hard for half an hour, Song Qingshu finally gave up dejectedly, not only could not calm down, but intensified.

"Thanks to the existence of internal strength in this world, the physical fitness is far different from that of ordinary people now. Otherwise, if it lasts for so long, I am afraid that it will be abandoned after changing to the previous life." Song Qingshu was very thankful.

Feeling that going on like this is no way, Song Qingshu gently lifted Yan Ping's arms and thighs and put them aside, put on the clothes and went to the Imperial Garden to stroll outside.

"Even though she is a biological sister, she has a completely different temperament." Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing. From her sleeping position, she could see that Gobi was such a quiet lady even when she fell asleep, lying on the side obediently. It's much more carefree, and I just put my arms and hands around when I fall asleep.

Being blown by the cool breeze outside, Song Qingshu felt no longer as uncomfortable as before, and the boiling blood also tended to calm down, so he planned to walk around in the garden and blow the wind, to blow away the wine and desire. go back.

Breathing the fresh night air, Song Qingshu's mood became calmer and calmer. Suddenly there was a faint and elegant piano sound in his ears. Before he was going to pretend to be a piano master Zhao Weiyi, he was specially trained by Zhao Min. The piano player has a superb technique, and the sound of the piano reveals a kind of loneliness and coldness.

Song Qingshu frowned: "It's so late now, and there are still people who haven't slept playing the piano. Whose concubine is it? But the sound of the concubine's piano is at most resentful, and it's rare to have this kind of death."

Song Qingshu only hesitated for a moment because he heard that the person playing the piano was not in a normal mood, and then walked in the direction where the sound of the piano came from.

After a while, Song Qingshu stopped outside the Leng Palace, wondering in his heart: "People in the Leng Palace?" It would not be surprising that the women in the Leng Palace had no hope at all, and it was normal for them to die.

Song Qingshu hesitated, and finally decided to go and take a look. It is said that saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. Now he is in charge of the palace. If he encounters a poor and desperate palace person, he can release her out of the palace and restore her freedom.

At this time, in a room in the cold palace, a young woman in palace clothes sighed faintly, left the piano table, and slowly came to a wall, tore open the outer covering, revealing the spiritual card inside.

The young woman in palace clothes stretched out her bare hand and gently stroked the spirit card, and said quietly, “Diguna, why did you know that there is today.” Although the clothes worn by the young woman are exquisite and the materials are good, the color is extremely plain. There is no trace of red and purple color.

"I don't know how you are living down there, but according to the sins you committed during your lifetime, I'm afraid you will be sent to the eighteenth hell..." The young woman said as she spoke, a trace of her face slipped unconsciously. Tears.

"If you want to come to Lord Yan, you won't find some female ghosts to serve you. There are countless women during your lifetime. I am afraid that you are not used to it after death." A paper palace lady, she really hasn't changed her life."

"Do you think I will burn it for you?" The young woman in the palace dress became more and more angry, and slammed the spiritual card on the ground in a gesture, but after all she was not willing to really start, put the spiritual card on the table again, the young woman's face was thick. With a deep sentimental color, "It's nothing, I've done something I'm sorry for you."

As if thinking of something in the past, a red tide suddenly appeared on the face of the palace-dressed woman who was slightly pale and pretty: "It's all your fault, if you didn't covet someone else's wife, how could it hurt me..."

"I really hated you at the beginning, but now that after so long, I have seen everything. There is no overnight hatred between husband and wife. After all, you and I have been childhood sweethearts, and I have known that it is your wife since I can remember. "The young woman in the palace costume has already burst into tears at this time, "Dinaku, don't blame me for entering the palace. I am also worried that the Tudan family will be implicated, so I had to agree to that person's canonization, but I saw the Tudan family some time ago. Once the person settled down, he offered to live in the cold palace without doing anything I'm sorry to you."

"Now I have no worries. Since you asked me to be lonely down there yesterday, I will come to accompany you today." The palace-dressed woman took out a white silk that had been prepared, and gently tossed it around the beam. After standing on the stool and tying the knot, she finally took a deep look at the spirit card, "I heard that people will drink Mengpo soup after death, and will forget everything about the previous life. I don’t know if I can find you……"

With a faint sigh, the young woman in the palace costume tipped her toes and kicked the stool below, and her whole person instantly hung on the white silk. Then she felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person instantly became dizzy.

"Is this how I felt before dying..." The young woman in palace costume muttered to herself. To her surprise, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. She heard that people who hang themselves would be in pain before death.

"What do you want to die?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the ear.

The young woman in palace clothes trembled all over, and hurriedly opened her eyes to look, only to see a familiar and somewhat scared face looking at her with frowning: "Is it you?"

It was Song Qingshu who came naturally. When he arrived, he happened to see the other person hanging up. Before thinking about it, he cut off Bai Ling with sword energy, and came over to hug her the moment she fell and avoid her. He fell to the ground.

Song Qingshu frowned and looked forward. The spiritual card was so conspicuous, it was naturally difficult to escape his magical eye, and it said "Spiritual Position of the First Husband Wanyanliang"!

"What is the princess doing?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice. The young woman in the palace dress was naturally the Princess of Hailing who was only quiet. Although after the great change in the palace, she was accepted as the imperial concubine. The identity of the other princess.

"Naturally hang yourself," Tu Dan said quietly, but soon realized that he was being held by the other party, and a faint blush flashed across his face, "Let go of me."

Song Qingshu helped her sit down on a stool next to her: "Of course I can see that you are hanging yourself. I want to ask why you can't think about it?"

"Why?" Tu Danjing smiled sadly, "I am in this situation, do I need to ask why?"

Song Qingshu frowned: "Why are you in Lenggong, haven't you been named a noble concubine before? Did someone deliberately suppress you?" He was suspicious. It stands to reason that Gebi's character would not do such a thing. Is it Daiqisi or Wanyanping?

Du Danjing shook his head: "No one suppressed me. I asked to live in the cold palace. Everyone in the capital knew that I was Princess Hailing. I really couldn't stay in the harem at ease."

"Since it is voluntary, why seek death?" Song Qingshu asked again.

"My heart is as gray as death." Du Shanjing replied lightly.

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