Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1644: Travel with the United States

Dongfang Muxue drew out an army, and began to attack the Golden Snake Camp with great momentum, giving Ah Jiu an excuse to return to the division and go north. Of course, the two sides would not really fight, but they were in a stalemate in Hebei. They gave Song Qingshu this Make time for it.

Different from the Southern Front, the battle on the Western Front continued to hear good news. Monk Wanyan Chen brought the loyal army to Fengxiang Mansion, and Pu Chazhen soon led the troops to break through Monk Sangyuan. Song defender Wang Xi led the army to fight, and the result was heard. Wu Xi ordered to retreat, and the Song army was defeated.

Next, Wu Xi ordered to burn Hechi and retreat from Qingye. Xingyuan ruled Wuqiu Si led a heavy guard to guard the pass. As a result, when Monk Wanyan Chen led his army to pass, Wu Xi secretly ordered the withdrawal of the defense. Wu Qiu Si was defeated by the army, and Monk Chen broke through the large-scale pass.

After that, the loyal and righteous army was like a broken bamboo, attacking Fengzhou, Chengzhou, Xihezhou, and Jiezhou all the way. In the Southern Song Dynasty, all the land in Ganshan and Shaanxi north of Sichuan fell into the hands of the Kingdom.

In this short period of less than a month, such a great result was achieved. Although it was due to the combination of the inside and outside of Wu Xi'an's song, it also proved the fighting power of the loyal army and the abilities of several generals.

Song Qingshu ordered the best defender Tang Kuo Hongda to stay on the Western Front and continue to contain the throats in Chuan, and then mobilized the loyal army to go down the Han River, through Shangyong to support Deng and Tang two states, bid farewell to the Gebi sisters, and together with Dai Qisi, lead the army to support Jianghuai first line.

The reason for bringing Daiqisi together was mainly because Song Qingshu was worried that something would have to be handled by him, and that Daiqisi could continue to dissolve into Tang Kuobian and sit in Jianghuai.

"What is wrong with Linghu Chong? Why did you betray the Southern Song Dynasty and secretly communicate with Jin Guo?" This is something Song Qingshu has always thought about. Based on the information provided by Wu Xi and his cooperation, Jin Guo The soldier has achieved brilliant results in the west. He also sent people to discuss the alliance with Wu Xi, and secretly decreed that he was named the king of Shu.

However, the whole fact is too abnormal. He believes that Linghu Chong's character can never do such a thing, but the victory that he can obtain is tangible, and he has to believe it.

"Could it be that you robbed Mrs. Ren of Heimuya, which caused great excitement to Linghu Chong. After all, let me choose you as the son-in-law, and the main reason is to value your power. Although Linghu Chong is superior in swordsmanship, But the best martial arts is not your opponent. He can only find another way to defeat you from power," Dai Qisi said mockingly, "After all, being seized of love by a horizontal knife can most inspire the growth of a man. Didn't it happen like this?" As a martial artist, she naturally knew the old story between Song Qingshu and Zhang Wuji.

Because speed is very important when going south at this time, they naturally will not ride a carriage, but instead ride horses. At this time, the two are riding horses side by side. Because of the military, it’s not convenient for Daiqisi to be a woman. The image appeared, and the woman disguised herself as a man and turned into a soldier under Tang Kuobian’s command.

With red lips and white teeth, she still made many people in the army look flat, and occasionally smiled inadvertently, and even made many young soldiers who were not involved in the world begin to doubt their sexual orientation.

Listening to Dai Qisi's analysis, Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned, as if it might really be the case. When he thought that he had caused a great young man to become like this, he couldn't help but blamed himself: "It's all my fault. Brother Linghu was so beautiful and beautiful..."

"The cat is crying and the mouse is fake compassion," Dai Qisi curled her lips disdainfully. "I just said casually. Wu Xi's abnormality may not be the reason. After all, no matter how much a person changes, it is impossible to become like this. Hurry, become so thorough."

Song Qingshu nodded. It was true. There must have been a great change in Sichuan, but it was a pity that he lacked skills and didn't have the energy to go there to find out.

Daiqisi said with a smile but not a smile: "I only hope that Linghu Chong is not apostasy for the pursuit of power, otherwise when he learns that he has sacrificed so much in his struggle, he will eventually become a subordinate who hates his wife and hates his rivals. I have to vomit blood."

"What the hatred of taking away my wife? Yingying and I are in love, and we have experienced countless life and death." Song Qingshu gave her a fierce look, and at the same time a haze rose in her heart. Ren Yingying urged to burn blood before. Dafa has lost lifespan, and I don’t know how to make it up.

Set up camp at night, Song Qingshu took Dai Qisi's hand while others were not paying attention and said, "Come to my tent at night."

Daiqisi snorted: "In this army, how can I come here?"

"What's wrong," Song Qingshu said nonchalantly, "Your current identity was originally my personal soldier, so what's wrong with living with me?"

"No wonder you arranged for me with such an identity, it turns out that you didn't have any good intentions!" Dai Qisi glared at him bitterly.

"Can the things you love and I want be called bad intentions?" Song Qingshu smiled, leaving a sentence and went to discuss with the lieutenant general, "Anyway, I have already brought my words, and you will be up to you when you come."

Seeing the other party laughing and leaving, Dai Qisi stood on the original ground with a peach blossom.

When Song Qingshu finished his business and returned to his account, she found that Daiqisi was already inside, and a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Daiqisi also noticed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and hurriedly explained: "Hey, don't get me wrong, it's just that my status is inconvenient now, and you didn't arrange a separate camp for me. I can never squeeze a man with another man. Camp it."

Song Qingshu's face was even more playful: "If I remember correctly, didn't you train a group of personal bodyguards? They also came with the army this time." Whether it's Daiqisi pretending to be Tang Kuobian or Gobi After pretending to be Yan Quan, the two of them are women, and there are always some inconveniences, so they both trained a group of close-fitting female heirs, so that it is more convenient whether it is protection or rest.

Hearing what he said, Daiqisi hurriedly stood up: "I almost forgot about it, I went to them."

After speaking, he got up to leave, but was caught by Song Qingshu: "I'm not good, I shouldn't tease my wife. I almost forgot that the purple shirt dragon king is always the kind of figure who doesn't put men in his eyes. It is extremely rare to come here on the initiative this time."

"Let go of me..." Daiqisi wanted to shake off his hand, but unfortunately she was embraced by the opponent.

"I've come here, so why be shy?" Song Qingshu leaned in her ear and whispered, "Why is the lady as shy as a little girl."

"I knew you disliked me for being old." Dai Qisi snorted, but she was secretly surprised in her heart, how did her words feel like she was acting like a baby.

"The little girl is too young, how can there be such a fully mature peach sweet as my wife." Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows with a single sentence, before he could react, she was hugged and walked onto the bed...

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