Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1645: Wang Ziteng and Guo Jing

All the way south, Song Qingshu was initially anxious, wishing to rush to the front line immediately, but with Dai Qisi's company, he was a little bit reluctant to think about it, wishing that the journey would be as long as possible.

Especially during the day, Dai Qisi looked cold and arrogant, but at night she let him enjoy what it means to be tender and hot. The former No. 1 beauty in martial arts, its charm and taste is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Song Qingshu was fascinated along the way, and how could Daiqisi get better? Her husband was injured in the cold pool during his lifetime, and the remaining few years were frail and sickly, and she had basically never tasted the happiness of a woman. , But at that time she was young and ignorant, willing to give together for love, and always cold and arrogant, did not think there was anything bad, until she met Song Qingshu.

This man with a combination of devil and angel opened her door to a new world, letting her know that there are such happy things in the world that she knew something was wrong, but she still could not resist the desire of the body. Go to his big tent very tacitly late...

Looking at the radiant woman in the bronze mirror, Dai Qisi couldn't believe that she was herself. Since her husband passed away, she rarely looked in the mirror. Most of the time, she walked the rivers and lakes like a mother-in-law Jinhua. The beautiful face seemed to be covered in dust in a mirror, fading bit by bit, but during the recent period, she felt as if she was ten years younger. At this time, she might only be comparable to her bright and beautiful appearance on her wedding night.

Did you fall in love with that man? Daiqisi asked herself, but she shook her head quickly. After all, she is not a girl who has not been in the world. After so many things in these years, after life and death, love has already withered, and she will never fall in love with anyone in this life. But she couldn't resist that man, and couldn't help but want to get close to that man...

"I don't know what evil kung fu he learned, I just succumbed to him physically, but my heart is definitely not!" Dai Qisi kept hinting to herself.

"Kung fu in bed is also kung fu!" A picture of the purple shirt dragon king was extremely emotional, and Song Qingshu thought proudly that unless he really fell in love with a man with his status and status, he would have no energy and energy. Be patient first to get the woman’s heart, first get on the boat, and then talk about it. As for the ticket replacement, it’s a second story, and as Zhang Ailing said, the shortest distance to a woman’s heart is, it is naturally more convenient to get the body to approach her heart. Up.

The two of them took what they needed all the way like glue and paint, and finally reached the front line of Huainan.

The southern commander of the Jin Army, Fu San Zhongyi, led a series of high-level officials to greet him. As for Heshi Liezhining, because he presided over defense in the Dengtang area, he did not show up here.

Song Qing's book is not a person who puts on airs. In addition, the military affairs are tight nowadays, everything is simple, and he declined the other party's acceptance and went directly to the handsome account.

First, the entourage read out the imperial decree of Wan Yanquan, to the effect that Tang Kuobian brought reinforcements to support him, and by the way, presided over the southern front. Pu San Zhongyi was originally a little dissatisfied, worried that the other party would ruin the country’s major events, but on the official position of Tang Kuobian It was Marshal Zhengdu, he was just a deputy, and it was impossible for the opponent to beat him.

Reminiscent of Tang Kuobian’s series of behaviors after he came to power, he could be considered wise. Pu San Zhongyi had to press his dissatisfaction. He planned to take a look at the situation first. If the opponent wantonly affects the situation of the Kingdom of Kings, he will also use the military for whatever he says. Prestige comes to "check and balance" the opponent.

Song Qingshu naturally knew that he had suddenly landed in the air and became the head coach. It is impossible for Fu San Zhongyi to have no idea, but he has no worries about what will happen. First, he has absolute confidence in his own strength. Second, he came to this trip mainly to play a supervisory role. , The specific battle or something is still the other party to operate.

After the other party received the imperial decree, Song Qingshu asked straightforwardly: "What is the situation of the war now?" Although there are messengers along the way to deliver news, there is nothing more direct than knowing it in person.

Pu San Zhongyi took him to a military map and began to report on the current situation between Song and Jin: "In the early Southern Song Dynasty, the sudden Northern Expedition could not be resisted by local defenders alone. Therefore, there were many losses in the early stage. For example, Xinxi County was defeated by Jiangzhou. Under the control of Xu’s offensive, Baoxin County was captured by the Gwangju civilian armed forces..."

Song Qingshu looked at the map and recognized these lost places, all of which were the border counties where the Song and Jin borders took the brunt. It was not surprising that they couldn't help: "Hey, Song's main attack direction is Xinyang?"

There are two original passages from the land of Jingchu to the north. One is from Xiangyang to the north, into the Nanyang Basin, and then into the Central Plains via the Fangchengxia Road in the northeast corner of the Nanyang Basin; the other is from the east of Xiangyang and Tongtong. The Xinyang Passage between Baishan and Dabie Mountain invaded the Central Plains. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Zixu led troops to attack the Chu State. It was through the Xinyang Passage that he plunged into the hinterland of Chu and broke the capital of Chu.

Most of the county towns mentioned by the other party were in this direction. How could Song Qingshu not be surprised?

Pu San Zhongyi shook his head and said: "The offensive momentum over there is indeed quite fierce, but now that He Shi Lie Zhining is presiding over there, the battle has stabilized. The Song Zhonglu army is divided into two groups, one of which is Zhao Chun and Huangfu. Bin led troops to take the two states of Tang and Deng, and the other way was the Jiangzhou Dutong King Dajie led his army north through the Xinyang Passage. Now he is blocked by Heshi Liezhining in Caizhou. The logistics line is far away from the border. Now it is the end of the force."

Song Qingshu nodded. In the history of the Southern Song Dynasty, the reason why the city was extremely strong and the offensive was messy. In addition to the lack of cavalry, the most important thing was that the logistics system during the expedition often failed, causing the army to lose combat effectiveness. After fighting for many years, since he had made such a judgment, it was obvious that the war over there was nothing to worry about.

Pu San Zhongyi pointed to Huainan West Road and said solemnly: "The main force is still here in the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions. The commander of the Dianqian Commander Wang Ziteng led the main force in Haozhou and sent Li Shuang, the capital of Jiankang, to attack Shouzhou and Wuyi. Doctor Chen Xiaoqing attacked Lingbi..."

"Wang Zi Teng?" Song Qingshu's heart moved. This is the contemporary Patriarch of the Wang Family of Jia Shi, Wang Xue, and he has a lot of connections with him. Wang Zi Teng is in the second room of the Wang family, and he was not allowed to inherit the Wang family. Long Fang is Wang Chongyang. Wang Chongyang became a monk and had no heirs. The Wang family naturally fell into the hands of his nephew, Wang Chongyang. The cousin of Wang Chongyang, the eldest son of Sanfang, married Li Qingluo and gave birth to Wang Yuyan; his cousin married Murong Bo gave birth to Murong Fu.

However, if Wang Ziteng knew about the relationship between himself and Li Qingluo, he would probably want to take a knife out to avenge his cousin.

When Song Qingshu was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a name, and instantly became sober. It turned out that Pu San Zhongyi mentioned Guo Jing!

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