Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1648: No one who betrayed me will end well

"It seems that I went to Suzhou to solve Li Ruyi, and also sent a lot of troops to encircle and suppress Guo Jing's Ministry." Dai Qisi replied.

"It seems?" Song Qingshu was a little dissatisfied. Dai Qisi is now staying here as Tang Kuobian. As the highest commander in the army, she doesn't know the movements of the people below, which is really absurd.

Daiqisi hurriedly replied: "It doesn't seem to be, it's ok..." Then she unfolded a military map, telling one by one the current movements of each army.

Song Qingshu gradually became puzzled: "Such an arrangement... Li Ruyi has brought the main force of the Southern Song Dynasty at any rate, and Pu San Zhongyi is so confident that he can quickly solve him?"

Daiqisi explained: "I was worried about leaks, so Pusan ​​Zhongyi never revealed his plan, but I asked him privately, and he didn't hide it. There was a lot of rain near Suzhou some time ago, and he had already built a building nearby. Temporary dam, planned to attack with water."

"Water attack?" Song Qingshu took a map and looked at the topography of Suzhou, and couldn't help taking a breath. "If Song Jun is unfamiliar with the topography and has no precautions, the whole army may indeed be wiped out."

Dai Qisi sneered: "When Shang Shuling was dealing with political affairs, I read about Li Ruyi as a mediocre person and would definitely be recruited." Dai Qisi is from the Western Regions and has no affection for Song, plus her deceased husband Han. Chiba also died indirectly because of the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty, so now it is natural to hear that the Song people have suffered.

"It's no wonder that Pusan ​​Zhongyi will be so confident." Song Qingshu sighed in his heart. As the saying goes, one will be successful. I don't know how many soldiers will die this time.

Of course, he is not a Virgin, he can only try to ensure the integrity of the people around him, and cannot take care of everyone's life.

"Has Guo Jing's notice arrived?" Noting that his face was a little gloomy, Dai Qisi asked cautiously.

Song Qingshu nodded: "The notice has arrived, but he is unwilling to give up the task, so he can only resign himself to his fate..." He roughly recounted the situation when he encountered Guo Jing.

Daiqisi came to him and comforted: "You have done your best, no matter what happens next, you don't need to blame yourself."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "This dilemma is really painful. Forget it, wait for the news of the follow-up development." He decided to rest and regenerate so that he could react in time. Because there was something in his heart, he had never been with Dai for the first time What Yesh does, she just simply lay down together, with all kinds of thoughts in her heart one after another.

Just like this, when dawn was about to dawn, a scout hurriedly reported: "Enlighten the Marshal, Suzhou Victory! Suzhou Victory!"

Song Qing Shuben went to bed with his clothes, jumped up from the bed suddenly after hearing the sound, went directly outside the camp and asked: "What's the situation?"

The scout still couldn't conceal the excitement on his face: "General Fusan first defeated the Song army with a water attack, and then led the army out. Li Ruyi's army was almost completely wiped out."

The corner of Song Qingshu's eyes jumped: "This Li Ruyi is really useless." Although he knew that Pu San Zhongyi would win this war, he didn't expect to win so quickly!

"Where is General Fusan now?" Song Qingshu suddenly asked.

The scout replied: "Return to the marshal. After General Fusan defeated Li Ruyi's main force, he sent his subordinates to chase after Li Ruyi's main force, and he personally led his troops to siege and suppress Guo Jing in Xuzhou."

"Guo Jing is in Xuzhou?" Song Qingshu took all the nearby terrain in mind during this period. Xuzhou is in the northeast of Suzhou. The two cities are horns. Guo Jing's attack on Xuzhou is indeed easy to contain the nearby Jin Army and unable to support the direction of Suzhou. It is a pity that Li Ruyi The mud couldn't support the wall, and the entire army was wiped out in less than a day, making his pretending move completely meaningless, and at the same time instantly falling into the huge danger of being encircled.

Back in the account, Song Qingshu looked solemn and said to Dai Qisi: "Go, let's go to Xuzhou!" He hates himself a little, obviously not a good person, but he has to adhere to some ridiculous principles and cannot be a bad person completely. , Neither can we get rid of Guo Jing, nor can we stand idly by.

Because he planned to wait for a while to rescue Guo Jing secretly, Song Qingshu still asked Dai Qisi to pretend to be Tang Kuobian, but she changed her appearance, dressed up as her soldier, stayed beside her, and went to the servants of loyalty. Rushed to the army.

At this time Lingbi City was located, watching Li Ruyi's soldiers coming back from the defeat, the guard Chen Xiaoqing's expression was very gloomy, especially when he learned that there was a Golden State army chasing from behind, his face even more fiercely beating. I want to turn around, but I have some scruples in my heart.

Suddenly a soldier ran up and said, "The commander came to order!" After giving him a secret letter, Chen Xiaoqing hurriedly opened it, and gradually loosened his frowning brows, and then said to Chuan Lingbing, "Go on. The whole army drew out and retreated back to Xuyi."

Several lieutenants around were shocked: "Aren't we staying here? How can we suddenly withdraw?"

"Yeah, Guo Dutong is still in Xuzhou. If we retreat, wouldn't it be his death?"


Listening to the chattering discussions of several people, a trace of grief flashed across Chen Xiaoqing's face: "The defeat of Suzhou is unprecedentedly tragic. It is destined that this Northern Expedition has failed. Withdraw as soon as possible to preserve the vitality for the court as much as possible. For the sake of Guo Jing, we have exhausted the power of the imperial court here, and only now are the villains of the ages."

"But..." Although the Southern Song Dynasty was weak, there were still no lack of upright people in the army. Some people still raised objections, but he was interrupted by Chen Xiaoqing as soon as he spoke.

"This is the command of the commander of the palace. The so-called military order is like a mountain!" Chen Xiaoqing took out the military order he had just received and handed it to the surrounding lieutenants.

"This..." The few generals looked at each other. This time, Wang Ziteng, the commander in front of the palace, was the commander-in-chief of this Northern Expedition. Who would dare not listen to his military orders.

"Hey, I hope no one will say that we are Pan Mei in the future." I don't know who muttered, casting a haze on everyone's hearts. During the Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Taizong's Northern Expedition, Yang Ye was besieged, and Pan Mei couldn't save him. Not only did he lose his prestige in the army, but he was also stinking for thousands of years.

"What nonsense, we are just acting on orders." Chen Xiaoqing snorted, turned around and left, and began to organize the evacuation of the soldiers under his command. He has been immersed in the officialdom for a long time, knowing that Wang Ziteng is behind the Wang family, Jia, Shi, With the help of Xue Ji's family, how could anything happen? What's more, Wang Ziteng can fully use the reason for preserving vitality for the country, leaving many impeachment officials speechless.

At this moment, in Jia's Mansion in Lin'an City, thousands of miles away, Jia Sidao was playing chess with Liao Yingzhong, with an inscrutable smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The lord is smiling, he must have the chance to win." Liao Yingzhong asked tentatively.

Jia Sidao put down a chess piece: "Han Jiefu is proud of the spring breeze in the past two years, and it is time to pay his debts."

Liao Yingzhong smiled slightly: "Why is Han Jiefu the lord's opponent? The lord is strategizing and has a decisive victory thousands of miles away. Now it's time to close the net."

Jia Sidao smiled without saying a word, and put a chess piece down: "Yingzhong, playing chess will be distracted, but it will be a complete defeat."

"Yingzhong's chess power is far inferior to the lord," Liao Yingzhong didn't care, and suddenly asked something, "Right, how to deal with Guo Jing then?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I have made arrangements," Jia Sidao said lightly, "The one who betrayed me will not end well."

Liao Yingzhong felt a chill when she heard it, and silently put a red cross on Guo Jing.

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