Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1649: Never die

"By the way, haven't Baoyu's whereabouts been found yet?" Jia Sidao asked casually.

Liao Yingzhong's cold sweat broke all at once: "There is an important breakthrough, and the whereabouts of the son should be found soon."

Jia Sidao snorted, "Baoyu is fine. If something happens, I will make the people who deal with him regret coming to this world."

Liao Yingzhong smiled secretly, thinking that it was more than just the people who dealt with him. I am afraid that the group of people who are looking for the son will not end well.

Let’s say Song Qingshu and Dai Qi took the guards all the way to speed up the whip, and finally found the loyal and righteous troops. When the other party saw him, they couldn’t help but laughed and said: "Marshal Du is here just right!"

Dai Qisi imitated Tang Kuobian's tone and replied: "General Pusan ​​destroyed the main force of Song Dynasty's Northern Expedition in one day, and the ancient Han Baiweihuo was nothing more than that."

"The general marshal praised," Pu San Zhongyi laughed loudly, "Li Ruyi is nothing but a chicken. Compared to defeating his troops, I am more proud of another prey."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and she hurriedly pricked her ears. Dai Qisi knew what he was thinking and asked for him: "Could the general have caught Guo Jing?"

"That's not true." Pu San Zhongyi pointed to the distance, "But they have successfully found them, and they are now stationed between the two mountains." Guo Jing has only a few hundred cavalry under his command, and he has ten times more cavalry under his command. More than that, since the prey was hung, naturally it was not far from catching him.

"Oh?" Dai Qisi wanted to stand on a high place and look at it subconsciously, but was stopped by Pusan ​​Zhongyi.

"Marshal, be careful, this Guo Jing used to be a philosopher, and there is still a legend of a eagle-shooting hero on the grassland. Just now a few of our sentries were shot down by his bow and arrow when they were standing on a high place." Pu San Zhongyi squeezed a hand. Leng Khan, he defeated Song Jun this time, and now he is about to seize Guo Jing, it can be said that he has made a remarkable achievement. But if Tang Kuo argued for something, all his previous credits would be forfeited.

"It turned out to be like this," Dai Qisi is also a little afraid, and Guo Jing's archery has been circulating in the arena. "If there is no sentinel watching, would it be so easy to let him?"

Pu San Zhongyi looked between the two mountains: "So I am planning to send someone to attack."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and transmitted the secret to Daiqisi, and Daiqisi asked for him: "Now that I can't see the truth or not, will it be too dangerous to rush over?"

Pu San Zhongyi laughed: "The marshal is too worried. There is a saying among the Han people that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how great Guo Jing is, there are only a few hundred cavalry under him. Even if he plays with flowers, he can't change the overall situation." After that, he waved the flag and instructed one of them to bring two thousand cavalry to the opponent's camp.

Hearing the roar in the air and feeling the shaking of the earth, Song Qingshu could not help but sigh with emotion. He is indeed a cavalry who used to cross the Central Plains. Although it has degraded after these years, it can still be seen faintly with ten to twenty thousand. The cavalry defeated the shadow of the army that was crushed by hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Liao.

Pu San Zhongyi's face also showed a color of approval, apparently satisfied with the charge of his subordinates, but soon the smile on his face froze, because he noticed that all of the arrows in the Song Army camp were all fired. The charging cavalry team instantly became confused.

"How is it possible!" Pu San Zhongyi suddenly walked a few steps forward, looking over there with shocked expression, "This...this is the Mongolian method of riding and shooting, how can these Song barbarians?"

Song Qingshu also had the same doubts at this time. If the soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty had this ability, they would not be bullied by the Liao, Jin, and Mongolia one after another. If Pu San Zhongyi faced the Mongolian cavalry, he would never be so careless and would rush without any precautions. past.

"Guo Jing must have taught them," Pu San Zhongyi quickly reacted. After all, Guo Jing was once the commander in command of the Mongolian army. He knew this method of riding and shooting was normal. "Hmph, when it comes to riding and shooting, we have lived on horseback since we were young. The nation, how can you be afraid of you again? Order, shoot!"

Needless to say, that member of Jin Jiang has already greeted his subordinates to take out bows and arrows and start to fight back, but what is shocking is that the opponents can be described as raining arrows, but their counterattack is sparse, and there are even a lot of arrows. There is no way to shoot into the opponent's camp.

"What the **** is going on!" Pu San Zhongyi immediately became angry and couldn't help yelling. He was always proud of his cavalry and looked down upon the weak Song people, but now he was taught to be a man in his own superior field. The mood will not be much better.

A general on the side whispered: "Our bowstrings are mainly made of animal tendons. Song people's bowstrings are made of silk. Therefore, our bows are afraid of water, and Song people's bows are afraid of cold. It has been raining heavily these days... "

Although he didn't finish speaking, the people present knew that the bowstrings of one's own side should not be wetted by rain, which caused the elasticity to be greatly reduced. Now that it is located in Jianghuai, it is not too cold, and it naturally has no effect on Song people's bows and arrows.

Pu San Zhongyi smiled secretly. The heavy rain these days made him proud to use the weather to flood the Song Army in Suzhou, but now it has become a disadvantage for his side.

Seeing that the cavalry charged by one's own side was shot up and down, Pusan ​​Zhongyi's face trembled, and his heart was dripping blood. He couldn't help but yelled: "Although the one charged this time is not Iron Buddha, he is also wearing heavy armor. Bows and arrows may not be able to shoot them down, why can't you stand it with an arrow from the Song people?

Song Qingshu was in the Kingdom of Jin during this period, and learned that the most elite cavalry of the Jin army was the heavy cavalry iron floats, which were heavily armored and armed to the teeth, used for frontal crushing; followed by the cavalry kidnappers scattered on the two wings, which can be fully utilized. Its high mobility and the huge impact generated by the group's charge are used to outflank the enemy and then assault.

There are two types of kidnappers, one is the bow and arrow kidnappers that are lightly loaded and attacked on the flanks, and the other is the heavy-gun kidnappers that charge into the battle. This is the type of kidnappers that just charged, so they can’t shoot the Song army except for the weather. In addition to performance, this type of cavalry is already good at impact and bad at riding and shooting. Just now the general only mentioned the weather, and most of it was because of the loyalty of Gu Quanfu. After all, it was his order.

"This range, this power, is it the Southern Song's divine arm bow?" One of the generals said with some uncertainty. When this statement came out, the temperature of the audience dropped a bit. These years, the Song people's divine arm bow can be described as letting The Jin Ren had suffered enough, and there was no shortage of veterans in the field who followed Liang Wang Wanyan Zongbi in the battle, and the scene in Shaanxi that he dared not come up when he was shot by the Song people's magical arm bow is still fresh in my memory.

"Can the **** arm bow be equipped on the cavalry?" Pu San Zhongyi felt that what he encountered today was beyond his common sense.

"Maybe the Song people modified it a little bit." Someone guessed.

"Marshals and generals don't have to worry. Song people are few. Even if they develop a divine arm bow that can be equipped with cavalry, they can't change the overall situation." Another general saw Pu San Zhongyi and Tang Kuo's face sinking and hurriedly explained.

At this moment, there was a loud drum sound from the opposite side, and Guo Jing took the lead, leading a group of cavalry rushing over while the golden team was in chaos.

Pu San Zhongyi's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly passed orders one after another, commanding other troops to rush up to rescue the previous troops, because he knew that although the cavalry tentatively attacked before had 2,000 people far more than the Song people, it is now here. In this case, if you sit idly by, you will probably be eaten up by the other party.

It was just a bit late when the other troops rushed past. The troops who tried to charge before had suffered heavy losses. When Guo Jing saw the coming Jin Army, he pulled away in time. The Jin Guo cavalry tried to chase, but was retreated by the other side. Riding backwards made it miserable.

"Coming and going like wind, aggression like fire, and Mongolia's most elite Yu Xuejun is no exception." Pu Sanzhong's words could not stop admiration, and the scene before him made him seem to be fighting the most elite Mongolian cavalry. Generally, "chasing me, even if you pay a high price this time, you must catch Guo Jing!"

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