Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1650: Military Female Family

Song Qingshu was also impressed. Guo Jing really played with less than a thousand cavalry. The Southern Song Dynasty had never been good at cavalry, but he was well-founded to advance and retreat under his leadership. Those tactics were exactly the same as the Mongolian army. The power is even higher than that of Mongolia. If the same number of Mongolian cavalry is against it, it is probably not its opponent.

"Guo Jing really is a natural born general." Song Qingshu found that he had underestimated Guo Jing before. Although Guo Jing's martial arts is top-notch in the world, he hasn't paid much attention to it yet, but now he sees the other side of him. What is the point of martial arts, what he learned is the enemy of ten thousand people on the battlefield.

"I knew I didn't provoke Huang Rong." Song Qingshu secretly regretted that if it hadn't happened to that mess, he would be able to use Guo Jing as his own, and at that time he would have an extra peerless general. Now that the relationship between myself and Huang Rong is a time bomb, I really don’t dare to use him...

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and when he thinks of the bright and charming Huang Rong, Song Qingshu's heart is hot, and he can't help but feel proud. Although he loves the country, he loves beauty even more. What if he loses a general? It's a big deal!

However, the follower Jinjun army chased this cavalry squad far away, Song Qingshu secretly frowned, now Pu San Zhongyi is determined to catch him at all costs, I don’t know if Guo Jing can escape this disaster. .

Although he has always had a headache about how to deal with Guo Jing and Huang Rong in the future, he has never thought of getting rid of him by the hand of a gold man, and even has been thinking about how to save him. First, he admires Guo Jing as a person, and second, this is his pride. , He disdains to use some small tricks to harm others behind the scenes.

"How much did you lose?" Dai Qisi asked as Tang Kuo argued.

Pu San’s loyal face was sinking like water: "Two hundred were killed in battle, and thousands of people were injured. I will collect this account for them." Guo Jing has a total of seven or eight hundred cavalry. This can be said to be a fiasco.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly. Originally, he planned to use the side attack to dispel the other party's idea of ​​rounding up Guo Jing on the grounds that it was not cost-effective. But after this battle, it can be described as endless.

In the next few days, Guo Jing went all the way to the south and fought and walked. Although he is the most elite cavalry under his command, there is no shortage of cavalry here in the Kingdom of Jin. In addition, it is within the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. Amazing operation, but still can't get rid of the chasing soldiers, and was trapped in a valley a few days later.

In the days of hard fighting, many soldiers were injured by arrows. Guo Jing ordered the wounded in three places to rest on the horse, the wounded in two to take care of the seriously wounded, and the wounded in one to insist on fighting.

As night fell, the Jin and Song parties settled in a tacit camp. No matter it was a fugitive or a pursuer, no one was an iron man. Everyone needed a rest. Looking at the Jin** camp not far away, Guo Jing called up the soldiers and said, "Our army is not as morale as possible. Before, I can’t get up, what is the reason? Is there a woman in the army?"

A group of people looked at each other. It turned out that they had attacked Xuzhou and robbed a lot of the wives and daughters of the defenders of Xuzhou. Because they were worried about being punished by Guo Jing, they secretly mixed the women and women dressed as men in the army. Fortunately, they robbed a lot of the gold army in Xuzhou. Horses, otherwise people might not even have enough horses.

However, Guo Jing is not a fool. At first he was concerned about the situation in Suzhou, and he did ignore the actions of his subordinates. He has been staying together these days, how could he not know that there are more women in the team? After quietly inquiring, I learned that it was the wife and daughter of the golden man who had been robbed by the soldiers.

Guo Jing has always been upright. The reason why he left Mongolia to help the Southern Song Dynasty was because the Mongols were brutal and innocent, and blood flowed everywhere they passed. Countless wives and daughters trembled under their claws, but he did not expect that the Southern Song Dynasty also had similar situations. .

It's a pity that this cavalry unit has a short life under him. If the troops trained by it in Xiangyang city dare to do such a thing, he will definitely order military law to deal with it. Now a group of people are in danger, if they are killed because of it. Those offenders may cause the soldiers to collapse...

"Golden people go south and ravage us people of Song Dynasty. Are there still a few wives and daughters, even princesses..." Guo Jing was questioned, a soldier who had always been bold and unrestrained, but he immediately realized that he had committed a taboo. After all, Jingkang was difficult. In the middle, the imperial concubine and princess told her that she did not know how much she was taken to the coat of arms. This is a shame to all Song people, so she immediately changed her words, "We call it the way of the other and the way of the other."




A group of soldiers agreed. Looking at the enthusiastic crowd, Guo Jing secretly sighed: Is this human nature?

"Golden people are beasts, do we have to learn from them and become beasts?" Although Guo Jing understands these people's practices, he never agrees. He pointed to the fearful and timid women in the army and said, "Not to mention you guys. Look at these robbed women, how many are serious Jurchens? Are they also our Han compatriots?"

"Who let them marry the golden man, this deserves it." Someone murmured.

Guo Jing was furious in an instant: "Golden people are cruel, how can women like them who have no power to restrain the chickens can resist? We Han men cannot protect the women of the clan, but in the end we blame the women for being out of order. What is the reason?"

Neo-Confucianism prevailed in the Southern Song Dynasty, that is, after Jingkang's sadness, he began to pay attention to women's chastity abnormally. Guo Jing grew up in Mongolia and was naturally dissatisfied with such a culture.

Guo Jing has always been powerful. A group of people were deterred by his aura and did not dare to say anything. Guo Jing took advantage of the situation and said: "Back then, Li Ling's lone army went deep and was besieged by the Huns. In the car, Li Ling found them out and killed them after learning about it in the car, and fighting again the next day, the soldiers really had nothing to do with their fighting power. Do you think I should kill these women?"

Hearing what he said, the women who had been robbed suddenly became frightened and crying. A group of soldiers looked at each other even more. Guo Jing has always been a benevolent person. Why is it so cruel this time? However, they are not incomprehensible about this approach as the saying goes.

"However," Guo Jing said, "These women are also poor people, and coupled with one day's husband and wife, I don't want you to be embarrassed, so I will let them out of the barracks, and immediately expel them from the barracks. The matter is fine, from now on, anyone who accepts women to influence the military will be cut without mercy!"

A group of soldiers thought they would be punished for the incident, but now they see the big stick raised high and falling gently, how can they not be overjoyed? They have no feelings for these women, they just satisfy their physical needs. Now these days they have enough fun and addiction. In addition, the people of Jin Guo are chasing after them, and the shadow of death has always been looming in their hearts. I can bear that mood.

"Leave them here, we will leave overnight!" Guo Jing suddenly ordered.

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