Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1651: Catch the turtle in the urn

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that they were using these women to block the pace of the golden man, buying time for their own party to escape, and they couldn't help but smile at the thought of the possibility of escape.

If these were ordinary Han women, Guo Jing would never give such an order. Maybe he would bring these women back to the south with his benevolent character. However, these Han women are already the wives and daughters of Jin Guo soldiers, but it is not convenient. Take it away, if you stay, you don't have to worry about being ruined by these wolf-like golden soldiers, after all, they are the wives and daughters of their colleagues.

Song Qingshu was hesitating how to rescue Guo Jing. Suddenly, a whistle came from the military camp and discovered an abnormality in the Song military camp. The senior officers of the Kingdom of Jin urgently assembled, and Pu San Zhongyi looked towards the valley, and his expression changed: "No. , They are going to run away overnight!" After finishing speaking, it was too late to explain to Tang Kuo. He hurriedly dispatched troops and led people to chase after him.

Song Qingshu and Daiqisi glanced at each other, and hurriedly got on their horses and followed. When they came to the Song Army Camp, they found that there was a hustle and bustle inside, and they hurriedly summoned Pusan ​​to ask for loyalty.

"Don't mention it, they are all the wives and daughters of Xuzhou soldiers." Fu San Zhongyi snorted angrily. "Before being taken captive by the Song people, they are now deliberately abandoned here to delay our pace."

As he said that, he suddenly sneered a few times: "Listening to the rumors of the world, what is the greatest chivalrous man, I am!"

Song Qingshu frowned, and he understood the anger of the other party. After all, anyone who knew that his compatriots’ wives and daughters were humiliated by the enemy would be angered, but the only thing he didn’t understand was that Guo Jing was obviously not that kind of person, but these were in front of him. The woman is the fact before her eyes again.

After explaining a few words, Pu San Zhongyi hurriedly left and started to deal with the horrible things. After all, these women are the family members of the lieutenant generals. If they are not arranged properly, they may be chilling.

"I'm really immortal now." Dai Qisi whispered as she approached Song Qingshu.

"Yes, I can only hope that they can take advantage of this time to escape." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. Guo Jing's move is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can indeed delay the pursuit of soldiers, but it is also completely exciting. The hatred of the gold soldiers has arisen. If it was said that these high-level officials who were just serving loyalty and want to get Guo Jing and then hurry up, now all the gold soldiers want his life.

Pu San Zhongyi finally straightened out the messy scene, leaving a special troop to protect and place these women, and then hurriedly led the troop to continue chasing south.

After all, it is in the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. Although the servants of the loyal and loyal troops are not as flexible as Guo Jing's department, he can mobilize the power of the prefectures and counties along the way to continuously block the opponent. Therefore, although Guo Jing has bought time through which female relatives, he still can't get rid of the pursuit .

However, Guo Jing was not very worried, because as long as they arrived in Lingbi, there would be Chen Xiaoqing's army after the death. The soldiers under his command also looked excited. After all, they played around with the golden men along the way, and they enjoyed the wives and daughters of the soldiers of the golden army, and they exhaled long enough to be oppressed by the golden men.

When they faintly saw the Lingbi city wall, they were about to cheer, but Guo Jing's expression suddenly changed, because he noticed that the head of the city had not erected the signal flag as agreed, and hurriedly raised his hand to stop the troops.

"What's wrong, Commander Guo?" the soldiers under his command asked puzzledly. After all, seeing that they were about to go home soon, everyone became anxious.

"Something's wrong..." Guo Jing told everyone about his discovery, and the soldiers also realized the danger.

"No, Dr. Wuyi Chen Xiaoqing led the army after this break. It has only been a few days. How could it fall so quickly?" A member of Pi said incredulously.

"It's hard to say. The 100,000 troops under Suzhou City were not destroyed in an instant." Another member of the Pijiang snorted coldly, obviously very angry at Li Ruyi's defeat, not to mention that it directly caused them to fall into danger. .

"This is different," Guo Jing shook his head. "General Li is an offense. Although he doesn't want to admit it, the court has never been good at offense. General Chen is defensive in Lingbi. The court soldiers are best at defense. Jin Bing can't be so fast. Can be attacked, unless..."

"Unless what?" the soldier next to him said anxiously.

Guo Jing thought of Song Qingshu's warning before, and he couldn't help but also had a guess, unless Chen Xiaoqing did not stay as agreed and withdrew his troops early.

"Wait here for a while. You are not allowed to dismount your saddle and stand by at any time. I will go over and see the situation first." Guo Jing did not tell the speculation in his heart, worrying that these people would break down when they learned that they had become an abandoned son.

Although he didn't say anything, there was still a shadow in the hearts of a group of people, and they looked at his past figure with dignity.

Guo Jing rode his horse to the bottom of the city gate, and said in a sincere manner: "Is General Chen there?"

The soldiers at the head of the city came out: "Is the leader Guo Tong underneath?"

Guo Jing's heart shuddered, and he asked in a deep voice, "Where is Chen Xiaoqing, General Chen?"

"The general is resting in the city," the soldier replied casually, "I will let them open the city gate and let the general in."

Looking at the city gate that was slowly opening, Guo Jing did not go in. Instead, he was stationed there to meditate, and suddenly asked: "Where is General Wu who guards the gate, why didn't he see him?"

The soldier was startled, and subconsciously replied: "General Wu is patrolling the neighborhood, I will call him over immediately."

Who knows that Guo Jing's face changed drastically, he hurried back on his horse, gesturing to his subordinates as he ran back, motioning to run away!

Although Guo Jing has always been known for his stupidity, he is not stupid, otherwise he would not be able to practice such profound martial arts. Especially on the battlefield, he has an extraordinary intuition. He was keenly aware of the impropriety before, so he deliberately tentatively spoke out. a bit.

It is indeed possible for Chen Xiaoqing to stay in the city to rest, but the city gate is the top priority, and he will definitely send his most trusted generals to guard, and the trusted generals around Chen Xiaoqing have met him, and there is no General Wu at all. Not to mention that Chen Xiaoqing was not around, and even there was no general named Wu in this military operation!

Because Wu Xi had an unusual attitude in Sichuan, in order to avoid affecting Jianghuai, the generals surnamed Wu didn't bring them!

He just tried this deliberately, if the opponent is really Song Jun, he will naturally answer the correct answer, but the other party followed his words and said a non-existent general!

This proves that the people in the city are not the Song army, but the Jin people pretending to be. They naturally don't know that there is no general named Wu in the Northern Expedition. It seems that most of them are trying to trick themselves into the city to catch a turtle.

The people who fled on this road had already regarded Guo Jing as a god. Although they were puzzled when they saw his warning, they subconsciously began to retreat. When Guo Jing came up, the soldiers were about to ask what happened. The gate of Lingbi City opened wide, and the inside was charged. A sturdy horse came out, and it was the cavalry of the Golden State, so there was no need to explain anything!


Pu San Zhongyi. Explain, what the **** is this meaning, and why is it a sensitive word?

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