Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1652: Fight fire with fire

"Chen Xiaoqing abandoned us!" All those who survived the battlefield of blood and fire, no one was a fool, and someone soon reacted.

Although the information available today is pitiful, the same thought came to everyone's mind. After all, since Pan Mei failed to save Yang Ye in the early Northern Song Dynasty, there have been endless examples of abandoning friendly forces as cannon fodder.

A group of people greeted the eighteenth generation of Chen Xiaoqing’s ancestors, but Guo Jing frowned. Of course he would not scold Chen Xiaoqing like ordinary soldiers, but was thinking about the hidden information behind this. In the end, Chen Xiaoqing was greedy for life and feared death. Is there someone instructed to go?

It's a pity that he was not good at analyzing these political things. After thinking about it for a long time, he was dizzy and didn't come up with any conclusions. He couldn't help but sighed secretly: "It would be fine if Rong'er was here." It is estimated that the wife can analyze the context behind it as soon as her eyes turn.

"Leader Guo, the chasing soldiers of the Jinren are here!" A side general suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the north. His words were full of despair. Before, he could support them to persist because he thought of the Song army on Lingbi's side. But now Lingbi had long since fallen, and the army also regarded them as abandoned sons, and was chased up by the chasing soldiers. It can be said that they are dead and dead.

Looking at the smoke and dust billowing to the north, Guo Jing pulled on the reins and shouted: "Follow me!" After saying that, he rode his horse forward to the southeast. During this period, he has become the backbone of everyone, so even though the morale of a group of people is extremely low. , Still follow him subconsciously.

After running for dozens of miles to the southeast, Guo Jing and others had to stop, because the way was blocked by a large swamp of reeds, and they were about to turn around, but it was a pity that the chasing soldiers of the golden men had already followed.

"Is it true that heaven is going to kill me?" Guo Jing sighed.

Now that there is no way forward, there are chasing soldiers behind, even Guo Jing is a little desperate, not to mention the soldiers under his command, some are discouraged, some are swearing at Chen Xiaoqing, it can be described as a full display of life.

Guo Jing saw everything in front of him, and he deliberately boosted everyone's morale, but now in the Jedi, he knows that any words are pale.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu followed the army of the Kingdom of Jin to several miles away, and Pu San Zhongyi ordered the army to stop advancing. Dai Qisi asked inexplicably, “Why not just rush over and kill them all?”

Although Song Qingshu was unwilling to attack Guo Jing, Dai Qisi had no such worries. What's more, she came from Persia and had no distinction between Jin and Song in her heart. In addition, her husband Han Qianye died indirectly on the mission of the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions. I don't have a half-favorite feeling for Song people.

Moreover, she faintly guessed that Song Qingshu was unwilling to bear the infamy that killed Guo Jing, so she should come forward to solve his headache problem, and it should be able to help him...

Song Qingshu frowned when he heard it. Before he had time to say anything, Pu San Zhongyi had already replied: "Now they have nowhere to go. They are so-called trapped beasts still fighting. If they rush over at this time, they will explode in despair. Some are not cost-effective. Anyway, we have time. We can let them dry for two days, and then they will be exhausted. By then, I am afraid that they will have lost their combat effectiveness without us."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly, this servant is worthy of being a famous general of the Kingdom of Jin, and his judgment of the situation is simply perfect.

Next, Pu San Zhongyi began to dispatch soldiers to deploy defenses, and completely blocked the various routes that the opponent might escape. Song Qingshu sighed. Now Guo Jing may be really hard to fly.

After arranging everything, Pu San Zhongyi took a closer look at the terrain Song Jun was in, and suddenly he said, "Maybe we don't need to wait until two days later."

Dai Qisi asked for Song Qingshu: "What's the matter?"

Pu San Zhongyi pointed to the reed swamp where the other party was located, and smiled: "The large reeds here are an excellent place for fire attacks. Originally, I was worried that Guo Jing would break through with his powerful martial arts. Ruthless, no matter how high his martial arts is, there is only one dead end!"

Song Qingshu was shocked when he heard that if he really used fire to attack, I am afraid that Guo Jing and his party would really be over, but unfortunately now he can't find a reason to stop Pusan's loyalty.

Pusan ​​Zhongyi acted vigorously and quickly arranged for the soldiers to prepare kerosene and other items, and then ordered the soldiers to shoot rockets into the reeds. Despite the heavy rain in Suzhou, there is enough distance from Suzhou, and the weather is extremely dry. Soon the reeds were ignited, and then the wind formed a prairie fire.

Song Jun clearly discovered the abnormality, but it was a pity that it was discovered too late. Now that the fire has started, it is impossible for them to rush through the flames and fight to the death.

Seeing Song Jun’s people turning their backs on their backs, Pu San Zhongyi smiled with satisfaction: "Finally got rid of Guo Jing’s confidant trouble for Da Jin Nation!"

A group of generals from the Kingdom of Jin agreed, but Song Qingshu was unhappy. Seeing the sky full of fire, he really squeezed Guo Jing a sweat. No matter how high a man's martial arts, he can't resist nature. How can he get out of such a fire? ?

With his mind spinning rapidly, Song Qingshu was thinking about how to save him. Originally, he was thinking about waiting for Guo Jing to be caught by Pusan ​​Zhongyi before secretly trying to rescue him, but now in the sky of fire, there is no possibility of capturing the opponent alive, unless he reveals his identity now. Save him in the past, otherwise it will definitely be a dead end. However, the cost of rushing to it was too great. If Jin Guo accidentally obtained everything, he would fall short. Moreover, with Guo Jing's temperament, he would probably not abandon his soldiers to escape alone, and he was not a god, so how could he have saved so many people.

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he had already thought of a way, but unfortunately now the two sides are too far apart, there is no way to tell each other secretly, should he use his internal power to openly call him?

When he was struggling, Guo Jing finally stabilized the chaotic subordinates, and then ordered: "Set fire!"

"Huh?" A group of soldiers was dumbfounded. Now that the fire is so big, it is about to burn them. As a result, Guo Jing still let them set fire under his nose. Isn't this not fast enough to die?

If it hadn't been for Guo Jing's prestige in the past few days, someone might have been swearing, but many people still raised questions.

"Of course it was not a simple arson... There is no time to explain, you do as I said, hurry up!" Guo Jing hurriedly ordered.

Although the soldiers under his command were confused, he quickly swung his knife and chopped off the reeds in front of them, forming a bare area about two meters wide, and then began to ignite in the reeds on the other side of the bare area.

The reeds burned up quickly, and then a fierce fire dragon was quickly formed, which was indistinguishable from the fire on the side of the Golden Army for a time.

Suddenly the fire dragon on this side trembled a few times, and then rushed towards the flames that had burned on the side of the Golden Army at an extremely exaggerated speed!

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