Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1653: Dying order

The two flames collided and sparks burst into the sky with a boom, but then a scene that stunned the soldiers on both sides appeared, and the originally monstrous flames were visibly smaller!

"Is this man a god?" Many soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin exclaimed, and even Chu San Zhongyi was a little shocked. Using fire to put out a fire is beyond common sense. Soldiers from the Southern Song Dynasty even regarded Guo Jing as a god. Morale, which had dropped to the extreme, rose instantly.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Guo Jing's approach coincided with what he had just thought. Zhengchou couldn't remind him. He didn't expect that he would have thought of this method himself.

Extinguishing fire with fire and looking deep, in fact, it’s not a secret for him from later generations to stand on the shoulders of countless giants. Once the fire rises, the air is heated up to the high altitude, resulting in low pressure at the center of the fire. A relatively high pressure caused a strong air current to flow towards the fire. At this time, when a fire is set on the periphery of the fire site, the fire will be blown to the fire site by the air current, and the combustible materials between the fire source and the fire site will be burned out, and then the fire will be extinguished because of the lack of combustible materials.

Of course, this requires clearing out a quarantine zone in advance, otherwise it will easily be devoured by a little carelessness. This is why Guo Jing arranged for soldiers to clear the reeds before the camp.

Song Qingshu looked over there with some doubts. Because of his knowledge of physics and news reports in later generations, Australia often used this method to put out fires, but how could Guo Jing, the elm head, come up with such a trick? ? Is Huang Rong by his side?

In fact, this is purely random thinking. The reason why Guo Jing used this trick is also related to his experience of herding horses and sheep on the Mongolian grasslands when he was a child. Herdsmen over there sometimes use this trick to put out fires when they encounter grassland fires. Although the herdsmen do not Knowing physics is also the experience that ancestors have accumulated through generations.

Taking advantage of the frustration of the Jinren's side, Guo Jing led the cavalry under his command to rush out diagonally, using the gap created by the fire to break through the encircling circle, and ran to the rugged mountain.

Pu San Zhongyi was angry and anxious, and hurriedly deployed troops and generals to chase and intercept. Dai Qisi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Guo Jing is so powerful that there are only a few hundred cavalry. There have been all sorts of losses and losses along the way. Don't forget that our most important goal is the main force of the Song army." She received Song Qingshu's instruction, and although she was unwilling, she came forward to try to dispel the idea of ​​loyalty.

"The marshal knows something," Pu San Zhongyi explained, "We personally led tens of thousands of cavalry to attack hundreds of people in the Southern Song Dynasty. If we can't eliminate them, we will lose our prestige. We will no longer be able to deploy troops and generals in the future. The morale of the army and the people in the Southern Song Dynasty was greatly boosted, and the ambition of the Northern Expedition became more and more. As for the main force in Suzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty, the main force in the Southern Song Dynasty had already been collapsed by thousands of miles.

Song Qingshu sighed in his heart. Now that the matter has happened, Pu San's loyalty can be described as difficult to ride a tiger.

"The marshal don't have to worry," it may be that he noticed Daiqisi's anomaly. Pu San Zhongyi explained what he was worried about as the marshal, "I just arranged heavy troops in advance on the main road just in case, this time Guo Jing It’s hard to fly even with wings."

After thinking along the way, Song Qingshu gradually calmed down. It would not work to let Guo Jing leave under the eyes of the public, but it was completely possible to try to save him after he was arrested, as long as he was not nearly buried in the flames as before.

When Daiqisi and Pusan ​​loyally communicated with each other and a group of people caught up, the soldiers in front came to report that Guo Jing had tried several times to break through the encirclement, but unfortunately the way to go had been blocked, and in desperation had to lead the remnant up a hill. Use the characteristics of the mountain forest to resist the arrow rain of the Jinren, while occupying a condescending geographical advantage.

The Jin Bing had already organized several assaults in front of him, but was blocked by the opponent's use of bows and arrows.

After listening to the soldier's report, Pu San Zhongyi was not angry and rejoiced: "This mountain is not big, and it has been surrounded by me on all sides. They finally can't escape!"

Song Qingshu secretly smiled bitterly. Hearing the report from the soldiers just now, this hill has no water source and no food. It can be described as a military jedi, but Guo Jing and others are also desperate. If they don’t get to this jedi, they might die soon. Under the encirclement of the golden soldiers, going up can delay time temporarily. Drinking poison to quench thirst is just like this.

"If the order is passed on, everyone will camp down the mountain. They will lose their combat effectiveness if they have no water or food." As a famous general, Pu San Zhongyi knows that it is more appropriate to let the soldiers harass each other in batches under these circumstances. The sky chased Guo Jing down to various losses and losses. Although in his opinion, as long as he can catch Guo Jing, no amount of sacrifice is worthwhile, but the middle and lower-level soldiers may not understand that if more than 10,000 troops chase hundreds of people, the final loss will be too great. The criticism against him will never be small.

In addition, Guo Jing just put out a show with fire, Jin Jun’s morale has suffered a lot, so he also needs to let the soldiers slow down first, when Song Jun is hungry and thirsty, Jin Jun’s morale should be too. The recovery is almost done, and then the loss can be minimized.

Let’s say that the Golden Army is setting up camp, and dozens of remaining Song soldiers on the mountain surrounded Guo Jing and said: "Guo Commander, we are bound to die by now, your martial arts are the world’s best, let’s leave by night alone."

After several days and nights of chasing battles, there are now only dozens of these 480 cavalry soldiers, and many of them are seriously wounded. They may die at any time, and the rest are wounded by everyone. It won’t last long.

Hearing what they said, Guo Jing's expression changed suddenly: "I, Guo, is that kind of greedy for life and fear of death! This kind of thing that Guo can never do to abandon his comrades-in-arms."

The soldiers persuaded: "Guo Daxia, we absolutely can't escape under this circumstance. Coupled with the previous incidents of insulting Xuzhou Jinbing's wife and daughter, even if caught, we will only suffer torture and die. There is absolutely no second rule. Road. But you are different. Your martial arts is so majestic. Without the drag of us, you might still be able to get out of the night." They no longer deserve to be called Guo Daxia, which is obviously right. His chivalrous name has long been fascinated, and nowadays, at the juncture of life and death, all official positions are floating clouds. Only the respect from the heart will make them make such suggestions.

"Guo Daxia must not have a psychological burden. The reason why we are in desperation this time is because Wuyi doctor Chen Xiaoqing abandoned his comrades. We need Guo Daxia to return to the court to expose Chen Xiaoqing's shameless behavior and avenge us, otherwise we will die!" Obviously! They didn't forget who caused them to harm themselves, and said one by one through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, while we still have some strength, we can also cover Guo Daxia. If we take a long time off, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you."

Everyone persuaded Guo Jing with one word and one word. Guo Jing's face sank like water, and finally said in a deep voice: "You don't have to say it anymore. I will never run away alone. As for Chen Xiaoqing's abandonment of his comrades, there are so many people on the battlefield. I can’t stop the yoyo, and sooner or later the court will avenge us.”

Seeing what they had to say, Guo Jing took off his armor and said, "I'm dead, don't follow me, let me kill Marshal Jin Guo!"

Hearing the determination in his tone, all the soldiers were tearful: "Guo Daxia, let's go with you!"

Guo Jing shook his head and said: "No, if you go together, the goal is too big and it is easy to be spotted by the gold man in advance."

Hearing him say this, the soldiers were inconvenienced to say anything. They looked at him with a bit of choking, because they knew that the other party was riding alone in the camp. It might be a life of nine deaths, no, it should be ten deaths and no lives.

Guo Jing said in a deep voice: "If I succeed by fluke, the Golden Army will inevitably be in chaos. You must seize this opportunity to break through; if this assassination fails..."

He was silent for a long time before he said: "Then Guo will take one step first, and the princes will take care of themselves."

"Guo Daxia!" A group of people choked on his arm, and several young soldiers couldn't help sobbing.

Guo Jing patted everyone's hands, turned around and walked down the mountain. After a few steps, he suddenly stopped, and said in a very sighing tone: "No matter if my trip is a success or a failure, I must be unable to survive. It’s a pity that I can’t see my unborn child. If any of you can come back to Lin’an by chance, and when you see Zhuo Jing in the future, tell her that I’m sorry for her. In the future, after the child is born, if it’s a daughter, I’ll name it. Guo Xiang, my wife and I spent most of our time guarding Xiangyang, which is considered a memorial; if it is a son, we will name it Polu, in order to expel the Tartar."

After speaking, he casually waved his hand behind him, and disappeared into the forest with a light effort.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu accompanies Dai Qisi. Now he is studying the strategy of attacking the mountain with Pusan ​​Zhongyi and other senior officers in Shuai Teng. Suddenly there is a riot outside, Pu San Zhongyi dissatisfied: "What is so noisy!"

"Back to the general, there are...there are assassins!" The guard at the door replied in a panic.

"Assassin?" Pu San Zhongyi laughed in anger. This is a military camp, not a palace or a minister's residence. Outside it is heavily guarded by tens of thousands of troops. How could an assassin appear?

"Please avoid the Marshal and the generals, the assassin is rushing over here!" The sound of boiling outside became louder, and the voice of the guards became more panicked.

"Unreasonable! Are the tens of thousands of troops under Lao Tzu a display?" Pu San Zhongyi had been suffocated after chasing down these days, worrying that there was no place to spread the fire, so he drew his sword and ran out.

When the other generals saw that the main generals had all gone out, they naturally did not dare to neglect, so they drew out their swords and followed them out. These people have been adept at bowing horses for a lifetime, and with such a group of people together, they are naturally not afraid of anything in their base camp assassin.

Song Qingshu and Dai Qisi looked at each other and followed out.

Coming to the outside of the camp, a group of personal guards had already surrounded the crowd in front of everyone. They saw Yiqi like a tiger entering the pack of wolves, invincible along the way, and rushed over here abruptly.

Many golden soldiers along the way tried to stop him, but unfortunately the man immediately opened his bow and set an arrow, and several of them fell to the ground. The golden soldier who was a little closer to the horse was cut out by him with a big knife.

Song Qingshu's eyes were sharp, and he quickly recognized the identity of the other party, who was it if it wasn't Guo Jing?

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