Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1655: The fairy-like yew-shirt dragon king

Dai Qisi was obviously aware of Song Qingshu’s thoughts. In order to avoid trouble for Tang Kuobian later, she deliberately asked the loyal servants to imprison Guo Jing, so that Guo Jing would not be rescued, which would damage Tang Kuobian’s credibility or damage. being doubted.

Song Qingshu was full of emotions, and had to say that besides a beautiful appearance, this woman also had a mature woman's unique wisdom, which was really fascinating.

The Song Army who remained on the mountain, and those who were able to go, just took advantage of the chaos caused by Guo Jingchong’s camp and fled down the mountain. As for whether or not to escape from birth, it can only be resigned; as for the severely wounded soldiers, they are completely powerless. Leaving, in order not to drag the accomplices voluntarily to stay behind.

That is, they have been watching Guo Jing's Chongying camp all the way, and when they saw Guo Jing taking the lead in penetrating the Jinying camp, everyone cheered with joy; but soon when Guo Jing fell into the siege and failed, everyone sighed; Finally seeing Guo Jing fall to the ground, a group of people cried out in pain with tears in their eyes: "Guo Daxia!"

A group of elders could not help crying in a hug, and soon noticed that Jin Bing was approaching the mountain. A group of people discussed: "We have taken the Xuzhou Jin Bing’s wife and daughter, and we will suffer if we are caught this time. Torture, it's better to have a good time by yourself."

"Yes, Guo Daxia is one step ahead now, we will follow him immediately!"

After talking about the rest of the group of people slaughtered...

Knowing the choice of the Song soldiers on the mountain, Pu San Zhongyi couldn't help sighing: "If the soldiers of the Song people are as strong as this, I am afraid we will never be able to occupy the territory of the Song people."

Soon he changed his conversation: "It's just that such people are destined to be a minority. It is the portrayal of most Song people who abandon their teammates on the battlefield like Chen Xiaoqing."

Song Qingshu was obviously not in the mood to discuss human nature with him, secretly transmitting Dai Qisi asked: "How is Guo Jing now?"

"Just now the doctor in the army went to see him. He suffered heavy injuries in eight places, 36 light injuries, and 12 arrows. If he had not had a strong skill and good physical condition, he would have been killed in Huangquan now," Pu San answered loyally, "Rao So, he is now half-footed on the ghost door, and the number of those who can't be saved is still five to five."

Dai Qisi waved her hand: "Let the doctor treat him at all costs, and be sure to save his life."

Pu San asked loyally, "Marshal, I forgive my subordinates. Guo Jing has always been loyal. Even if we save him, he will never surrender. In that case, why do we bother to save him?" Obviously he told Tang Kuo. Defending Guo Jing's life is very free from colds. In his opinion, it would be better to chop off Guo Jing's first level as a signboard to open the road to the south.

Dai Qisi frowned and snorted: "I have my own arrangements, you don't have to worry about this."

Pu San Zhongyi smiled bitterly: "I can guess how much the marshal doesn't say. Most of you think Guo Jingqi is a good place to live. But this time Guo Jingming was regarded as an abandoned son by the Southern Song Dynasty party. It’s not an important role here."

"Who said I was going to threaten the Southern Song Dynasty," Dai Qisi replied calmly, "Guo Jing was once a Mongolian Golden Swordsman, and then he has been against the Mongols. I think the Mongols are interested in it. Compared with the Southern Song Dynasty, the price given by Mongolia must be higher."

Pu San Zhongyi exclaimed: "Giving Guo Jing to Mongolia, isn't it just letting the tiger return to the mountain?"

Dai Qisi faintly replied: "Who said I want to leave Guo Jing intact to them? He will just be useless if he does something casually. What will he be afraid of then."

Pu San Zhongyi took a breath: "The marshal is brilliant!"

Song Qingshu on the side was also amazed. During the whole conversation, he didn't send a secret message to remind Dai Qisi or anything, but she cleverly completed the plot by herself, making it reasonable to keep Guo Jing's life, and dispelling others in the army. People's doubts.

Thinking of her wonderful performance during this period of pretending to be Tang Kuobian, Song Qingshu secretly sighed that the glamorous and arrogant purple shirt dragon king back then has witnessed her another splendid posture.

After finishing everything and returning to the camp, Dai Qisi ordered the soldiers to guard the outside strictly and not allow anyone to approach the handsome tent. She took off the mask in the camp and looked at Song Qingshu meaningfully: "You really want to Save Guo Jing?"

Song Qingshu sat on the stool and hugged her in his arms: "Of course, otherwise, why did I spend so much before."

Daiqisi wondered: "What good can you do to save Guo Jing?"

Before Song Qingshu had time to answer, Dai Qisi continued: "I really can't think of any benefit to you in saving Guo Jing. After all, you can't publicly save him as Song Qingshu. That would completely offend Jin Guo. It is easy to cause the Golden State to retaliate against the Golden Snake Camp. If the people in the court are excited, even if we are the actual power holders of the Golden State, we will be trapped by public opinion and have to attack the Golden Snake Camp; and sooner or later your identity in the Golden State will be made public. Yes, burying hatred now is not good for the overall situation in the future."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, considering the benefits, saving Guo Jing will do nothing but harm."

Daiqisi stretched out her green fingers and shook in front of him: "No, no, no, there is still a good thing, such as... to win the favor of Mrs. Guo?"

Song Qingshu replied in a huff: "Where did you think of it?"

Daiqisi replied: "Does it still need to be considered? Huang Rong was also known as the first beauty in martial arts, and her unique identity and temperament have made the world not know how many men have coveted for a long time. Don't tell me you are not a man. ?"

"Of course I am a man, uh," Song Qingshu suddenly reacted, "I was taken into the ditch by you."

Dai Qisi showed a playful smile: "I know your temperament best. I don't believe that you are not touched by a superb woman like Huang Rong. It's a pity that Guo Jing and Huang Rong are very affectionate. They are well-known gods and spouses in the martial arts, and no other men have any. Opportunity. This was a very good opportunity to take advantage of Jin Guoren’s hand to get rid of Guo Jing. No one in the world would blame you for Guo Jing’s death. The same is true for Huang Rong, so that you can appear there with a warm attitude. By your side, Widow Pretty, take care of her and avenge her husband. With your ability and without Guo Jing, the biggest obstacle, I believe she will find it difficult to escape your clutches."

"Devil's palm?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but pinch her when he heard her adjective. What kind of words are this!

"Isn't it?" Daiqisi chuckled, "Isn't they also falling into your clutches?"

Without waiting for the response from the other party, she continued: "What I just said was what I couldn't figure out the most. It was obviously possible to get Huang Rong, but you gave up. Instead, you want to save Guo Jing. After all your thoughts, there is only one explanation."

Song Qingshu's fingers gently scraped the smooth skin on her cheek, and curiously asked, "What's the explanation?"

"That means you have got Huang Rong," Dai Qisi said while carefully observing his expression. "Only in this way can you explain why you have to save Guo Jing, because you are worried that Huang Rong will find out that you will turn against you in the future."

The waves in Song Qingshu’s heart were turbulent, and the relationship between himself and Huang Rong was one of his biggest secrets. He knew how big the impact of this incident was, so no one told him, even the closest woman around him did not know about it. But Daiqisi actually guessed it with clues.

However, after the strong winds and waves, he had already practiced the Taishan collapse and remained unchanged, and calmly replied: "You think too much. The reason why I saved Guo Jing is just to be worthy of my conscience."

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