Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1656: Excited

"Conscience?" Dai Qisi smiled, "Why didn't you think of conscience when you bullied me?"

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Here again, we are concubine, let alone you are single again, and you and I have a bad conscience."

Dai Qisi pouted her lips, obviously not wanting to talk more about this topic: "Now that Guo Jing is in the hands of the golden man, how do you plan to save him?"

Song Qingshu pondered for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice: "Let's talk about it when he recovers from his injury..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a noise outside, and a guard came to tell him that he had something important to see. Daiqisi hurriedly put on the mask and cleared her throat: "What's the matter?"

"Return to the Marshal, Guo Jing's decoction has found a highly toxic substance, and General Fusan is now investigating the suspect." The guard outside replied.

Song Qingshu and Dai Qisi glanced at each other, and they all saw the shock in their eyes. They didn't expect that someone would poison Guo Jing just now! Before, Daiqisi sent her guards there to stare at it out of convenience, but she didn't know that the accidental insertion of the willow actually saved Guo Jing's life.

"Go and see." Song Qingshu didn't understand that someone like Guo Jing would count him, unless Ouyang Feng had such a deep hatred with him, but if Ouyang Feng made the move, how could the local guards see through it?

He hurriedly arrived at the school. At this time, Pu San Zhongyi said to the two dozen people in front of him: “One by one, who can prove what he was doing just now! If you can find out the suspect, it’s best if you can’t find out Come out, you are all going to die, you would not have hoped that there would be soldiers around you who disobey orders!"

Guo Jing, who was finally caught, was almost poisoned to death under his own eyelids. What a shock to Pu San Zhongyi, he immediately started the investigation and quickly locked the scope to these two dozen people. They were all People who might handle Guo Jing's decoction,

Hearing that if he couldn't find out, he would kill all the suspects, and the two dozen people shivered all over and shouted:

"General, wronged!"

"It's not me, I don't know anything."


"It's me!" When a group of people panicked, suddenly a soldier stood up.

"What?" Pu San Zhongyi was a little confused for a while, he had never seen a murderer so simply confessed.

"It's my poison!" The soldier repeated, his expression excited, his eyes full of hatred, "I was a guard of Xuzhou before, and Guo Jing took the soldiers to rob Xuzhou, and my wife was ruined by them. !"

Song Qingshu secretly sighed. He believed that the Xuzhou incident was definitely not the cause of Guo Jing. Most of his subordinates secretly did it without him. Later, he found out that he released all the female relatives who had been taken captive, even though he had not seen it with his own eyes. , But still can roughly guess what is going on.

But now the remaining soldiers under Guo Jing’s command squabted themselves when they saw him fall. Those who took the opportunity to break through were basically wiped out. There could be one or two fish that slipped through the net. Now that there is no righteous master, all the anger is naturally only Resting on Guo Jing.

The soldier said more and became more excited: "I have already figured it out before I did this. Even if I don't want to fight for my life, I will kill this Song Dog, but it's a pity that I didn't succeed."

Obviously, Pu San Zhongyi didn't expect this factor. He didn't know what to say for a while. Is he to blame? His behavior is totally excusable. If you don't settle the account, wouldn't it encourage everyone to start with Guo Jing?

As a high-level man, he naturally knows how useful the living Guo Jing is, but these truths cannot be explained clearly to the soldiers at the bottom, but it is easy to hurt the military if he does not explain it.

While he was struggling, the soldiers onlookers outside didn’t know who yelled: “After chasing Guo Jing these days, how many brothers we have died, we finally caught him. Not only did he not kill him, but he was also delicious and delicious. Now, give him the best medicine to heal his injuries. What is the reason?"

"Yes, one of my brothers died under his hand when he rushed to the camp before. Could it be that he died in vain?"

"Kill Guo Jing and avenge the dead brother!"


With the beginning, the anger that everyone had been holding in their hearts was completely ignited, and the soldiers became excited.

Seeing this worst situation happen, Pu San Zhongyi's cold sweat instantly came down. You must know that in this situation, if you don't deal with it well, you will bomb the camp. He hurriedly tried to calm everyone's emotions.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Song Qingshu quietly transmitted her voice to Dai Qisi: "Now this situation cannot allow Guo Jing to recover slowly. It is too dangerous to stay. We may not be able to keep him at that time, so I will save him first. During that time, you were sitting here as Tang Kuobian."

Daiqisi frowned when she heard it, but now she is not good at persuading the other party, so she nodded vaguely.

Song Qingshu quietly retreated into the shadows when everyone’s attention was on Pusan ​​Zhongyi’s side, and then took off Tang Kuobian’s personal clothes, put on a set of clothes that had been prepared, and covered his face. Ran into the camp guarding Guo Jing. Although his appearance has now been changed, he has shown his face next to Daiqisi with this appearance, and naturally he cannot be seen.

There were guards guarding the camp outside, but because of the "camp bombing", many people were attracted to check the situation. Song Qingshu took the opportunity to step out, subdued the guards outside and rushed into the camp.

At this time, there were only a few doctors in the camp, and they were nervously changing the gauze on Guo Jing. His injuries were too serious and there were a lot of wounds on his body. The gauze would be soaked in blood soon after he was bandaged, and the doctors kept giving He changed dressing and bandaged, and he was so busy that the wound on his body barely stopped the blood.

Seeing a person rushing in suddenly, several doctors were shocked. Song Qingshu was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and directly reached out and hit the acupuncture points of a few people directly. In order to avoid doubting himself in the future, he deliberately didn't use it this time. Yang finger, but imitated the magical power of Dongxie Huang Yaoshi.

After all, if you want to rescue Guo Jing from here, you must be a martial artist who is extremely high. Looking at the world with this ability, he will save him. The most easy to think of is his father-in-law, Taohua Island Master Huang Yaoshi.

After subduing a few doctors, Song Qingshu quickly sealed some of Guo Jing's acupuncture points, so as not to accidentally crack his wounds when he was active for a while; then he put on his clothes hastily, and then tied them to his back.

At this moment, people nearby have reacted. A few soldiers broke in from the door just to bump into him, and hurriedly warned: "There is an assassin!"

With a wave of his hand, Song Qingshu tore open the tent behind him, rushed out from the other direction, and then grabbed a horse and galloped outside the camp.

And behind him, a cavalry soon followed! ——

In the past few days, because of the death of a loved one, there have been a lot of things. I hope that the update is unstable. (https:)

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