Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1657: The Proud Girl of Heaven

Although the horse that Song Qingshu robbed was considered to be a good man, but with two people carrying it, how could it run past the chasing soldiers?

Seeing that the chasing soldiers were getting closer and closer, Song Qingshu drove directly to the hill aside. In fact, the nearby mountain is a bit reluctant to call it a mountain, and the height is only a few tens of meters, not to mention the steep, and it is isolated from the nearby mountains, which can be regarded as a Jedi in theory.

Of course, Song Qingshu didn’t care about this, because he went up the mountain mainly because he wanted to take advantage of the cover of the woods. With his unparalleled power, it is far more convenient to take Guo Jing to escape than to ride a horse. Qinggong can get rid of the chase of the cavalry. Few people in the world have this lightness, and it is easy to think of him.

Therefore, deliberately hiding in the woods is not to be desperate, but to take the opportunity to abandon the horse and instead run away with Guo Jing on his back. Under the cover of the trees, no one can see how he escaped.

Due to the bumps along the way, Guo Jingyou woke up from the serious injury. He heard the noise of the golden soldiers everywhere, and then saw the surrounding environment, he quickly realized that the man in front of him saved him.

"Dare to ask my friend Gao's name?" Guo Jing had never been the kind of character that was in vain, and couldn't help asking.

Song Qingshu pulled off the mask and said to him with a smile, "Brother Guo, it's me."

Guo Jing couldn't help being surprised and happy when he recognized him: "Brother Song, is it you?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Guo, don't get excited. Now you are seriously injured and you are easily involved in the wound." As he said, he put internal force into his body and began to heal him.

After coming to this world, Song Qingshu had to sigh that internal power is really a magical thing. Although I dare not say that it can cure all diseases, it has a miraculous effect on internal and external injuries. It is not inferior to the medical level of later generations. It is a pity that he lacks relevant information. Scientific knowledge, I don’t know what the nature of internal force is, but he doesn’t want to be a scientist, nor is he interested in researching related theories. He just needs to know how to use it.

Guo Jing felt the vigorous internal force that continued to penetrate into his body, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Brother Song, you have saved my life several times, and Rong'er has also been thanked by you several times for your rescue. This is as heavy as a mountain of kindness. , I’m afraid I won’t be able to repay it in my life."

"Brother Guo has seen you, how can I not save your friendship with me?" Song Qingshu secretly sighed in his heart. If he learns the truth later, he doesn't know how he will react.

"Brother Song, what do you think of Fuer?" Guo Jing said suddenly.

Song Qingshu stunned, and subconsciously replied: "It makes the daughter of a beautiful and beautiful woman look so beautiful and beautiful, she can be said to be the proud girl of the sky..." It is not that he is getting upright, but because Guo Fu is nothing but beauty, and there is no other compliment. of.

Guo Fu is similar to Huang Rong when she was young, which shows how beautiful she is, but it is a pity that she inherited her mother's appearance, but not her mother's IQ...

While he was wandering around, Guo Jing was overjoyed and said, "Rong'er once thought about beating Fury to you. I was a little worried. Now that you admire her so much, that's right!"

Song Qingshu had a weird face, thinking that I admire her, just admire her beauty, admire her young and tender body, admire her and Huang Rong's similar appearance, as for the others, but I can't appreciate it at all.

And Huang Rong had faintly mentioned this to him, but that was after the unclear relationship between the two of them, she must be the first person to oppose the marriage.

"If you really marry Guo Fu, tut, that's how many men's dreams have been realized..." Song Qingshu couldn't help but yell in his mind, but he quickly recovered sober and hurriedly said to Guo Jing: "Brother Guo, this I’m afraid it’s not convenient to say this in the circumstances. Adjust your interest rate."

Guo Jing sighed dejectedly: "I was injured very badly, and I don't know if I can survive this time. If you can't make it through, Brother Song, you can go to Rong'er and say that I have already betrothed Fuer to you."

Song Qingshu heard a black line. He could already predict what kind of Shura Field would happen if he ran like this to talk to Huang Rong. Since that night, his relationship with her gradually eased, but he didn't want to be because of this. Frozen.

Fish and bear paw, it is easy to make a choice.

"Brother Guo, don't be pessimistic. Although you are seriously injured, you will be able to recover from your physical foundation, Brother Guo?" Song Qingshu suddenly found that after Guo Jing had just said a few words, he suddenly fainted. I took his pulse and knew that he was seriously injured and weak. If it weren't for the internal force he had just input, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the energy to say so much.

Hearing the sound of Jin Bing searching for the mountain not far away, Song Qingshu did not delay any longer, carrying Guo Jing on his back and using his light work to the extreme. The whole person shuttled through the woods like a ghost, because the speed was too fast, even if someone occasionally watched it. When it's there, it's no longer visible when I look closely, and it will just be regarded as a dazzle.

Song Qingshu did not go south with Guo Jing on his back, but chose to go north. After all, Guo Jing would definitely not escape in the subconscious mind, so he did the opposite. After driving for dozens of miles, I finally stopped in a small town. First, Guo Jing's injury could not withstand the rush, and second, there was a secret stronghold in the Golden Snake Camp.

As a dominant force, the intelligence network must be spread out enough. In addition to the sphere of influence, other powers’ sphere of influence should also be involved.

Nowadays, Jinsheying’s intelligence network is naturally inferior to the Imperial City Division of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Huanyiyuan of the Kingdom of Jin, the sticky poles of the Qing Dynasty, and the Yipintang of Xixia. It can only have strongholds in the capitals of various countries, and most of the remaining strongholds are concentrated in Jinsheying. Some important cities around.

In theory, this small town would not have a stronghold of the Golden Snake Camp. The reason for this is because of the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty. In order to obtain first-hand information, the Golden Snake Camp was specially set up here, and it would not be too far away from the front line. Intelligence; it won't be too close, being affected by the battle between Song and Jin.

Seeing the leader personally appeared, several agents in the stronghold were very surprised. Song Qingshu didn't talk nonsense with them, and asked them to arrange a quiet room, and then go to the town pharmacy to buy some medicine.

The reason why the doctor was not invited was because Guo Jing was too famous and worried that the doctor would expose his existence. Fortunately, Song Qingshu has been injured and poisoned in recent years. He has long been ill and has become a good doctor. In addition, he has been in the barracks and heard about the treatment plans given to Guo Jing by the doctors. I probably know what medicinal materials to use.

For the next two days, Song Qingshu stayed with Guo Jing and continued to infuse him with internal forces to heal his injuries. Unfortunately, the effect was very small. Although he was temporarily suspended for his life, he was far from being cured.

"This group of quack doctors!" Song Qingshu secretly cursed, but he also knew that with Guo Jing's internal and external injuries, other people had died a hundred and eighty times, so he could survive, and those doctors could prevent him from hurting. The worsening of the situation is already very good.


Happy New Year's Eve to all book friends!

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