Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1658: Repeat the same mistakes

At the same time, Song Qingshu has another worry. Now that Jin and Song are still at war, the Kingdom of Jin has defeated the main force of the Song army. How should the subsequent situation be controlled? Although Daiqisi was left there, but the two of them were so far apart, she might not be able to understand some of her thoughts, in case the Battle of the Song and Songs got out of control, it would be over.

In particular, Daiqisi's identity does not matter if she is in the capital on weekdays. Now in the military camp, women have all kinds of inconveniences, and the probability of revealing flaws is far greater than usual.

In that case, Guo Jing was rescued with great effort. I am afraid that his lungs will be blown up by Pusan ​​Zhongyi. I will definitely send someone to investigate this matter thoroughly. If no one stops, I am afraid that the chasing soldiers will find it soon. This town.

All of this requires Song Qingshu to return to the front line, but now Guo Jing is at stake, and he can't separate him!

When Song Qingshu was in trouble, a big man in the largest inn in town hurriedly came in from the outside and walked to the best room upstairs: "Report to the princess that the whereabouts of the drug buyers have been found."

Soon the door was opened from the inside, and a tall woman walked out, the traces of time could be seen between her eyebrows, but she had a kind of heroic spirit, and she had a unique temperament all over her body.

"It's said that you don't have a princess in Jin Country," the woman glared at him, and then asked, "Where are they now?"

It turns out that this heroic woman is Mongolian princess Huazheng. Because of Guo Jing's incident, her heart was always frustrated. Later, she never married and was depressed all day long. Genghis Khan couldn't see it, so she let her travel around the mountains and rivers to relax. Of course, she was divided as today. He was worried about his daughter's safety, and even more worried about being caught by the enemy to threaten him, so he sent a team of masters to protect him.

Not long ago, she happened to be active nearby. By chance, she heard that Guo Jing had participated in the Northern Expedition, thinking of the old feelings in her heart, and sent her subordinates to pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, this attention knew that he was abandoned by the friendly army and fell into a desperate situation. People captured, life and death do not know.

Although the marriage contract between the two has long been cancelled, Hua Zheng could not let it go. Hearing that his former lover is now in desperation, he could no longer stop the concern in his heart, and hurried over here in a hurry.

Originally planning how to save him, he suddenly learned that Guo Jing was rescued by a mysterious person, and now his whereabouts are unknown.

She was born in the royal family, and often followed Genghis Khan to fight from the east to the west. Her vision was extraordinary. She quickly guessed that the mysterious person would probably flee north with Guo Jing, so she sent people to the surrounding towns to investigate various drug stores to see if anyone was there recently. I will buy some medicines to heal the wounds so as to find out the whereabouts of Guo Jing.

"It's a coincidence, they are in this town, in a house in the east of the city. I was afraid of getting rid of the grass, so I didn't go in to investigate." The subordinate replied.

Hua Zheng nodded: "It's right that you don't go in. You must know that the mysterious man can rescue Guo Jing out of thousands of troops. Martial arts are definitely waiting for the world. You will definitely be spotted when you go in. Tell me Let the order go on, and send someone to stare around the house, but don't get close to avoid being discovered."

"Don't we just look at it like this?" the subordinate asked puzzled.

Hua Zheng: "I don't know if the mysterious person is an enemy or a friend. I will look at the situation before talking." At the same time, he secretly thought that since the person sent someone to buy medicine for Guo Jing to treat his injuries, Guo Jing would probably not be in danger in a short time.

Let’s talk about the secret stronghold of Jinsheying in the east of the city. Song Qingshu looked at the spy in front of him: "You said someone was following you?"

"Yes, there were a few new faces nearby when we bought the medicine. Although we were not sure if they followed the shooter, we always felt suspicious." The spy replied.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, be careful, have you found their information."

The spy shook his head: "We took a closer look, and we couldn't find them nearby. Maybe we were worrying too much."

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "You have to guard against it at all times. You have to send more defensive personnel."

The spy said: "Our side is not sufficiently manpowered. If the other party makes a surprise attack, I am afraid it will be difficult to protect Guo Daxia."

Song Qingshu frowned and said: "I will transfer people back as soon as possible. During this period, you will take good care of Guo Daxia. After his injury stabilizes, he will be transferred to the Golden Snake Camp. I need to leave first."

With the wind that just came, Jin Guo’s chasing soldiers had already appeared in a nearby town. He had to go back and interfere with the other’s sight, otherwise they would be able to find out Guo Jing’s whereabouts soon. After all, it’s hard to hide from buying medicine or something. Discerning people.

"Well, we will be careful!" the man saluted.

Song Qingshu nodded and checked Guo Jing's injury again. He can only recover from such a serious injury and he needs to be taken care of. It may take a long time to heal. He has done what he should do, and stayed here. Powerless.

Without further ado, he put on a mask and decided to leave immediately, lest there be many nights and dreams.

Besides, the secret whistle observing from a distance noticed that Song Qingshu had gone out, and immediately notified Hua Zheng. Hua Zheng was overjoyed: "Are you sure that the mysterious person has left?"

"Yes, the brothers at the city gate saw the mysterious man leave with his own eyes." As a Mongolian princess, Huazheng is now a mortal enemy of Mengjin. The entourage must be sure to be foolproof, so the eyeliner is arranged In the direction of the city gate, once you find that there is something going on in the Jinren, you can notify Huazheng to transfer immediately.

"Okay, let's set off now!" Hua Zheng was anxious when he thought that Guo Jing now knew his life or death.

Let's say that Song Qingshu suddenly stopped after rushing out of the city for a while, because he always had some uneasy feelings in his heart. The spy had discovered that some people followed the Shao's words and kept appearing in his ears.

"I'm going, I won't repeat the mistakes of the Longmen Escort." Song Qingshu thought that Yin Susu had also commissioned the Longmen Escort to bring the seriously injured Yu Daiyan back to Wudang. Unfortunately, someone crushed the meridians of his whole body with a strong diamond finger in the middle, which directly caused many years later. Zhang Cuishan committed suicide after learning the truth, and she followed the tragic ending of her sorrow.

If there is something wrong with Guo Jing in the future, Huang Rong will probably anger him when he learns the cause and effect in the future, and will not forgive him for the rest of his life...

"Be careful, go back and take a look." Song Qingshu's unclear feeling lingered in her heart, and decided to go back and take a look.

When he returned to the secret stronghold, he found that the secret agents of the Golden Snake Camp were lying on the ground. He was shocked and hurried over to investigate. Only then did he find that they were not dead, but were just hit by the acupuncture points.

"Sure enough, something happened." Song Qingshu's heart sank, and he untied their acupuncture points easily, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, not long after you left, a group of mysterious people broke in. They were all martial arts, and the brothers were not opponents. Daxia Guo was taken away by them." The spy looked ashamed. After all, he was given to him by other people in his stronghold. It's a bit embarrassing to have the trust of the negative lord again.

"Why are you not hurt?" Song Qingshu suspiciously asked.

The spy was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "The group of people seems to have deliberately avoided saying to the vital parts, and there is no intention of hurting others. By the way, the leader of the group seems to be a woman, who looks a little tall, unlike a Han Chinese woman in the Central Plains. , Acting a bit like a person on the prairie."

"People on the prairie?" Several speculations flashed in Song Qingshu's mind, but unfortunately there was too little information to be sure, "You rescue the other brothers, first evacuate here and change places, I will chase them." After speaking, he hurriedly chased after them. Get out.

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