Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1659: Former lover

Song Qingshu didn't look for flies without his head, but first went to the highest point in the town, standing on it overlooking the whole town, and finally fixed his gaze on a carriage in the north of the city, and chased it over there in a flash.

In the woods in the northern suburbs of the city, a luxurious and restrained carriage drove slowly on the road. Several guards around them rode horses to hide it in the center. Everyone had their temples high and bulging, and their eyes were sharp. Is a hidden master.

Suddenly the eyes of the man driving the car changed, and he hurriedly pulled the reins: "Hu!"

Because the carriage stopped abruptly, Hua Zheng, who was gently wiping Guo Jing's cheeks inside, staggered and almost fell into the carriage. He couldn't help but be surprised and angry: "Fuck, what the **** are you doing?"

The person in the driver's seat was naturally the one who was in her mouth. At this time, she was stiff and didn't dare to move a single bit, because he didn't know when it would start, and there was actually one more person beside him!

Seeing that Meier didn't answer, Huazheng opened the curtain in irritation and was about to scold his men. As a result, the acupuncture path was blocked by a flower in front of him.

At this time, the guards next to them finally reacted, and they yelled and pulled out their knives to come and save them. As a result, when the mysterious man lifted his hands, they didn't know what was going on and they were blocked by the acupuncture points.

This mysterious person is naturally Song Qingshu. He pursued it all the way. Although Huazheng's guards are masters, she is just a laid-back princess after all, and her men are far inferior to the Daoist Taoists under the Royal Palace of Ruyang, the second elder Xuanming and Kublai The Golden Wheel Dharma under its banner, the King Kong Sect Master, this level.

Song Qingshu only blocked the acupoints of these people just because he recognized Huazheng, and didn't hurt the killer. At the inn, he happened to see Hua Zheng who was with Zhao Min when he was with Xiaolongnv and Bing Xueer. Now, based on his relationship with Zhao Min, Hua Zheng should be his distant relative, naturally. So offended.

At this time, the horror of Huazheng and his team was even greater than him. After all, they were all carefully selected masters, and they were overpowered by someone in the first meeting, even though he was previously known to be in the army. Having rescued Guo Jing, it was enough to raise the expectations, but unexpectedly, the expectations were still not high enough.

Song Qingshu naturally had no time to understand their shock, and hurriedly checked Guo Jing's pulse, and he was relieved to find that he was safe.

Huazheng on the side noticed his expression and moved in his heart, and said, "Don't worry, I won't harm him." She thought of this mysterious man rescuing Guo Jing from Jin Jun, and at the same time she just showed a concerned expression. , Should be friends but not enemies.

"I know that everyone else in this world may harm him, but you won't." Song Qingshu sighed and untied her acupuncture points.

Hua Zheng showed a puzzled look: "Do you know me?"

"Princess Huazheng of Mongolia, the identity is not difficult to guess." Song Qingshu didn't hesitate, and directly broke her identity.

"Who are you?" Hua Zheng looked shocked, knowing that she has been outside the center of power in Mongolia over the years, and not many people can recognize her.

"You don't need to worry about who I am. This time, because you didn't hurt him, I will spare your life." After saying that, he planned to take Guo Jing away.

Although the other party was unpredictable, looking at Guo Jing's pale face, Hua Zheng on the side didn't know where the courage came from, and hurriedly said, "Senior, let me take care of him." Without seeing the age, he subconsciously regards the other party as a senior.

"Senior?" Song Qingshu touched the kerchief on her face, knowing that it had covered her face and made her misunderstand, but she didn't intend to explain, "You take care of it?"

Huazheng nodded hurriedly: "Brother Guo has suffered such a serious injury. He needs a good doctor and a lot of rare and precious medicinal materials, and he needs to be taken care of by someone. I see seniors in a hurry. I am afraid that it is not so convenient to take care of him. I do it for you?"

"This..." Song Qingshu suddenly hesitated. He originally wanted to refuse subconsciously, but suddenly realized that there is no more suitable candidate than Huazheng now. She has enough human, material and financial resources to treat Guo Jing. The key is her treatment of Guo Jing. Love, taking care of Guo Jing will do his best, which is not comparable to those servants.

And with her identity, she has the ability to escape the maneuver within the Kingdom of Jin...

Seeing him groaning silently, Hua Zheng thought he would not agree, and hurriedly said: "Since the senior knows who I am, he must also know the past between me and Brother Guo. I will never harm him."

Song Qingshu nodded: "I know you will not harm him, but now Mongolia and Song Dynasty are enemies and not friends. I am worried that after you save him, you will let him lose his freedom."

Hua Zheng smiled bitterly: "I couldn't keep him back then, but how can I force him to stay? I can promise seniors that when Brother Guo is well injured, he will keep me and never stop him.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Alright, if I learn about any harm you have done to him in the future... Hmph, you have seen my martial arts, even if you hide in the palace, I will take your life. "

"The younger generation dare not." Hua Zheng said hurriedly.

"Okay, then you can take good care of him." Song Qingshu left a sentence and disappeared into the carriage, unlocking the acupuncture points of the others before leaving.

As soon as the Mongolian masters got out of trouble, they hurriedly gathered around the carriage and said nervously, "Princess, are you okay?"

"It's okay, go ahead." Hua Zheng wiped the cold sweat from his face, and his entire face was pale because of fear and tension.

Song Qingshu hid in the dark. He didn't get down from a tree until the Mongolian group disappeared. There was nothing he could do to hand Guo Jing to Huazheng. Once he did not have enough skills to take care of Guo Jing, he sent his underling agents to take care of him. Not so relieved; Secondly, Guo Jing now needs long-term recuperation and a huge amount of precious medicinal materials. Although Jinsheying is not short of money now, it has insufficient background and many things need to be found temporarily. It is far inferior to Mongolia’s plundering of countries and the stock in the national treasury. In addition, the Mongolian Khanate has assembled famous doctors from the Central Plains, Western Regions, West Asia, and Eastern Europe. It should be more certain to treat Guo Jing. As for Genghis Khan's grievances with Guo Jing in the past, presumably Hua Zheng was not so stupid to let his father know.

Of course, he does not deny that he still has a little bit of selfishness, that is, let Hua Zheng take Guo Jing back to Mobei by pushing the boat along the water, so as to extend the distance between their husband and wife. If Hua Zheng took care of him during this period, what ambiguity would arise with Guo Jing. Things like that are even better.

"It's a pity that this woman Huazheng is a bit too straightforward. If you change to Zhao Min's temperament, you can get Guo Jing's body and mind with such a good opportunity even if you are prescribed medicine..." Thinking of the beautiful arc of Zhao Min's lips, that is not a smile. Song Qingshu couldn't help showing a gentle smile.

Then Song Qingshu returned to the town, made a dummy from Guo Jing's clothes left before, and took it all the way south, deliberately showing his whereabouts in a certain town to the south, and then took the Jin Guo chaser to circle for two days, completely giving Huazheng and his team fought for time to escape, only to get rid of the chasing soldiers, and quietly mixed back to Daiqisi.

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