Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1660: Poisonous

Dai Qisi saw Song Qingshu come back with a hint of surprise in her eyes. After all, the difficulty of pretending to be Tang Kuo in the barracks during this period of time has risen exponentially, and the life of stepping on a steel wire every day makes her very tired.

Although he didn't want to admit it, but now that the other party came back, he suddenly felt a sense of mastery. Dai Qisi frowned, and quickly dispelled the weakness in her heart, and said to Song Qingshu: "You came back just right. I'm going to the Shuai account for a meeting, so let's go with you."

Song Qingshu nodded, he really wanted to know how the situation here is now.

"I heard that Jin Bing found you a few days ago, and I knew you were coming back soon." While on the road, Dai Qisi said in a low voice.

Song Qingshu asked, "What's the reaction of Pusan ​​Zhongyi?"

Dai Qisi smiled slightly: "Of course he was furious, but Guo Jing, who was finally caught by the soldiers and soldiers, was rescued. It was almost a cooked duck flying away. He investigated vigorously, and finally, as you might expect, the suspicion was indeed locked. It’s a pity that Huang Yaoshi’s whereabouts are mysterious, but where did he go to find someone? In addition, now that the war with the Southern Song Dynasty has reached a new stage, the pursuit of Guo Jing can’t be done. The soldiers under this incident are right. He has a big opinion, and many people are complaining privately. Look at it. After returning to Beijing, his political opponents will definitely use this as an offensive. At that time, we will push the boat along the river, and it will happen to have our people in the army."

Pu San Zhongyi can barely be regarded as a pro-Tang Kuobian faction at present, but he is very old and virtuous, has too high prestige in the army, and is loyal to the Kingdom of Jin. If he learns that Tang Kuobian is false in the future, he will definitely be the first. One jumped out to fight against him, so we must take precautions in advance.

Song Qingshu nodded: "It is necessary to take precautions, but this person is loyal and must not harm his life. It is best to give him a false name and transfer him from the position of real power."

Daiqisi gave him a white look: "I have been watching the court with cold eyes for so many years. I have already heard about this method. How can I use you to teach it." She was the peach blossom lady in the capital city of Yanguan, and she was surrounded by sons and grandsons. They are all top ministers, plus this period of time pretending to be Tang Kuobian, the political methods may be a bit more advanced than Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I'm not good, I underestimated Madam."

Dai Qisi snorted: "Don't shout, it will be troublesome if someone hears it." Although she is now Tang Kuo arguing, the romantic flow from the brows is very charming.

The two of them had been chatting for a while, and they had come to the handsome account. The rest of the generals had already been waiting there. After greetings, they began to report on the recent battle.

Song Qingshu stood aside and listened silently, and learned that Li Shuang, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, was defeated under Shouzhou City, and Huangfubin was defeated by Tangzhou; the King of Jiangzhou Dutong captured Caizhou at the same time, plus Sichuan’s defeat. As well as the disastrous defeat of the main force in the direction of Suzhou, the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty ended in failure.

When the military meeting was held here, in Lin'an Jia Mansion, Liao Yingzhong reported to Jia Sidao that Guo Jing's army had been wiped out, and that his single-riding robbery camp had also failed and was captured.

"Later, he was rescued by a mysterious person. Although the Jinren deliberately concealed the news, he could not escape the investigation of the Xia Ke Island Intelligence Network." Liao Yingzhong said while paying attention to Jia Sidao's face.

"Save him in the army?" Jia Sidao raised his eyebrows and couldn't help exclaiming.

Liao Yingzhong hurriedly explained: "It was not a frontal rescue. At that time, there was a bombing incident in the barracks. The man took advantage of the chaos and rescued Guo Jing. There is news that the rescuer was Huang Yaoshi."

"Yao Master Huang?" Jia Sidao nodded, "It is indeed possible. Jin Guoren are really rubbish. Even so, the surnamed Guo escaped from the dead."

Liao Yingzhong smiled and said: "The lord has been worrying too much. According to reliable information, Guo Jing has been seriously injured, and the whole person will be taken away by Lord Yan at any time. In addition, the people of the Kingdom of Jin are chasing after these days, Huang Yaoshi took him all the way. I'm afraid I've died long ago."

Jia Sidao snorted heavily: "Yao Master Huang is a master of heaven and man, and at the same time he is good at Qi Huang's technique, he can probably save Guo Jing back."

Liao Yingzhong shook her head: "Medical skills can only cure diseases but not lives. If Huang Yaoshi was really so good, he wouldn't be able to save his wife back then."

Seeing an expression of disapproval on Jia Sidao's face, Liao Yingzhong hurriedly added: "If the lord is not at ease, we can make a little trick to make the surname Guo doomed to death."

"Oh?" Jia Sidao finally became interested.

Liao Yingzhong covered her mouth with a fan and leaned forward and whispered: "The lord can play and let the court commend Guo Jing for his loyalty, how brave and unyielding he is after being captured, and finally he will be righteous! It must be publicized to everyone."

Jia Sidao's expression moved, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "You are following the Li Ling incident that year."

Liao Yingzhong smiled: "And the former Ming Hong Chengchou died because of the imperial court, but then there was news that they had surrendered to the foreign race. There would be a sense of anger being fooled by the ruling and the opposition. How brave the early publicity was. Afterwards, we will hate him so much. At that time, we secretly let the wind go out, making everyone mistakenly think that Guo Jing surrendered to Jin talent and survived. Under the emperor's anger, Guo Jing's family will definitely be plagiarized. At that time, even Guo Jing While still alive, his family will inevitably choose to surrender to the alien race when they are killed for revenge, and he will be charged."

Jia Sidao laughed: "In the past, Jia Xu was known as a poisonous man in the Three Kingdoms. I think Yingzhong is no less than Jia Wenhe."

Liao Yingzhong picked up the fan and saluted: "The lord has praised it."

Jia Sidao stood by the window, looking at the misty Lin'an city, and said meaningfully: "This time, not only will the traitor with the surname Guo be ordered to death, but it is also time to fix the master."

Liao Yingzhong came to him and asked tentatively: "The lord is talking about Han Tong?"

"The complete failure of the Northern Expedition hosted by Han Jiefu this time is enough to cut off his wings in the court," Jia Sidao said with a grinning smile, "and seeing Jin Guo's posture will most likely take advantage of the victory of the southern invasion, then it will be The death date of Han Jiefu!"

Let’s say that in the Golden Army camp thousands of miles away, there is an indisputable fight for whether to go to the south. The old and serious people advocate taking the opportunity to stop the soldiers and blackmailing a sum of Southern Song Dynasty. But this time the Song army’s fragile situation makes the big Most Jin Guo generals have greatly increased their confidence and plan to completely occupy the great rivers and mountains of the southerners in one go, so the voice of the main station has the absolute upper hand.

Although Song Qingshu is now the first person in the Kingdom of Jin, he can't go against the meaning of most people, the only thing he can do is to prevent them from invading southward.

He didn’t want the people to suffer from military calamity, nor did he want the Jin and Song countries to fight here for no reason. He made Mongolia for no reason. He from later generations knew how defying Mongolia was at this time. When they finished dealing with the Western Regions, he turned around and went back and forth. The Central Plains is the beginning of the suffering of the Central Plains countries.


In the past few days, I have issued red envelopes on the official account. I really feel the speed of the readers for 30 years of being single. It is too fast. Fortunately, there is also UnionPay, the big benefactor. Brothers who have not received the red envelope can go to the monk official account. Go up with UnionPay wool.

Public number: Liuru monk

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