Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1661: Fairy girl

However, the high-level counter-offensive mood of the Jin country is extremely high now. Song Qingshu can only wait until the Jin Ren went south and frustrated before making a settlement. He believes in the strength of the Southern Song Dynasty. The Southern Song Dynasty has never been good at offensive, but very defensive. The peak Mongolia has been nibbling for decades. In the future, it is completely impossible for the national power of the Kingdom of Jin to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty.

Of course, he can now order strict military discipline on the way south, not to looting women and children. He Sanzhongyi also raised objections to this. After all, the golden soldiers went to looting spoils in battles. If this is prohibited, it will easily hurt morale and also It is easy to cause dissatisfaction among soldiers.

Song Qingshu explained this. This attack in the Southern Song Dynasty was aimed at destroying the country. If they were burned and looted along the way, they would easily arouse the hatred of the people in the south, which would add variables to the southern conquest.

As for morale issues, the Southern Song Dynasty states and counties have a wealth of treasury, which is completely enough to reward the soldiers. In addition, the court will open the treasury to reward the entire army.

Hearing him say this, although Pu San Zhongyi felt that he had some feminine benevolence, but did not say anything. After all, the other party was the first person in the military and the first person in the political party. Since he has spoken, he will come to the court in the future. It is no problem to give a reward.

In the next few days, there was news from the south that Han Dongxun dismissed Su Shidan and Deng Youlong, who commanded the military, because of ineffective dispatch of troops, and used Qiu Kai as an envoy to the two Huaihe Rivers, and used Ye Shizhi to build Kangfu and build an emissary along the Yangtze River. When Qiu Kai was appointed to take office, he gave up the occupied Sizhou and retired from Xuyi, saying that he could preserve the strength of Huaidong. The Song army retreated, and the Jin army marched in nine ways. The situation of the war changed from the Northern Expedition of the Song Army to the Southern invasion of the Jin Army.

Dai Qisi sneered after hearing the news: "Han Yongzhe was really dizzy. Before Qiu Kui was a person who strongly opposed his Northern Expedition, now that he replaced him, wouldn't it be because of her husband Han Qianye." Indirectly because of Han Tong's Northern Expedition plan, she naturally didn't like Han Tong in her heart.

Song Qingshu explained: "Do you think it was Han Tong who wanted to replace him? Someone must be responsible for the previous Northern Expedition's fiasco. Will Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan miss such a good opportunity? Han Tong can only abandon the car to take care of him. Taking Su Shidan and Deng Youlong as scapegoats, of course he wants to replace his confidant, but what are the others doing? The appointment of Qiu Kai and others is mostly the result of a multi-party game between the Lin'an court."

Dai Qisi frowned and said: "Chen Xiaoqing, who abandoned Guo Jing's ministry and escaped before the battle, was just demoted without pain. Prince Teng, who gave the order, did nothing. Before, Qianye still worked for such a court. He was really blind. eye."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Although Chen Xiaoqing is demoted now, he has completed the task of going up to the peak, and it will not be long before he will rise up like a rocket. Wang Ziteng is the patriarch of the Linchuan royal family. Now that someone is in charge of this matter, how can he Found him? This is politics."

Dai Qisi snorted: "I don't bother to care about these officialdoms in the Southern Song Dynasty. I only care about how it will end. Shouldn't the two countries fight like this? You should know that I am still waiting to deal with Mongolia. I don't want to waste the power of the Kingdom of Jin on the south."

She has served as Tang Kuobian for not a short time, and with a huge amount of information in her hands, she naturally knows that the Southern Song Dynasty's national strength still exists. Where can Jin Guo eat? It really takes less than ten years to fight, and this is the situation she least wants to see.

"Don't worry, there will be an opportunity for a truce and peace talks soon." Looking at the mountains and rivers to the south, Song Qingshu's eyes were very deep.

Next, the Jin army began a thorough counterattack. It can be said that it was like a broken bamboo. Wanyan Gang led his army to Gwanghwa, Zaoyang, and Jiangling, and broke through Xinyang, Xiangyang, and Suizhou, and entered De'an Mansion.

Fu San Feihan led his army to smuggle across Huaishui, Song Bing was defeated, and Jin Jun entered Hezhou.

Heshi Lieziren captured Chuzhou and Zhenzhou. Huaixi counties and towns were all occupied by the Golden Army.

However, the Southern Song Dynasty court finally reacted and began to gather heavy troops from various places. The Jin Army's offensive was finally blocked, and the two sides began to stand in a stalemate in the De'an Mansion area.

After learning that Xiangyang was breached, Song Qingshu sighed for a long time. You must know that Guo Jing was guarding here. Mongolia has not attacked for so long. Now it has been captured like this. On the one hand, the Song army was defeated. On the other hand, I am afraid. It was the soldiers and civilians of Xiangyang who heard Guo Jing's "death" and lost the soul of the army for a while.

As for Guo Jing's "death", Song Qingshu knows what happened after a little aftertaste. Perhaps someone in the Southern Song court did not want him to come back alive. Han Cheng is now unable to protect himself, obviously impossible. The most likely thing left is Jia Sidao and Shi Miyuan. They are.

"Shouldn't Guo Jing belong to Jia Sidao?" Song Qingshu was puzzled by this question, but he was more concerned about how heartbroken Huang Rong should be after hearing the news. Unfortunately, he lacks the skills to do so now. Explain the whole story to her.

"I can only expect Taohua Island to be isolated from the world, and Huang Yaoshi will not tell the news to his daughter who is raising a fetus." Song Qingshu could only think so.

In these days, the Southern Song Dynasty court was also changing, and Han Qi took the opportunity to impeach a series of officials from Jia Sidao, and allowed a series of cronies to come back to power and try to send people to negotiate. Before long, Qiu Wei was dismissed and Zhang Yan was appointed to supervise Jianghuai soldiers and horses. Han Chuan had a fortune of 200,000 from a monk, subsidizing military supplies, and sent envoy Fang Xinru to Kaifeng to negotiate with the Jin Dynasty.

Upon hearing the news, Song Qingshu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. Now that the Kingdom of Jin is a victorious country after all, it is impossible to take the initiative to ask for peace. The Southern Song's request for peace means that it will be severely slaughtered. As long as the knife is sufficiently ruthless, it will probably satisfy the soldiers. If you can buy peace with money, that’s what you want. They lack everything, but they don’t lack money.

In fact, the lieutenant generals have already been discussing this topic during this period of time. Although the momentum was like a broken bamboo some time ago, they also fell into the dilemma of being alone. The recent setbacks in the offensive and the increasing number of soldiers in the Southern Song Dynasty, the lurking danger calmed down the generals who had been stunned by the victory. In addition, Song Qingshu hinted from time to time that everyone realized that they had already got enough. The spoils of war, why continue to fight at the risk of death? Therefore, the peace talks have become a matter of course, and the rest is how to maximize the benefits.

Song Qingshu was chatting with Dai Qisi in the account this day, and suddenly a soldier came to report that there was a fairy-like girl outside the barracks begging to see him.

"A fairy-like girl?" Hearing his description, Song Qingshu was a little confused for a while, who would look for him at this time, the key is that he is Tang Kuobian's identity at this time, and the other party also pointed out to see Tang Kuobian.

"Could it be Tang Kuobian's confidante before?" Song Qingshu shook his head to disperse as soon as his thoughts emerged. If that were the case, Tang Kuobian's Yanfu would be too exaggerated.

"Well, it's really beautiful, and it's not too much to compare with his wife." The soldier's face was reddened and his face was amazing. The wife in his mouth is naturally Gobi. As a soldier of Tang Kuobian, of course he is. I have seen Gobi.

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