Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1662: Scenery Jiyue

"Really?" Daiqisi, who was eavesdropping on the side, suddenly became interested, "Let's go out and meet her together."

Song Qingshu had a black thread, thinking about your enthusiasm, and hurriedly said: "I have a different identity now. If there is too much noise when I leave the camp, I should invite her in quietly."

"Yes!" When the soldier left, he was still thinking about it. He was so charming. No wonder he was favored by the marshal. It's a pity that my parents didn't give me a good skin. Otherwise, I can also go to the marshal...

Tang Kuobian's bearded look appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder all over his body. This taste is really a bit heavy, so don't think about it.

I hurriedly thought about Daiqisi's appearance to relieve it. The soldier finally felt better, but the other side was also a more handsome soldier, and the cold became even worse for a while: "Tsk tsk, is this playing jealousy? "Because Daiqisi is now disguised as a man and she is shown as Tang Kuobian's personal soldier, and this person can only be regarded as a peripheral personal soldier, not the core personal soldier Daiqisi trained in the past, so it is a bit misunderstood.

"Why are you jealous?" A soft voice sounded, and the soldiers looked up and saw that the woman in front of him was like an immortal white jade, who was extremely beautiful and charming. It turned out that he had already walked to the door of the barracks without knowing it.

"No...nothing, the marshal invited the girl in." The soldier was looked at by her, only to feel that his heartbeat was speeding up, and his words became a little flustered, and there was a faint paleness on his face, but it added a little bit of pity.

I didn’t dare to talk to her all the way, so I could only lead the way silently. After he was brought into the handsome account, the soldier looked at the disappearing back of the other party in a daze, and shook his head for a long time, such a fairy-like girl. He was destined to have no intersection with a small person like himself, so he could only look up at her like dust, don't think too much... and soon he packed up and went back to stand guard.

Besides, Song Qingshu and Dai Qisi were guessing who the girl was in the mouth of the soldiers. Suddenly the curtain of the big tent was opened, and a slim figure walked in. As soon as she came in, the whole handsome tent seemed to be brightened by three points.

Song Qingshu saw her clearly, and couldn't help being surprised and delighted: "Yingying, why are you here." While talking, he was going to hug him. Who is this person who is not Ren Yingying who has been away for many days?

Who knew that when he saw him open his hands and hug him, Ren Yingying stepped back subconsciously, and said with some caution: "You...you are Qing Shu?" Although she knew that Song Qingshu pretended to be Tang Kuobian, she didn't. I've seen it, but I don't know what to do.

"Yeah!" Song Qingshu deliberately said in his original voice, "Who is it if it wasn't me?"

Ren Yingying's expression eased, but he still didn't let him hug him: "You...you look like this, I always feel weird in my heart."

"Then I will change the mask and hug you again." Song Qingshu said while trying to tear off the mask. Since the last time Ren Yingying used the Burning Dafa, his life was lost, he has always had a feeling of pity for her, no I hope she suffers a little bit of grievance.

"Ahem~" At this moment, Daiqisi couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded, "I'm still in the barracks now. There may be generals coming in at any time. What if you take off the mask and expose it."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a while. He knew that Daiqisi was right. At this time, Ren Yingying also spoke up: "Qingshu, don't be so eager to lose a lot because of small mistakes." She is different from others, she has always had one. This kind of graceful temperament, the voice is weak at this time, and it is even more unbearable to hear.

"Okay, let's talk slowly at night." Song Qingshu nodded, and suddenly saw Ren Yingying's pale cheeks flashing blush, Dai Qisi also showed a smile but a smile, she was taken aback for a while and reacted. , I couldn't help laughing. I meant to say that there would be no official worries at night, and it would be more private and safe. However, looking at their expressions, it was obvious that I wanted to make a difference.

Ren Yingying has always been arrogant, even if she is willing, she can't hold her face to admit it, not to mention that there is an outsider in the account at this time: "This... girl is?"

She actually saw Daiqisi a long time ago. Unlike the previous soldier, she can easily tell that the other party is dressed as a man. Even though the other party is a man, Ren Yingying is still shocked by her beauty. A handful.

Although she had already been mentally prepared, seeing such a big beauty next to Song Qingshu made her a little bit sour: "He is very good in other aspects, but he is too bothered..."

"Girl?" When she heard Ren Yingying's call to herself, Dai Qisi's frosty face couldn't help showing a smile. After all, no woman wants to be young forever, even though she is still dazzling, she gradually feels the ruthlessness of the years. , Now recognized as a big girl by a beauty of the same level, she naturally smiled.

"Daiqisi is my partner in the Kingdom of Jin. When I was away, Tang Kuo argued with her." Song Qingshu gave a general introduction. "By the way, you should have heard of her another identity. The head of the four great kings of Mingjiao in the past-the purple shirt dragon king!"

"The No. 1 beauty in martial arts in the past, the Purple Shirt Dragon King?" The Purple Shirt Dragon King was born that year. Although it was amazing enough, it quickly disappeared from the rivers and lakes because of Han Qianye's betrayal of Mingjiao. The name of the first beauty in martial arts quickly fell. Compared with her, Huang Rong’s exposure in the rivers and lakes is long enough that most ordinary people in the rivers and lakes have forgotten her fancy name. However, as a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect, Ren Yingying always pays attention to her relationship with the sun. The high-level dynamics of the Mingjiao, which is of the same name as the Moon God Sect, naturally know this past event.

"The rumors of the rivers and lakes, isn't she already married..." Despite the doubts in her heart, Ren Yingying herself is quite a wise and mature person, and will not embarrass everyone by rashly speaking out until she can't figure out the situation.

"It's all in the past, how can you be beautiful with a sister." If the other party directly admires her beauty, Daiqisi will not react at all. On the contrary, this inadvertent admiration makes her extremely useful, and she can't help but impress her. Great, the tone is no longer as cold as usual, thousands of miles away.

"You two don't want to talk about each other in business," Song Qingshu heard loudly, "Yingying, you suddenly came here to look for me, did something happen?"

Hearing his question, Ren Yingying's eyes dimmed after seeing him with some joy: "Qing Shu, you probably have heard of the changes in Sichuan."

Song Qingshu reacted at once: "Are you worried about Linghu Chong?"

Ren Yingying nodded slightly without concealing it, and said in a glorious manner: "I know that Linghu Chong is a man, and he will never do such a despicable act of traitorous and prosperous."

Song Qingshu sighed: "Have you ever thought that it is possible that he accidentally fell into a devil because he lost you, and started to pursue power and strength by any means to grab you back?"

Ren Yingying was startled, she had never thought about this level, but she quickly shook her head firmly: "Linghu is open-minded and uninhibited. What he yearns for is the life of idle clouds and wild cranes. She can't stand the interruption of secular things the most; not to mention that he has already won. Knowing that you and I are married, his character will never interfere with our marriage, so this incident must have happened to him. I want to go to Sichuan to see what happened."

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