Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1663: Embarrassment in a tent

"Go to Sichuan?" Song Qingshu was startled. Recently, after receiving various information, Wu Xi is about to openly claim the king in Sichuan. Rebelling against the Southern Song Dynasty is a foregone conclusion. He also wondered if he could fish in troubled waters in the past, just because the recent Jin-Song war was delayed. Now, it hasn't had time to leave for a while.

Of course, he was sober enough to know that Sichuan and the Golden Snake Camp site were too far apart, and even if he tried hard to get Sichuan, he would not be able to keep it under the ring.

Seeing him pondering, Ren Yingying thought he was embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Qing Shu, I am now... already your wife," a hint of blush flashed across her face, "Of course I have to ask you about such things. If you don’t want to, I'll...I won't go."

Dai Qisi looked at her shy and nervous expression at this time, and she couldn't help but feel a little weird. She thought that she was the wife Song Qingshu was married to, but she couldn't see her all her life...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but jump in her heart: Why do I have such thoughts, did I fall in love with him? How could it be possible that I was just reciprocating with him, and using his power to deal with Mongolia, my daughter is in her teens, how could she fall in love with this little man... But speaking of it, he is really not young...

She didn't know what scene she was thinking of, Dai Qisi's heart trembled, and the amorous feelings between her brows were enough to shut the moon and shame her.

Song Qingshu was keenly aware of Ren Yingying's anxiety, and said with a smile: "Yingying, you are too worried, I originally planned to go to Sichuan, but I haven't figured out when to leave before."

Seeing her lover so open-minded, Ren Yingying felt as if she was smeared with honey, but she soon felt guilty again: "Qing Shu, I also know that I am a little bad, but after all I have a friend with Linghu and don't want to see him. Something happened and I stood on the sidelines."

Song Qingshu walked over and took her hand, smiled and comforted: "Yingying, you don't have to be so worried, I am different from other men in this world, so how can I be unhappy because of these little things? In fact, in my opinion, if you are right Linghuchong's change was indifferent, but it made my teeth cold." He is indeed far more enlightened in this respect than men in this world, and he knows that Ren Yingying is kind-hearted and can't completely ignore Linghuchong's suffering.

Hearing his words, Ren Yingying was very moved in her heart: "Song Lang..." Even if she is a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect, she is still only a woman in the final analysis, and she will still be tired of the ethics of this world. When she meets Song Qingshu like this How can an enlightened lover remain unmoved?

Daiqisi on the side heard her mouthful of Song Lang, her teeth were sore, she couldn't help saying, "You are going to Sichuan now, what should you do here?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Now the Jin Kingdom’s offensive has stalled. The Southern Song Dynasty has started the process of peace talks. Jin Kingdom’s soldiers also have the idea of ​​going home. The rest is the question of peace talks. You are good at this aspect. Yes, then you will sit here as Tang Kuobian and deal with the peace talks."

Although she knew this before, Daiqisi didn't know why, and her heart still filled with irritation: "Whatever you want, but don't forget what you promised me." After speaking, she walked out with a frosty expression.

Looking at her back when she left, Ren Yingying looked embarrassed and leaned close to Song Qingshu and whispered, "Did I say something wrong?"

Song Qingshu comforted her and said, "Well, women, there are always a few days when we are in a bad mood, so we just let us be alone." Said to play, she hugged her in his arms and sat down in a chair.

Ren Yingying's face flushed and hurriedly said; "Don't, you are like this, I always feel strange in my mind."

Song Qingshu laughed, tearing off the mask on his face, revealing his original appearance, and said to the guards outside: "Let's pass the order. From now on, I will not see guests. Even if the big things are going to happen, they will wait."

Hearing these words, Ren Yingying's face became more and more charming: "You are like this... this is not good, what if the emergency military situation is delayed."

Song Qingshu slid her finger across her delicate face, revealing an inexplicable smile: "Now you are the most urgent military situation."

Feeling the aggressiveness of the man, Ren Yingying was taken aback: "You...are you going to be...here?" Although she came from the Demon Cult, to some extent, she is more beautiful than most beautiful ladies. But it happened that this shyness made Song Qingshu more interested.

"Why not?" Song Qingshu laughed, and directly lowered his head to kiss the delicate red lips. Ren Yingying was full of objections, but how could he stand up to such a sophisticated method, and he was soon picked up by him. So soft, he was bullied into the body in a daze...

I don’t know how long it took, Song Qingshu retreated from her body contentedly, looked at her sweaty, and suddenly felt a movement in her heart: "Your skin is ruddy now, and it’s not as pale as usual. Could it be my joy? Does Zen have a nourishing effect on you? It seems that we will get more intimate in the future."

The water in Ren Yingying's eyes flashed. At this time, she had lost half of her strength, so she could only give him a charming and feeble glance: "If this...this kind of thing can make up for the longevity, then the blood will burn. The law will not. It will become a taboo of the religion."

Song Qingshu gently tidyed up her messy dresses, and said complacently: "How can an average man compare to the essence of a great master of good fortune like me, naturally it's useless."

Hearing him talk more and more, Ren Yingying took a bite of shame, and hurriedly pressed his lips: "Don't say it!"

Song Qingshu knew her personality. On the one hand, she was graceful and generous, on the other hand, she was extremely shy, so she didn't stimulate her any more, but in her heart he secretly thought: The remarks just now seemed to be really effective, so I will irrigate more , Now that her cultivation base is close to the legendary land of immortals, full of the essence of spirit, maybe it can really make up for her loss of life.

The two of them were like glue in the handsome account all afternoon, but in the evening, an embarrassing thing happened, because on weekdays, whether it is Song Qingshu's identity or Daiqisi's identity, it is not visible, so they can't live with others. But in this barracks, there is no reason to prepare a separate tent for a soldier, so the two of them sleep in the same tent on weekdays.

But now that Ren Yingying arrived, Daiqisi was immediately caught in a dilemma. She didn't see her heart and was upset just now. She went out and wandered around for a while, but as the weather got late, she had to come back.

Because of her special identity, the guard outside the door did not stop her. When she came in, although she saw the two men chatting there neatly dressed, they smelled the ambiguous breath in the air, and then noticed Ren Yingying. With the flushing skin, how could she, as a person who passed by, didn't know what was going on.

"I don't have a place to go," Daiqisi felt a little embarrassed. "You continue, as long as I don't exist."

Ren Yingying is even more embarrassed, because no matter how you look at it, it is obviously Daiqisi's site, and she is a little bit suspicious of the magpie's nest: "I...I'll go out."

Song Qingshu grabbed her and laughed haha: "There is no reason why these two beauties are wronged. Please sleep on the bed and I will hit the floor."

It's not that he hasn't moved to the idea of ​​sleeping together, but he is more aware of Ren Yingying's arrogant temperament. She and Daiqisi are not familiar with each other. If she makes such a request again, she might turn her face on the spot. .

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