Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1664: Mysterious ship

Ren Yingying has always had a noble status, and was not used to sleeping with other people. However, seeing Daiqisi's stunning beauty, she couldn't treat her as a layman, and she didn't want to make it difficult for her lover, so she acquiesced in it.

Seeing that the decent wife didn’t say anything. Although Daiqisi was full of depression, she couldn’t say anything. She and Song Qingshu were more like master-servants than partners. She thought that she was controlled by him. In the end, Zhangkou didn't say anything, and also acquiesced in it.

Ren Yingying's body is much weaker than ever because of the sequelae of burning blood. He has been struggling to find a lover along the way. In addition, after being tossed by him all afternoon, she soon felt sleepy when she lay in bed. Jue fell asleep.

Daiqisi was not sure what to do. Seeing that she fell asleep so quickly, she was shocked and observed for a while, knowing that she was not pretending, she couldn't help but whispered to Song Qingshu who was laying on the floor not far away: " Your little wife seems to be a little weak."

Song Qingshu glanced at Ren Yingying with pity, and sighed sadly: "These are all sequelae of burning blood."

"Burning blood**?" Dai Qisi was taken aback, just like Ren Yingying knew about Mingjiao information. As a senior Mingjiao, she naturally knew the secrets of Sun Moon God Church. Burning blood ** was even more thrilling. She knows its power and its serious consequences even more.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and roughly recounted Ren Yingying's affairs. Dai Qisi was surprised and admired when she heard her. She was a woman, and she couldn't help but feel pity.

"Originally, I was a little dissatisfied with your behavior of seeing your friends and forgetting your sex. Now, in the face of Miss Ren, I don't care about you." Dai Qisi snorted softly to cover up the sadness of the upcoming separation.

"See Lulu forgotten your friends?" Song Qing wrote in a weird manner, "Who is Lulu and who is a friend?"

"Miss Ren is young and beautiful, of course she is lustful," Dai Qisi said grimly, "Don't you consider me a friend?"

Song Qingshu shook his head and saw that the other's willow eyebrows were erected, before he continued: "The Dragon King was recognized as the number one beauty in martial arts, and now even after so many years, his appearance can still be equal to Yingying. In terms of peak beauty, Yingying is not as good as you. "

Not to mention Ren Yingying, even if you count all the other women you know who can compete with the Purple Shirt Dragon King in appearance, there will probably not be more than three people.

Despite this, it did not affect Ren Yingying's position in his heart. It should be understood that the charm of a woman includes not only beauty, but also personal feelings. Although the Purple Shirt Dragon King has reached the pinnacle in beauty, other aspects are slightly different. A little weaker.

When she heard him personally say that Ren Yingying's appearance is not as good as her own, Dai Qisi couldn't help but jump for joy. Although she was tired of flattery admiring her beauty when she was young, it depends on who said the words of praise.

"Wearing so many top hats on me, isn't it because you want me to work hard for you here?" Dai Qisi kept her face deliberately, but she couldn't stop the smile between her eyebrows.

Song Qingshu's face suddenly changed, revealing an inexplicable look: "I'm about to part, and I don't know when I will see each other again. Do we want to have a kiss?"

A touch of red clouds spread from the snow face to her neck, and Dai Qisi sipped: "It really is a nasty child. You have just been with Miss Ren Hu Tianhu for so long, and you still have this kind of thought."

Listening to her tone, Song Qingshu quickly got up from the floor and squeezed her eyebrows over: "You don't know my body, Yingying is weak now, so why am I willing to toss her all the time?"

"My wife is reluctant to toss, and other people's wives don't feel distressed when they use it?" For some reason, Dai Qisi felt irritated, and her face that had been irritated with spring and emotion was instantly cold and frosty. "Don't bother me, or I will Miss Ren woke up."

Song Qingshu was startled, she didn't expect her to change her face when she said that she changed her face, but it was easy to tell from her expression that she had nothing to do tonight after getting along for so long, so she could only go back to her bed depressed, thinking that a woman is really the most fickle animal in the world. .

So after an awkward night, at dawn the next day, Song Qingshu quietly left the barracks with Ren Yingying. First, she was worried about Linghu's safety. Secondly, Ren Yingying was also a famous figure in the world. If she stayed in the barracks, It takes too long to be recognized by others, maybe someone who is interested will think of himself.

Daiqisi watched the two figures gradually disappear into the distance, and suddenly she was a little confused: Did I go too far last night?

But she suddenly reacted and couldn't help taking a sip: Obviously that **** was too much. She just finished having **** with other women, and her body was full of other women's scent. She wanted to touch me without washing it. My purple shirt dragon king again Not his plaything!

In fact, Dai Qisi didn't even realize that she, who used to be frosty and frightened by the people of the rivers and lakes, would one day be entangled like a little girl.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu and the other two left the barracks, Ren Yingying said apologetically: "It's all my fault, I'm delaying your business."

Song Qingshu smiled and took her soft hand: "Yingying, I have explained to you how many times. Although Sichuan is now turbulent, it represents a huge opportunity. I originally planned to go there."

"Song Lang, I know how you are good to me." When he held his hand, Ren Yingying's face was reddened, and her reserved temper made her subconsciously want to get it back, but when she thought there was no outsider, she lowered her head. Him.

Seeing her Xiaoniai's appearance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but recall the scene when she yelled and killed herself, and couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Ren Yingying asked in confusion when he noticed the sordid smile on the corner of his mouth.

Song Qingshu couldn't help telling her what she thought of, which caused Ren Yingying to give her a fist: "You are ashamed to say that when you first meet, you will get into someone's bath... you don't know why it is for this. How many times did I secretly cry at night."

"I was too abrupt at the beginning..." Song Qingshu evaded and told forgiveness, but he secretly thought in his heart that if there was another opportunity like this, he would probably still make the same choice. After all, she and Linghu Chong had already reached a certain level of relationship at that time. Now, if you don't find another way, I'm afraid you won't be able to make a ripple in her heart for life.

Ren Yingying thought of all the past, and was even more embarrassed. Every time he met him, he was bullied to death. At that time, she hated him so much, but the world is unpredictable, and she did not expect to become his wife... Now when I look back and look at everything before, there is a different kind of sweetness.

In this way, the two recalled how they did not meet each other and drove all the way south. Originally, Ren Yingying planned to ride a horse, but Song Qingshu was worried that she was now weak and could not withstand the bumps of the horses, so she decided to take a boat instead. Up the river, from the Three Gorges and Baidi City to Shu. Ren Yingying couldn't help him, so she had to let him go.

However, when the two came to the edge of the Yangtze River, they suddenly found a big problem. A man at the wharf told them that now the two countries are fighting, the Yangtze River has entered the highest alert state, and ordinary passenger ships and merchant ships are not allowed to pass.

"No merchant ships are allowed to pass, what's the matter with that ship?" Ren Yingying pointed to a huge merchant ship slowly approaching in the distance and asked——

I recently overturned some of the previously designed outlines and revised it again, and I feel more satisfied with the new plot (https:)

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