Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1670: Variety Witch

Seeing that nothing happened, Song Qingshu was completely relieved, and it was not convenient to stay here to eavesdrop on the conversation of the woman's house. He returned to the newly-changed room and began to practice the piano scores that Ren Yingying had taught him over the past two days. Indulge in it and forget the time.

Besides, Ren Yingying on the other side bid farewell to Madam Ruan and walked all the way back, but she didn't know whether it was due to negligence or deliberateness. No one on the boat told her Madam Ruan had sent someone to change their rooms.

She still returned to the original room, looking at the man with a sharp eyebrow and staring eyes, she couldn't help but smile: "Qing Shu, I'm back."

If Song Qingshu is here, he must exclaim, because at this time there is another self who is exactly the same in the room!

"You're back~" The fake Song Qingshu got up to greet her. Naturally, she was Mrs. Ruan who came to her. During this time, she didn't show up at all. After the two of them relaxed their vigilance, she began to implement her plan.

In recent years, the reason why she has been able to discover some of the most secret information under impossible circumstances is mainly because she knows how to disguise. Speaking of which, Azhu’s disguise was also taught by her, and the attainments in disguise can be imagined. And know.

This time, because of Wu Xi’s rebellion in Sichuan, Han Tong's current situation can be difficult. He sent a lot of spies to Sichuan to find out what was going on. Unfortunately, all of them have never returned. In desperation, he sent a secret weapon at the bottom of the box to make Ruan Ruan. The lady went out in person.

Over the years, Mrs. Ruan’s apparent identity is an imperial merchant, but in fact, she is the most confidential spy under Han Tong. She mainly provides financial support for him on weekdays, and she will go out to do spy work only in emergencies.

Although she is a part-time spy, she is better than any top spy. By virtue of her ability to change her face and her extraordinary wit, she can often find information that no one else can find. It can be said that she is the last trump card under Han Tong.

On this trip to Sichuan, she still appears to be an imperial merchant under the guise of doing business, but just recently received news that some people didn't want her to reach Sichuan smoothly, and someone would attack them on the way.

After Song Qingshu and Ren Yingying got on the ship, Mrs. Ruan realized that these two people were definitely not ordinary tourists, and subconsciously thought that they were enemy outposts, so she planned to use the plan to check the other party's deployment plan.

Even though Mrs. Ruan smiled, her heart was turbulent, because the name that the other party had just concealed too much information.

She knew that the man and woman on the ship had a problem. The name must be fake. Song Nianying and Qing'er are definitely aliases. That's why Li Daitao can see if she can get any useful information. .

The result was such a big surprise at the beginning. The two private names obviously won't be false, Qingshu... and then contact the previous pseudonym Song, is it the king of Qi Song Qingshu who has moved the world in recent years?

As for the young girl, Song Nianying...Ying... Could it be the saint eldest lady of the Sun Moon God Sect?

As a top ace spy, she can be said to be a treasure of many famous figures in the world. Not only is she aware of the marriage between Jinsheying and Heimuya, but also the secret alliance between Song Qingshu and Han Tongxuan.

But although she guessed the identity of the two, she didn't mean to relax at all. After all, during the Northern Expedition, the Golden Snake Camp did not attack the Golden Kingdom as agreed, making Han Cheng extremely passive.

Although the Golden Snake Camp has sufficient reasons to deal with the Manchu dynasty going south, this kind of excuse is similar to ordinary people. How can it be concealed from high-level insiders?

Because of Wu Xi's sudden rebellion, Han Dongxuan was already a frightened bird at this time. In addition, Jin Snake Camp had an ambiguous attitude before, and he really didn't know whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend.

Now Song Qingshu suddenly appeared here, and his destination was Sichuan. Mrs. Ruan even suspected that this Sichuan rebellion might be caused by him. After all, Linghu Chong’s love for Ren Yingying back then was something that passersby knew. Who knows if it will Did Song Qingshu use Ren Yingying's strategy to turn against Linghu Chong?

Although it is feasible for Linghu Chong to pretend to be Wu Tiande in a short period of time, how can it be concealed over time? Han Tong had handed over such an important task to him, so he naturally had to investigate all of it clearly, and soon learned the fact that he was Linghu Chong. However, at that time, it was a done deal. He finally won the military power in Sichuan. If it is a temporary replacement, it is difficult to guarantee that Sichuan will not fall under Jia Sidao. Therefore, he and the Wu family will be wrong, and he even made two-handed preparations to prevent future Dongshuang incidents. Using Linghu's identity as an orphan to make a fuss, fabricate that he was a descendant of the Wu family who had lost in the early years. Anyway, as long as the Wu family does not object, other people will not be wrong.

As the ace spy that Han Tong relied on most, Mrs. Ruan naturally knew that Wu Tiande was Linghu Chong.

With just two words, Mrs. Ruan not only guessed the identity of the two, but even thought of so much information, she deserves to be the most ace of spy.

"Qingshu, what's wrong with you?" Ren Yingying couldn't help but wonder if she saw the lover without answering herself.

"No...nothing," Madam Ruan came back to her senses, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Yingying, how do you feel about Madam Ruan when you get along these days?" She deliberately called out the word Yingying to test the other party's reaction.

As expected, Ren Yingying didn't notice anything. She sat next to her and smiled slightly: "Ms. Ruan is sometimes dignified and elegant, and sometimes naughty like a girl. I don't know how to describe her."

Realizing that she had guessed the identity of the two people, Mrs. Ruan was secretly proud: Hmph, don't you know that I am right in front of you now!

Ren Yingying thought about it while reorganizing her language: "Anyway, Mrs. Ruan should be a very good person. After contacting me these days, she only chatted with me about household affairs, and did not inquire about my identity."

Mrs. Ruan's heart shuddered. It seems that these two people are really wary of me, but on the surface they nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it seems that we have been worrying too much."

Ren Yingying glanced at her, pursed her lips and smiled: "You don't think that Mrs. Ruan is born beautiful, so you have a crooked mind."

Hearing her comment on herself like this, Madam Ruan couldn't help but blush. Fortunately, she couldn't tell when she was wearing a mask: "Where did you go, everyone is already married, and it is not good to be heard."

"What's the matter with a married man," Ren Yingying looked at him with a smile, "Don't think I don't know, aren't you the girlfriend and wife who love to **** people?"

Madam Ruan was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of the information in Song Qingshu in the intelligence library. He seemed to have a habit in this respect, and now even his own woman is also complaining.

Thinking of the fact that he was suspected of being unclear with some married women in the intelligence, Madam Ruan's heart jumped, and she secretly sipped him, cursing him half to death.

However, she reacted quickly, and joked directly along the topic: "Yeah, that's why I snatched you from Linghuchong." She deliberately brought the topic to Linghuchong, naturally, she wanted to follow Ren Yingying's reaction. See some clues.

Sure enough, Ren Yingying's face changed when she heard her say: "You really have always had a grudge against this matter!"

Mrs. Ruan frowned, listening to the other party's tone was simply jealous, not the information she wanted to know, she was about to change the way to lure her into a confession, suddenly there was a melodious piano sound from a distance.

"This is..."The Swordsman" song?" A trace of doubt flashed in Ren Yingying's eyes, "You are obviously here, why is the sound of the piano coming from the other side?"

Madam Ruan secretly cried out in her heart. She didn't expect to reveal the flaws so soon. She deliberately moved the real Song Qingshu away from here. Who knew he was playing the piano at this time!

"Maybe it's because there is some music on this boat, everyone, every day when we hear us practicing piano, I don't have a teacher." Madam Ruan explained and slowly leaned towards her.

"Really?" Ren Yingying was suspicious of Dasheng, but before he had time to react, suddenly her waist was numb and her acupuncture points had already been tapped. Now she still doesn't understand what's going on.

"Who are you!" Ren Yingying couldn't help being surprised and angry.

Madam Ruan smiled slightly, and while reaching out to touch her delicate face, she said: "What's wrong with you, Yingying, of course I am your prince."

"Bah!" Ren Yingying turned away, "Don't touch me!"

"You don't want me to touch me, I just want to touch it." Madam Ruan snorted, and then she behaved extremely frivolously. She couldn't help but slid her fingers across her cheeks and even faintly towards her neckline, "Miss Ren from the Sun Moon God Sect. Sure enough, I don’t know how many men in the world want to kiss Fangze, but it’s a pity that the lustful might of the Sun Moon God Sect can only think about it. I didn’t expect that I would have the opportunity to touch Miss Ren’s tenderness today. Body, ah..."

In order to achieve great success in Yirongshu, in addition to its own skills, acting skills are the most important thing. After all, you must always pretend to be other people. If you show a flaw, you will fall short. Mrs. Ruan is a master of this Taoist person. Now she pretends to be a beauty. The evil ghosts in the middle are simply vivid.

Madam Ruan deliberately pretended to be a flower picker, naturally not out of her own bad taste, but to completely scare Ren Yingying. After all, with her noble status, she might not be able to frighten her in other ways, so she can only start with chastity.

Feeling the finger of the other party sliding over her skin, Ren Yingying couldn't help but get a layer of goose bumps on her body. She was really frightened: "Qing Shu is still on the boat, he will be back soon, and you will be broken by then. The corpse is ten thousand pieces, I advise you to rein in the precipice, I can still let the blame go, or even if you escape to the ends of the world, you will die without a place to bury you."

After all, Ren Yingying is a well-informed Miss Shengjiao. Despite the fear in her heart, she is still calm enough on the surface to try to resolve the current crisis.

It's a pity that her opponent this time is the long-planned Mrs. Ruan. Hearing her words, Mrs. Ruan laughed: "Your lover is now in another room. He won't be back in a short period of time, and this time has passed. Enough for me to do anything to you."

While talking, she unfastened the button on Ren Yingying's collar, and the silk brocade inside was faintly visible.

Ren Yingying's breathing became sharp in an instant. She is a woman after all, and instinctively exclaimed: "Don't~"

Seeing her reaction, Madam Ruan immediately smiled with satisfaction: "Ms. Ren didn't know that shouting not in this situation would arouse men's greater desire to conquer?"

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