Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1671: Li Daitao

After all, Ren Yingying is Ren Yingying. After the gaffe, he quickly calmed down: "Let’s make a deal, what do you want, gold and silver treasures, magic weapons or magical secrets? As long as I can do it, I can give it to you. To know that with the current forces of the Sun Moon God Sect and the Golden Snake Camp, there are almost no things that can't be done."

Madam Ruan smiled: "Ms. Ren can't avoid the vulgarity. In my opinion, those vulgar objects can't be compared with the finger of Missy. Your moving body is the most perfect treasure in the world."

Hearing her words, Ren Yingying's cheeks flashed blush, and she didn't know whether it was shy or angry, and her voice became cold as ice: "Don't pretend, if you are really that kind of dirty flower picker, how can you say So much nonsense, long ago... long ago..." She couldn't express the following content, snorted and continued: "Go ahead, what on earth do you want to do?"

Madam Ruan glanced at her in surprise, and couldn't help but start applauding: "Sure enough, she is a saint of the Sun Moon God Sect. She is admirable for her courage and wit. In that case, I won't be nonsense. What is the purpose of this?"

Ren Yingying's brows frowned: "It's just to relax and have no purpose." She didn't know the origin of the other party, and didn't dare to disclose anything, because she was worried that it would affect the lover's great cause.

Mrs. Ruan snorted: "This is boring, I still pretend to be garlic." After speaking, she stretched out her hand and pulled away the clothes on Ren Yingying's chest, revealing the skin of Qishuang Saixue faintly.

Ren Yingying exclaimed, with shame and anger on her face: "You are dying!" As a demon sage, she is always in the presence of hands and feet. At this time, the murderous intent is full, and she is inexplicable. Deterrence.

She glared at her, Madam Ruan couldn't help but stepped back, but she quickly reacted and realized that she was actually frightened by her. She couldn't help but snorted: "You are just the meat on the chopping board now. Dare to play majestic here."

After speaking, he moved to her arms, but to her surprise, the other party's expression suddenly became very calm.

"Aren't you afraid?" Mrs. Ruan asked strangely. She asked herself to be in a different place. She might have been ashamed and indignant at this time.

"What's the big deal about being touched by Madam a few times," Ren Yingying said lightly. At first, she was really scared to the extreme. If something really happened, she would have any face to live in this world, but she is a very smart person after all. After the panic at the beginning, I recollected the whole thing carefully, and slowly came out of the doorway.

The most important thing is that the other party was able to dissolve to be exactly the same as Song Qingshu just now. You must know that Disguise is the housekeeping skill of Song Qingshu. He had discussed disguise with her in private at the beginning.

Although the disguise technique seems to be simple, many people in the rivers and lakes have one or two skills, but most of them can only change their appearance and pretend to be a different one. They can't change the person who wants to be.

Of course, there are still three and a half exceptions in this world, half of which is Murong Jingyue. He kills the target by vicious means. Skinning can easily become the opponent, but he is dead, and Ren Yingying does not believe that there are people in this world. Can kill Song Qingshu silently.

Among the other three people, Song Qingshu counted as one and Azhu counted as one, but Azhu is now in the Liao State Palace, so naturally it could not be her, then it could only be the remaining person, Ruan Xingzhu who taught Azhu's disfigurement!

Reminiscing about being on her ship now, conditionally and silently transferring Song Qingshu to Li Daitao stiff, who else could be besides her.

"Oh, it's really disappointing to be seen through by you." Madam Ruan didn't have any sophistry, and restored her original delicate voice.

Hearing the depression in her tone was completely like a tempestuous little girl, Ren Yingying couldn't help laughing, but thinking of her current situation, she soon couldn't laugh.

"Don't think that if you see through my identity, I can't do anything with you," Madam Ruan became a little annoyed. "You are not afraid of being touched by a woman, then I'll find a man. There are quite a few strong sailors on this boat."

Ren Yingying's face changed slightly, but she soon regained her composure: "During this period of time, I was with my wife every day, knowing that my wife is not that kind of person."

Madam Ruan snorted: "If you really understand me, you won't be restrained by me now."

Just about to say something, Pei'er's reminder voice came from outside the door: "The Young Master Song has already started asking why Miss Ren hasn't come back. It seems that I can't sit still."

Mrs. Ruan knew that any further delay would easily be discovered by Song Qingshu. Since there was nothing to gain from Ren Yingying, it seemed that she had to adopt a backup plan.

Taking off the mask, revealing her original appearance, Madam Ruan stretched out her hand and gently hooked Ren Yingying's chin: "Little girl, wait until I finish dealing with your lover and come back to play with you slowly."

Seeing that it was her, Ren Yingying finally landed on the big rock in her heart. He sneered after hearing the words: "You imprisoned me here. I see how you will explain to Song Lang later, you should know his martial arts, you are on this boat. The total number of people is no match for his hand."

"Yes, yes, knowing that your lover is powerful," Madam Ruan was not angry, "but who told you I was going to fight him?"

"?" Seeing her confident expression, Ren Yingying couldn't help but feel confused.

Mrs. Ruan naturally began to undress in front of her, revealing a graceful curve, which made Ren Yingying even more heartless: I heard Qingshu mentioned that there are women in their hometown who don’t like men, but they do. Woman, this Madam Ruan is not like that...

Especially when the other party started to take off her clothes, Ren Yingying was even more dumbfounded: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Don't be afraid, borrow your clothes for use." Madam Ruan also touched her crisp-chest, "Tsk tsk, the girl's body is really so beautiful."

Even though the other party is a woman, but she was stripped-naked by her, and was so "frivolous" by her, Ren Yingying was still annoyed: "You are dirty..."

Mrs. Ruan snorted: "If you scold me again, I will let you continue to be naked." But she just said so, and she still took a piece of clothing to put on her.

Before Ren Yingying could get angry, she saw her put on her clothes, and she couldn't help but startled: "You want to..."

After getting dressed, Mrs. Ruan broke up her hair bun and skillfully combed a hairstyle exactly the same as Ren Yingying. It seemed that she did not know how many times she had rehearsed in secret.

Next, Madam Ruan took out another mask and put it on her face, gradually becoming her look in Ren Yingying's shocked eyes.

"You..." Looking at the person who was exactly like him, Ren Yingying finally understood what she was going to do, and she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Madam Ruan smiled triumphantly: "No matter how high the martial arts surnamed Song is, she won't be able to attack her own woman." At this time, even her voice was exactly the same as Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying looked at him in a daze, but thought of the lover's ability, and gradually calmed down: "Song Lang has always been careful, you will definitely fail."

"Impossible." Madam Ruan is very confident in her skills. "My disguise has reached its peak. Except for looks, body odors can become exactly the same as the target, even the closest people can't tell it."

In the past few days, she has been inviting Ren Yingying to her every day in the name of chatting with the family. On the surface, she is chatting, but in fact she is observing her speech and behavior. In weekdays, some small details, even her breathing rate are detailed. The record is to be foolproof, which is why she has never been disadvantaged and has never been seen through since her debut.

Ren Yingying thought to herself that it's a pity that you don't know Song Lang but also an expert in this area, but speaking of this woman's disguise skills are indeed perfect, and she can't even tell herself and her face to face, can Song Lang really detect the abnormality.

"Lend me your little love man for a few days." Madam Ruan was almost dressed up, and blew a breath in her ear frivolously when she went out and passed by Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying was so uncomfortable with her heat that she couldn't help but snorted coldly: "You pretend to be me, and then I don't know who it is...who is it with." Thinking of the scene of the lover entangled herself every day during this period, The snow face gradually became blush.

As someone who came over, how could Mrs. Ruan not understand the meaning of "yong", and sipped: "Bah, this madam is here to listen for information, not to devote herself, you think it will be like you are not ashamed or irritable every day. To do that kind of thing."

"Ah~" Ren Yingying also exclaimed in embarrassment. In the past few days and Song Qingshu Yeye Shengge, although she deliberately suppressed, she still made some embarrassing noises. The eyes and ears of the caring people.

After Mrs. Ruan went out, she told the maid: "Take her to the secret room and hide her." After a few steps, she turned around and added: "Entertain her well, don't neglect her."

"Yes." Peer was surprised. Is Madam afraid of offending them, but she has offended them now, even though she has doubts in her heart, she still accepts it.

Let’s say that after Song Qingshu practiced the piano for a while, he suddenly felt a little bored. Calculating the time, Yingying should be back at this time on weekdays. Why is it so late today?

He decided to get up and go to Mrs. Ruan to find his wife. When he came there, he learned that Ren Yingying had already left. He couldn't help but frown, "Is it because I went to the wrong place and went back to the previous house? Or something happened..."

With worry in his heart, he walked as fast as he flew to the previous room, only to run halfway, just to hit his wife who was walking slowly.

"Yingying, you really are here." Seeing her safe and sound, Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief and excitedly went over and grabbed his wife's hand, "I thought you had an accident."

Mrs. Ruan was originally thinking about how she would not reveal any flaws after seeing him. She imagined many situations, but she didn't expect the other party to grab her hand and feel the oncoming masculine aura at close range. Her heart trembled. He hurried his mind, smiled and replied: "What can I do on this boat, I just forgot to change the room." As he said, he took his hand back without showing a trace.

Song Qingshu didn't take it seriously. Ren Yingying was always shy. It's normal for the public to be unwilling to be too close to him: "I thought it was Mrs. Ruan who was plotting against you."

Madam Ruan was secretly annoyed, but on the surface she pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Mrs. Ruan is gentle and kind, how bad is it that you think."

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