Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1672: Mrs. Ruan's backhand

Madam Ruan has superb acting skills, and she brags herself in front of others without revealing a trace of flaws.

Song Qingshu didn’t have a God’s perspective either, and of course he didn’t notice anything abnormal. He just joked: “Why, after chatting with others for a few days, I helped her speak? You praise her so well, so I’m not afraid of me treating her. What are you thinking about?"

"What do you think Grandpa Song really has for her, how can I stop it?" Madam Ruan said with a grudge on her face, but she was very angry in her heart. Hearing what he meant, she didn't know what she said. How do the two people arrange themselves in private.

Song Qingshu knew Yingying's usual temperament, and when she heard her say that, she was really annoyed. She secretly scolded herself for this silly problem, and she was really fine.

"Yingying, I'm joking with you," Song Qingshu decided to use rascal tricks and hugged her in his arms, lovingly, "The Madam Ruan is good, but how can she compare to you."

Mrs. Ruan was hugged by him suddenly, feeling his pair of Lushan claws walking on her body, she couldn't help but feel ashamed and annoyed: This **** was as lustful as the rumors. Seeing his anxious appearance, he doesn't usually do so. Know how to toss that charming Miss Ren.

During this period of time chatting with Ren Yingying, although the intention is bad, in daily communication, I really appreciate the talking temperament of Miss Ren, especially since she was seriously injured, there was a trace of paleness and weakness between her eyebrows, which made people involuntary. Pity...

"Bah, baah, what are you thinking about, now I am being taken advantage of by him..." Madam Ruan finally woke up after feeling that the other party's hands were going deeper into her dress.

As an ace spy, especially in the scene where beauty will inevitably appear when using the disguise technique, Mrs. Ruan has long been mentally prepared for this situation. Before, she was able to use clever arrangements and on-the-spot response to make the target imaginative but unable to account for herself. It’s cheap, but this time the goal is different. Song Qingshu’s martial arts skills are too high, and she can’t react to it when she wants to hug her. In addition, they are already glue-like couples on the boat. If they refuse any physical contact, it is easy to cause suspicion. .

Originally, she would not accept this kind of task that was destined to suffer, but this time she also knew that the situation was critical. The current situation of Han Tongzhi was so bad that it couldn't be worse. Is the so-called "skinless and hairy" going to be attached? That's why she decided to take the risk and find out whether the opponent had any connection with Sichuan Wu Xi's rebellion.

Of course, she was just going to let him take the siblings. Naturally, it was impossible for him to take advantage of it. When she noticed that the other party's hand was stretched to the lap of her clothes, Madam Ruan found a way to deal with it, holding it down. With his hand, he asked, "How is the piano practice today?"

She is not deaf. In the past few days, Song Qingshu has been practicing piano on the boat every day, so she asked about Ren Yingying, because it did not involve any secrets, and Ren Yingying did not hide it. She replied that her husband wanted to play with her. The flute ensemble, she kept her mind.

Hearing his wife's question, Song Qingshu said bitterly: "It should be okay."

Madam Ruan happened to have an excuse to escape from his clutches, so she would give up on this and hurriedly said: "Play it to me, let me see how you are doing today?"

Ren Yingying is a good and competent teacher. When he teaches Song Qingshu on weekdays, he never smiles with him when he should be strict. Seeing her serious face, Song Qingshu didn't dare to move any more, even though she was reluctant, she let go The beautiful woman in her arms sat down in front of the piano and began to play.

Mrs. Ruan nodded while listening, and from time to time she gave him some pointers to correct the small details of his fingering. As the most ace spy, these are basic skills such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and give him pointers such as Ren Yingying and Zhao Min. Experts may not be enough, but it is more than enough to give advice to Song Qingshu.

Because of the lessons learned by Ren Yingying before, Madam Ruan didn't dare to start to inquire as soon as she came, so as not to cause the other party to alert, she should get acquainted with him first, and then slowly look for opportunities.

Just like this, one played the piano and the other pointed, time passed quickly, and night slowly fell. Song Qingshu glanced at the sky, and then rushed to hug her again with some eagerness.

"I haven't had dinner yet~" Madam Ruan groaned, but she was secretly cursing in her heart. This person is really a little wolf dog who can't feed her. These days, Ren Yingying has been tossing every day until midnight, why is she still so tall now? desire? Is he beaten with iron?

The reason why she chose to do it today is that she is almost familiar with Ren Yingying, and she also heard that the two of them often tossed into the middle of the night a few days ago. It is estimated that after so many days, the iron man is probably exhausted. So pick a time when he is the most "weak", so that he will be much less dangerous.

It's hard to predict that people are not as good as heaven, and the other person's body is completely different from ordinary people!

"If that person has such a good body..." Madam Ruan had the appearance of a man in her mind, and she couldn't help but shook her heart. She secretly took a sip, what on earth was she thinking about!

Song Qingshu hugged her, kissed her ear, and said in a dry voice: "Eat you first, then dinner."

Mrs. Ruan's heart jumped when she heard it. She was used to being pampered. Although she was a bit naughty occasionally, most of the time she still had a graceful and decent posture. In addition, with her current status, other men had to be polite to her. Qi, even the titular husband in Sichuan is the same. Where did you experience such a passionate and hormonal pressing?

In addition, Song Qingshu was a handsome and handsome man no matter what, and his reputation as a world-famous person made her feel a little flustered in a trance.

But Mrs. Ruan is a mature woman after all, a spy trump card. She quickly dissipated the ripples in her heart cleanly, and hurriedly found a reason: "But I'm hungry..." The voice was very pitiful and contemplative. Touched his temples, as if he would faint at any time.

Song Qingshu patted his head: "Looking at my memory, I forgot that you are weak now, so you should make up more." hurriedly went out and ordered the servants on the ship to prepare meals. Although they were guests, they were generous in their actions, and they were the guests of the mistress. , So the people in the kitchen are very entertaining.

Soon the food was brought in, and Mrs. Ruan even picked up Ren Yingying’s favorite foods when she was picking up the dishes carefully. This information has been found out clearly when she talked about the housekeeping these days. Poor Ren Yingying. Knowing her plan, thinking that these are not secrets, she inadvertently revealed too many daily habits.

In fact, the strings in Mrs. Ruan's mind are still tight now. To know the influence of the famous tree of people, Song Qingshu's reputation in the arena is too good, and the dramas in the market describe him as a god, so she has always been the highest His level of preparation was in response, and even the breathing rate was exactly the same as Ren Yingying's, just because he was worried that he would hear a flaw in his breath in the face of a master like Song Qingshu.

Seeing that Song Qingshu hasn't found any abnormalities until now, Madam Ruan finally tried to tap some intelligence side by side: "By the way, Qingshu, when shall we stay with Madam Ruan?"

Song Qingshu thought for a while: "Your body can't stand the rush on the road. Since their boat enters Sichuan, we can go with them all the time. When we arrive at Yibin, we will go from the Yangtze River to the Minjiang River, and finally go directly to Chengdu."

"Sure enough, I went to Chengdu." Madam Ruan felt stunned. In fact, based on the information she had received so far, she had basically ruled out that the other party was directed at her. They should not be the same as those who secretly wanted to deal with them.

But she did not relax at all, because compared to the attack on the road, she suspected that the two men had a greater conspiracy, and it was also closely related to the rebellion of Wu Xi in Sichuan.

"Did we go to Linghu Chong directly after we arrived in Chengdu?" Madam Ruan carefully raised another question.

"Of course I went to him, don't you want to see him too?" Song Qingshu teased.

Mrs. Ruan's heart sighed, could it be that Ren Yingying was still disconnected from Linghu? But the intimacy between the two people cannot be faked, so why did they mention Linghuchong in such a tone? What is the relationship between the three?

"What do you mean by this?" Mrs. Ruan said with some displeasure when she let go of her chopsticks. She decided to take a gamble. She believed in women's instincts more. Judging from the relationship with Ren Yingying these days, she could see The happiness that pervades the other party’s eyes is the most unpretentious. Maybe she and Linghuchong have had some past events, but they are all in the past. Maybe Song Qingshu always has a root in this matter, so I can bear it. Don't stop mentioning old things.

Song Qingshu was startled, and said a little strangely: "Yingying, what happened to you today, don't I always joke with you like this on weekdays?"

Madam Ruan cried out badly. Did she guess wrong? The relationship between the three is so weird. Could it be that Song Qingshu asked Ren Yingying to use her beauty tricks, which caused Wu Xi to betray Han Xiang...

At this moment, she had already filled up several big dramas in her mind, enough to make several TV shows.

"It's nothing, maybe the body is a little uncomfortable, so I feel a little irritable." Madam Ruan touched her forehead subconsciously, pretending to be weak. She knew that the relationship between the three was too critical, and she didn't have enough intelligence analysis. , It is easy to show off his feet when he speaks and spies, so he decided to take a moment to slow down.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you? I'll get your pulse." Song Qingshu's concern was beyond words when she heard her unwell.

Mrs. Ruan hurriedly retracted her hand: "Nothing, it's okay after a rest." Although she can pretend to be exactly the same as Ren Yingying in her appearance, smell, sound and even breathing, she is not a **** after all, so how can she achieve the pulse inner breath? It's exactly the same. For a master like Song Qingshu, he might be able to detect anomalies in this aspect, so he is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, but it is better to be careful.

"It's safer to take a look." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "Last time you performed the Burning Blood Method, the sequelae were troublesome, and any discomfort should not be taken lightly."

"It turns out that the blood burning great law was used." Mrs. Ruan was secretly surprised. During this time of contact, she also saw that Ren Yingying's body is a little weak now, not like the majestic and majestic saint of the demon, but more like a weak and uncontrollable. Miss daughter.

"I don't know what is going to force her to use the blood-burning law?" As an ace spy, she certainly knows what the blood-burning law is, but it's not the time to be curious about these things. The most important thing is to Prevent the other party from coming to check their body.

"It's really not necessary, I just...it's just Tiankui here." Madam Ruan said as she was shy of a girl, she didn't know how her mask was made, and even a charming blush appeared on her face .

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